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Patrons here is your version of the post.

Hello everyone here we are again.

This time we gonna talk about a lot of stuff: some good news and other things that maybe you won’t like.

So, let’s start:

A Note About Public Posts

Lately, there’s been some people asking when there will be public development reports. Well, as everyone can see on the rewards section, the access to activity feed is a privilege for Patrons even if we put some of them open for the public. This is one of the reasons but there are more to not put public posts:

  • As I said above, activity feed is a privilege for Patrons even more during long periods without releases.
  • Patreon and his rules don’t’ like public posts from NSFW creators too much.
  • Time… Yes, creating 2 post versions everytime takes time and we don’t have too much lately.
  • We also want to avoid spam on the comments… you know, those creators that appears from time to time leaving super useful comments like: ‘thanks’ or ‘good job’ even when you’re talking about bad news :P

There will be public posts when necessary and maybe from time to time.

Poll Results

Hey! Do you remember those polls we made a few weeks ago? Here are the results:

-So, Which Project Would You Be Willing to Give Support? (the public poll)

  • Bioasshard – 95%
  • Punished Mai – 3%
  • Other Project – 2%
  • Not interested in supporting anyone – 1%
  • Omnia In Unum – 0%
  • Not interested in supporting Versus X Studio – 0%

-Which Project Are You More Interested In? (the private poll)

  • Bioasshard – 96%
  • More Punished Mai – 2%
  • Omnia In Unum – 2%

As expected, Bioasshard won both polls with an impressive difference. This was expected but as I said on the posts of the polls: “I think that I know which project will win but we need some unbiased data.”

We wanted those ‘unbiased data’ for something…

Patreon (and VXS) Changes

And this is that ‘something’:

From now on Versus X Studio will be only focused on creating Horror (and NSFW, of course) projects (like Bioasshard and Punished Mai).

This decision is not by any means something decided in a rush. We’ve been meditating and debating internally for quite some time now (more than a couple weeks before we started with the polls).

This means that the rest of the projects won’t belong to VSX anymore.

This is a tough decision to take, but our financial situation forces us to do this.

To take this decision, also helped, that the front page was so bloated with so many projects that we think, it was scaring new people.

The other projects, the RPGs (Omnia in Unum, RTP and Chains of Destiny), will be part of a new ‘thing’ we called:


Right now, WaifuStream is no more than just a Tumblr blog with some sexy fanart from RPGs but in a future, it will be the home for the previously mentioned RPGs and later it will have its own Patreon with its own rules and way to work.

The idea is to get another source of income. I, personally, don’t like too much the ‘multi-Patreon’ idea but due to the actual situation, we’re forced to experiment new ‘ideas’ like that.

We can’t live from thin air or kind words like ‘this is the game of my dreams’, sorry if this sounds rude but this is the real situation we are in. We’re working +20 time more on Bioasshard than on Punished Mai but despite the ‘success’ of Bioasshard the income barely duplicates what we have during the PM development.

Also, we’re seeing like our other projects are underrated or simply ignored because everybody here only wants Bioasshard.

According with these new changes, we’ve updated the Patreon main page(look at this amazing new header <3), the FAQ, the project list and the rewards. For now, all that’s left to be changed is the Discord. That will be made soon.

A Little Bit of Punished Mai

I’m really glad to see some people voted for PM on the polls ^^

And I want to remember that PM is still alive, right now I’m working to finish the walkthrough before to move on The Untold Days project.

By the way, lately I’m thinking to switch The Untold Days from a comic to a Kinetic novel, like the Case of T.

And not only that… there are more PM projects on the horizon.

Bioasshard Development Report

Let’s go with the King of the polls :P

We’ve made some progress during this couple of weeks:

  • Icons

I have finished with the icons for the regular items (weapons, ammo, health, money…) there are 32 icons in total.

[Preview only for Patrons]

  • New Area

I’m working daily on this polishing the exterior and adding a new zone.

[Preview only for Patrons]

There are no materials on it. This is cause, right now, I’m on the blocking phase, working with basic shapes.

