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That there is the fifth Doctor played by Peter Davison. Who just so happens to be David Tennant's father in law now. The show started in the 1960's

Mark Ward

You are so perceptive sometimes! That like ‘you were MY doctor’ WAS a nod to the fact that Davison was the doctor that Tennant remembers growing up. Most ‘older’ people have a doctor that was ‘their doctor’, that they associate as their original doctor (for example mine is the 7th doctor as I am a bit younger than David Tennant... ;-) )


I remember seeing some episodes from the 6th and 7th growing up.

Lloyd B

You are spot on about this being a love letter to the classic series, and in a way acknowledging the history of the show. Peter Davison was the 5th Doctor in the early 1980s, and at the time was the youngest actor to take on the role (he was 29, I think). Myself, I'm old enough to remember the end of the 2nd Doctor's run (late 1960s) - just. I really took notice from the 3rd Doctor (John Pertwee), and then the 4th (the wonderful Tom Baker), who had the longest run through most of the 70s. There is a bit of a tradition in Classic Who of the Doctor occasionally bumping into his former self, and this little skit honours that. It was recorded for a children's charity in the U.K.- also something of a tradition for shows like Doctor Who.


You might have missed this amid their banter, but when the Fifth Doctor asked the current Doctor if their archenemy the Master still sported that “rubbish beard,” Ten quipped: “No beard this time. Well, a wife.” He was throwing shade. I was in the mood this morning for some silly Doctor Who. Thanks, Other Boy, for coming to my rescue.

Ian Smith

The fifth Doctor,as has been said,is Tenants father-in-law;but there's an even more bizarre connection - which is a spoiler,so I can't say any more (just yet)