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Dr Who 4x0 full.mp4



The good news is, this is very arguably the worst of the specials and probably ranks very low overall. From it we step into probably one of the best series as a whole.

Mark Ward

Wow... not a favourite of mine but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone hate it quite that much...! 😂 I am going to strike an argument in response to your comments about the minorities.. so this episode was supposed to be a pastiche of The Poseidon Adventure which meant most of the cast needed to die. Therefore almost everyone was going to die regardless of gender, size, race etc. But the point is that it’s a good thing that in a cast of 7 or 8 main speaking parts they had a black man, overweight actors, a little person actor, a gay actor (who didn’t die incidentally!), etc. And if the shit white straight man hadn’t been the person to survive at the end then it would have taken away from that line about choosing who lives and who dies - which is (as you pointed out) a really important line (not just for this episode but for a number of episodes to come). I get your sensitivity to it - I am too, you’ll probably have noticed in my Buffy reactions - but I think in this case we should really be celebrating the diversity that the cast had anyway. But like you said, not the best episode - I’m fascinated to know what you’ll think of Season 4, in many people’s top seasons.


Yeah it’s hard for me to celebrate diversity when the diverse characters are killed off. That kind of cancels everything out. And Russell Tovey may be gay in real life but I doubt he was playing a gay character. But anyway on to the next😩

Adam C Turek

The in Memory of at the end was to Verity Lambert, the first female Producer at the BBC and was there from the very beginning when Doctor Who first started back in 1963.


Mark Ward We’ll just have to agree to disagree because no I wouldn’t have called the four white male survivors minorities🤷🏽‍♂️

Mark Ward

You literally called the old guy a minority in your comments. And the point is that the annoying white straight guy lives so that they could give you the line that you said was your favourite in the episode... (and like I said a really important like in the context of the show so I’m glad you picked up on it). Anyway. Yeah moving on...! :) x