As you can see this new zone is an interior, some kind of abandoned mansionnot too big but it will give some variety to the area.

  • Jill 2.0

Meguido is back…

How is Jill, Meg-sama?

Hey everyone!
Well I have to talk a little bit about the latest progress on my end. The creation of the so-called Jill 2.0.
After so many weeks working on her, I’ve realized a few things:
-I’m not a modeler, neither a rigger nor an animator. I’ve been hitting walls all the f*cking time because I don’t know what’s the best approach for this kind of tasks.
-I want to totally destroy this damn shit PC. I really want to. It’s pissing me off with every little thing I want to make. At first it was only with UE4, but now it’s with everything. This caused me to ended up loosing all my “progress” (to call it something) on the new Jill…
-I had some backups but all of them had corrective shapes made for the body in them. This shouldn’t be anything bad but, as I mentioned before, I don’t know a sh*t about this stuff, so I screwed the main mesh up and didn’t realize when or how until I had all the CSs done…
-I really wanted to make a character a lot smoother with better deformations… but wanting/wishing are not the same as being able to.
So, after loosing Jill 2.0, had to restart it from scratch with a lot simpler setup but still better than the Jill in the public versions of the Arena (or so I think lol).
And I’m proud to introduce you the new Jill (no more numbers):

[Preview only for Patrons]

(These are concept pictures taken directly from UE4, where you can see her new look and some new animations; or rather poses of them xD)
Do you like the new hair? A lot of you requested it :D
So right now, the model still has a lot of the problems of the first one, with the cloth clipping and some horrible deformations. I’m trying to fix them but I’m getting nervous about it. I want to make the game! Not fix stuff where I’m not any good at… Still I’ll try my best.
This approach I ended up taking for the new Jill is what will be done for every character. As long as I have to make them, that’s all I can get.
So, you want better models? Yeah, me too. But I’m not good at this and not going to learn or get better not while I have so much to still learn on programming which is what I like (yeah, it’s sad I prefer programing over art :P). This means that the only way to get better models/rigs/animations is to commission them or hire a 3d artist. But that it’s in no way possible with the funds right now. So, there’s no other way: you want better models/rigs/anims? Support us and spread the word so we can get a lot more support, otherwise this is the best you’ll ever get from me (yeah, I don’t think someday I’ll wake up being a pro at it xD).
This said, I’ll let you know that right now I’m working on multiple tasks at the same time: making what I can with the fixing on errors on the new Jill model, working on new enemies and of course on new animations.
Thank you for your patience and support!

Midnight Assault Progress Report (in collaboration with KouenWorks)

The project goes smoothly.

We’ve finished the post-process phase and started with the text (the final stage).

Take a look at the first page:

[Preview only for Patrons]

We hope to finish it soon but I can’t give any date yet.

Hasta la vista ^^

Regards <3



So when is the next update play possible?


So after Arena there will be a 'official' game? Using asset from Arena and new ones too or something? Will the controls be worked on? Because KB+M is a little iffy. Also this means you're focused on Bio now instead of several projects which means quicker updates and progress?


There is no estimated release date yet. There's a lot we want to add to the next version, that's why it's taking its time.


Exactly. That's why we're making the Arena in the first place. To debug every aspect of the game. So when the Arena is done, the game should progress a lot smoother with no big deals. About the next question, please avoid those words here on the comments, we want to avoid Patreon's radar as mas as possible (discord is a better place to talk about that :)). Also I don't know if patreon allows the message editing but if it does, please edit that question replacing it totally or some letters with *, thanks. About the controls, we'll probably end up adding a configuration screen for the player to select the inputs they want. Well yeah, right now we're focused on Bio but with Meg's PC's problems I wouldn't go as far as saying that means quicker updates and progress... unfortunately :S


So could we expect a new update this month or will it be next?


We don't talk about release dates, sorry... more info on this on Bioasshard FAQ: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/bioasshard-faq-v-20756389">https://www.patreon.com/posts/bioasshard-faq-v-20756389</a> In any case, thanks for your interest ^^