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Video below only shows aquick glimpse of the coding thats gone into the slot based inventory system.



So, ive been working on the slot based inventory part, that lets you store items. To make the system feel good, ive based the click events on world of warcraft, even though the ui isnt as much. (ui is work in progress. Ive bought a nice little premade pack of buttons/ borders etc, that I am testing out, including a pack of icons that ill be using.)

Anyhow, here is a summary of the additions so far

- Stackable and non stackable items.

- right clicking on an item, when a storage chest/wardrobe is open, will move the item from one inventory to the next ones first available slot.

- drag and drop events that let you drag an item on an already existing stack of items, or on an empty slot. (if you drag ex a non stackable dildo on top of another dildo of the same type, the code will auto add the dildo to a new slot. Same goes if you try to stack 2 items that cant stack)

- selectable slots, with a little widget at the bottom that shows the name, wether it is a key, and the description. (this part of the ui is not done though, as I will likely be adding more buttons down there.)

- resizable inventory sizes for the player and storage chests.

- icons that ive bought, and ui elements ive bought so I can start making the ui look a bit prettier. (im also planning on buying some custom ui parts though, so nothing is set in stone yet)

- fonts have been installed, for better looking text.

-  text in a lot of ui elements now glow up when hovered, and un hovered.

Last but not least! Ive done a few more things, but theyre minor features across the item and chest codes, so not noting these down. For now, the inventory system is missing a few features to feel more complete, like 

- being able to split item stacks quantitys. ex: remove 1 item from a stack.

- being able to delete items.

- being able to inspect items laying inside a slot/inventory.

- being able to choose to physically hold an item that is already inside the inventory.

- hiding items that are put into the inventory, like the dildo shown in the video.(There will likely be a button for this, and I might do a little ''Z'' keybind like in wow  when you wield/un wield your weapons :D)

- Consume items in an inventory

theres probably some more features I forgot, but at least once I have these in, im very close to a fully functional inventory system. For this specific game though, ill likely only have 1 slot active as the ''player inventory'', but we'll see. Either way its very easy for me to change within my code, as ive made it a single variable :D



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Wow, there is so much to go over and work on. You're taking such care. It's going to look so amazing in the end!
