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Torchwood 1x3 full.mp4


David Murray

With all that praise I embarrassingly snicker knowing you will have to watch the next episode.

David Murray

Luckily we have an arbiter, we will lay put the weight of judgement in OTHER BOY'S objective hands. (It has pros I am hanging on to till time) I usually skip up to THEY KEEP KILLING. So this will be a fresh look.

2Dudes 2Dogs

I know we all go through things & the world doesn’t revolve around Patreon and that you may have better things to do. I love your reactions. I’m going to have to unpledge, the work ethic just isn’t there right now.

2Dudes 2Dogs

I was trying to give an explanation to why I was unpledging. Now I’m kind of glad because you don’t seem very nice.


You gave no explanation. If you’re upset that there hasn’t been a lot of Torchwood that’s because this show is part of the Pilot Tier which means a patron paid for 2 episodes a month. This is not part of my regular schedule as I’ve said in the first Torchwood reaction.🤷🏽‍♂️

2Dudes 2Dogs

No, there isn’t like a message board to talk to you directly. I messaged where I figured you be watching. Also, it’s more so that the reactions have a schedule but you don’t necessarily stick to it. Which is fine if you post saying sorry it’ll be up when it’s up. As I said before, I enjoy watching your content. Also, I only came for the Vampire Tier but pledged for everything to support. Wasn’t trying to be an Ass.


Ok well if you’re talking about The Vampire Diaries then I’ve posted 6 episodes this month so that’s 2 more than most reactors. Most reactors are posting an episode a week of each show which is what I do because I’m watching several other shows besides the ones you are interested in. The ones who are posting more than that are only watching a couple shows so they have time to do that. I am watching 5 regular shows plus shows that people have paid extra for. I don’t have a specific day that shows come out on and I never have. If this isn’t satisfactory for you I’m sorry, but I have to watch shows for many people not just one.

2Dudes 2Dogs

Please don’t paint me out to be a jerk, obviously I’m new here and don’t know exactly what the schedule is and didn’t know that there wasn’t one and AGAIN. I pledged for everything because you are watching show(S) Plural that I enjoy. Not just one or just for me, Like Veronica Mars. Now, I Have a problem. It’s always funny to see people try to twist a situation. Because now apparently because it’s not all about me I’m mad right? Wrong, people pledge because they enjoy your reactions maybe organize your work a little for everyone to know what’s going on.

2Dudes 2Dogs

Tell you what, I made the mistake of being interested. It’s not your fault it’s mine. I’ll rectify the issue.


As I’ve said I don’t have a specific schedule because that is what works for me. I do the best that I can, but again if this doesn’t work for you I totally understand.


That was such a good moment for her. I love that the creators liked her enough to cast her in this role even though she had such a small role on Doctor Who.