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pCloud LINK: https://u.pcloud.link/publink/show?code=XZD5u5XZuPSbHKrCth8tccIoXClB8jDwmPOk




The cot is just a red herring, they focus the camera on it just to make you think they're looking at the words on the cot when they're actually looking at the words on the leaf. It's a bit of a sloppy misdirect to keep the surprise, but it's still a fun reveal anyway. The Sontaran, Silurian, and the Victorian woman are all new characters, but they're sort of introduced as if they're characters who have a history with the Doctor. I think it's a cool idea, makes the Doctor's history feel bigger and expansive. For next week, I highly recommend reacting to the "Let's Kill Hitler prequel" mini episode that they have before the actual episode.

Henry from CO

"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many". The Doctor being menacing. Chilling .....

Adam C Turek

In the last season finale you wondered why River was at Amy and Rory's wedding, this will now give you a little more context. I think them tricking the Doctor a second time was an escape plan incase the army failed, which the eye patch lady had a feeling would happen. There's a rumour that Captain Jack Harkness was supposed to show up to fight along side the Doctor and possibly lose his head to the Monks... and thus become the early stages of the Face of Bo (assuming he really is the Face of Bo.)

Vanessa J McNamara

This line is absolutely one of my favourites from all of Who. Madame Kavorian intimates the Doctor is a ‘good man.’ When The Doctor replies that a good man doesn’t need rules, what does that mean? That a good man doesn’t need rules because he doesn’t need to keep himself in check. And when the Doctor says he has many, does the Doctor think he’s not a good man, and/or is he telling her that a Time Lord has to have rules, because they can be powerful and dangerous to humans or other species as well? Did he run away from Gallifrey because that’s not what he wanted to be? So much there in just a couple lines. He doesn’t understand why anyone would think of him as a weapon. Terrence Dicks describes The Doctor as having a “great appetite for knowledge and adventure” often a formidable character with a “brilliant mind” and forceful personality. At his core, he is “impulsive, idealistic, ready to risk his life for a worthy cause. He still hates tyranny and oppression, and anything that is anti-life. He never gives in and he never gives up, however overwhelming the odds against him. The Doctor believes in good and fights evil. Though often caught up in violent situations, he is a man of peace. In fact, to put it simply, the Doctor is a hero. These days, there aren’t so many of them around...” I would say the Doctor doesn’t think of himself as a hero, and that’s why he is one. Wow, sorry for the long winded response. I’m having an emotional day, and the Doctor always makes me feel better.

Ian Smith

Once again,I really enjoyed your review. This episode is all about the surprise ending - which is terrific,and really shows how Moffat was thinking long-term. All the rest,though,is just sound and fury and no proper plot. To me it's little more than loud padding,to keep us waiting for the Big Reveal.


By far my favorite episode. Its not that doctor has done anything "wrong" but that they "fear" what he is capable of. Obviously there is more to the story as this was just mid season but they just have fear of what if the doctor decided to so this. and them just thinking of the worse. River wasn't born a time lord exactly when they are talking about her DNA they say her being conceived on the tardis while it was traveling through time gave them a good "start" so they were basically experimenting on her to copy a time lords DNA. They think the best way to fight the Doctor was to create someone like him.


There's a minisode, "The Battle of Demon's Run - Two Days Later", that you should see.

Dani C

Cool reaction :) I think something to perhaps bear in mind is that when we watch the show we are seeing things from the Doctor and his companions' perspectives - we see the stuff that is going on behind the scenes (some of anyway) of the Doctor's plans. From the perspective of the enemy, the sequence of events is more likely, a lot of the time to play out as The Doctor arrives, makes some sarcy comments and waves his screwdriver about and then somehow events just fold themselves around his wishes - their plans fall to dust and a large chunk of their invasion fleet gets disintegrated (often not directly at the hands of the Doctior).

Dani C

To add to that, we have actually seen the Doctor slaughter swathes of his enemies within the series thus far, usually whatever newly resurrected empire the Daleks have cooked up - and would have killed all the Sontaran fleet in S4 had he not been prevented by the young tech genius changing places with him at the last minute. Even if he isnt the one to set the explosives, or trigger the bomb - we have seen examples of enemies being destroyed by their own weapons, or defeated by newly inspired humans acting in the Doctor's name (like Davros said, he takes ordinary people and fashions them into weapons) - all underscored by the central fact of modern Who, that the Doctor fought in the Time War and ended it by wiping out both sides.

Dani C

Final thought: What we see is the Doctor trying to be a good man - living by a code not to kill and utilising as many non-lethal methods as he can to get the job done. That isn't what his enemies see - and it isn't what gets written in the stories people tell of him.


basically rory amy and tardis had threesome

Anna Hunt

I love this episode! They didn't bring the doctor though, they brought Amy there when she was pregnant so they could get the baby right away. She had just had the baby, they weren't waiting around for him. Madame Kovarian wanted to make him suffer, but everything she did was just to get the baby. They did the whole fake flesh thing with the baby to make sure they could get away before they discovered it wasn't real