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Doctor Who 14x1 “Space Babies” FULL REACTION

  • Masterpiece 😍(9-10) 0
  • Loved It 🥰(7-8) 2
  • Liked It 😄(5-6) 1
  • Just Ok 😩(3-4) 2
  • Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2) 2
  • 2024-05-11
  • 7 votes
{'title': 'Doctor Who 14x1 “Space Babies” FULL REACTION ', 'choices': [{'text': 'Masterpiece 😍(9-10)', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Loved It 🥰(7-8)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Liked It 😄(5-6)', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Just Ok 😩(3-4)', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Piece of Shit 🤬💩(0-2)', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 11, 20, 26, 6, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 7}



Streamable LINK:https://streamable.com/d1m8re

Google Drive LINK:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JWfbL2kS9V9fkwDlBrv5TkzxePkrj4jw/view?usp=drivesdk



Somehow I just knew you would end up hating this episode! Lmao!😂 When I first read the episode title, I knew this episode was going to be bizarre and wacky. As soon as the talking babies showed up, I knew we were in for a wild ride and boy was I right! That's classic RTD for you. Surprisingly though, I actually enjoyed this episode way more than I thought I would. The Doctor and Ruby comforting the grown talking babies was actually wholesome and I love the whole connection with the babies being abandoned, which The Doctor and Ruby can both relate to and then used that was a way to comfort them. I really like that they're continuing the theme of lost foundlings/ timeless children being bound with one another. It's like The Doctor said to Ruby, "What is it with you and babies". 😄 Nice continuing thread from the Christmas special. They're definitely setting something up with this. I was really intrigued with the memory of the church at Ruby Road bleeding through reality with the snow. That's definitely new and exciting. Even the hooded figure pointing had me excited because they never did that in the Christmas special. The Bogeyman chase scenes also gave me Alien vibes with the camera shots and close ups which I really liked. The visuals of both of these moments were great. I also think they did a good job with The Doctor giving Ruby more exposition on his life. I like how Ncuti's Doctor is more honest and open with his feelings. I managed to catch the abortion/political metaphor when Ruby asked Nan-ee about the babies not being cared for after birth. There was a bit of shine on the refugee subject too which I liked although I wish they delved into that a bit more. Weirdly though, some of the abortion stuff actually went over my head when it came to the ending. I was originally confused to why we were suddenly saving the Bogeyman? I didn't understand why they were trying to save it after it chased them until I later realised the Bogeyman also counts as a child because of the machine creating them as part of the story like the babies. So now I sort of get it. However.... My issue with this however is that, won't the bogeyman still be a threat to them even though it counts as a child? Like I feel like they glossed over that. I had to rewatch just to see if I missed anything but I feel like it wasn't addressed. I'm guessing it's still going to stay seperate from them on the lower floor? Because won't it still attack? That's why my issue with the episode is only with the ending. It felt a bit rushed and unclear. But aside from the conflicting ending, I mostly enjoyed the episode. It was definitely fun to say the least. I really like Ncuti as The Doctor so far. He's doing a great job. Regarding Ruby though, I do like her so far but I agree with you about her reactions still feeling a bit off. Remember when I mentioned how off her reactions to the goblins were in the Christmas special? The same definitely applies to the opening with the dinosaurs. I feel like she's adapting almost too quickly and I feel like The Doctor also gave her the key way too quickly. I was expecting that for like maybe the fourth or fifth episode and not her first Tardis adventure. Feels a bit too fast. But I think she's still likeable so far. I like how she comforted Eric and gave him confidence to the point where he got inspired to go after the Bogeyman. And her even trying to save Eric was nice too. But I am still wary as her character is also a mystery box similar to how Clara was. She very much feels like RTD's version of Clara but I already find her more likeable than Clara. I just hope we delve into her a bit more. But I might actually give them the benefit of doubt and assume that there's a reason for why Ruby is taking everything in stride since there's still an air of mystery to her regarding her origin and birth mother so her reactions could end up making sense if they actually address this later on. At least I hope they do. But so far, she has good chemistry with The Doctor and I like Millie's acting but I do hope there's more to elevate Ruby's character beyond the mystery of her origin. I feel like Rose, Martha and Donna were perfectly rounded and established well in their first few episodes as the first 3 RTD companions in Series 1-4. So hopefully Ruby will make a similar transition too.

Toby Harmon

I can't even defend this episode. RTD is given way too much creative freedom.