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Before going on my long rant I just want to say, happy holidays all, and seriously thank you for the continued support! In a few days ill take a little break from coding again, and get started on my second commision animation. Ill also get a swap poll up and running, where you guys choose the pose and races you want featured :D 

I have had a few people ask for an eta on when ill do beta testing for my game, and I was hoping it would be late january to mid february. I cant say for sure thatll still be a thing, as im still working on the base systems, but I am still crossing my fingers that ill be able to do a little beta test sometime february or march. 

Rant -

Sadly there is not much to show visually yet, but im halfway through the storage/ chest / wardrobe inventory coding. (the inventorys look very very unfinished as can be seen in the video, but the slots are working, and adding items is working, including stacking items etc.

I spent a few days doing a lot of testing to see how I wanted to do my own storage/ item handling, and although I am semi married to the idea of only being able to hold 1 item at a time in this game(especially as the game map is so small) I have realiced that if I make a bigger game next time with a much bigger map, then only being able to have 1 item is going to be irritating, especially if you have to go over half the map to store the item in a chest. Items will not dissapear from where they are laying in the world, but I get that if a player had 5 keys, and found a chest, instead of walking around half the map to find the keys and try them on the chest, the player can instead go to their storage chest and test the keys on the chest there.

Im also toying with the idea of extra instanced chests as storage points, which means once you store an item into one, the other chests also know that its stored, same goes if you take out an item. This would mostly only be used if I actually make a big game map though, otherwise the regular chests would suffice.

Anyhow, The hardest part of this has really been to just know how I want this all to work. I wanted a very visual system, but adding that to anything that stores multiple items, can be a pain in the ass for the player, due to overlapping etc. I have been looking at a lot of games, and ended up with a regular slot based system in the end. For the player inventory, I have now made it so that I can change the inventory size with a variable, which means I can limit it to 1 slot for the player inventory in this game, and open it up in later games. It does feel silly to see a nude character have a ton of dildos on them, but it also feels bad to have to walk 5 miles to store  or use those dildos, so like with my item system, im trying to make this as open / editable and flexible as possible. 



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I know I don't speak for everyone, but if it comes down to it, I support you working on the game full time and cutting out monthly animations. But please do whatever you enjoy doing most. Great work


^ agreed!