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I jinxed myself when i said I had gotten far on the item system. I mean, technically I had gotten far on features, but I hadnt gotten to the hard part yet apparently lol.

So, ive cleaned up the item system a lot, again.. lol. Above video shows how the item system currently looks. 

I now mostly just need to script bigger containers like huge chests/wardrobes, and containers that hold randomized items. (Ex: Bookshelf with random books to inspect, or pile of letters, with random letters/pictures to inspect etc) For the randomized containers, itll be much easier luckily, as ill just make a button that says, something like ''search for something interesting'' and then the code will either spit out nothing, or spit out an item from said container. This will be more so used for completionists, who want to look for easter eggs :D (I will add an achievment system later on that tracks how many easter eggs you have found.)

After that, I think ill call myself  done with the item system for now and move on to my next endeavour :p

Feature updates:

- Actual keys are now consumed, and permanently unlock unlockable items. Aka: Key unlocking door, will consume the key, and keep the door permanently unlocked.

- The item class ive coded is already usable as keys to unlock interactable options on furniture, but ive also now coded in that an item can unlock another item. So if the player has a key, and a small chest, in inspection mode, they can now open that chest, and inspect its contents, or take items out of it when possible. I am also able to spawn any/all of my item classes inside achest, without any weird bugs, as ive done thorough testing on more complex item types.

- In the key system, ive over hauled it a bit, and made a storing feature for permanently unlocked features, like ''You can now smex on this chair'' Each chair/item when interacted with will go through a quick process to check if keys can be used on it, then it checks if the player holds a key, and if the player doesnt hold a key itll check if the player has unlocked a permenant key in their key log etc, which is smoothly integrated within the interaction system. This was a real mess to get working initially, but ive cleaned up the code now and everything is working very nicely.

- As per my key and item system, a dildo can be used to unlock extra options on forexample a bed. ''play with toy'' or ''put down on bed''. If the player put the toy on the bed, the ''key'' that the dildo is, is technically no longer held by the player, and therefore they would no longer get the option to play with the toy. Ive however now added a way for furniture to know wether an item is attached to it or not, and made it so that the use function of the item/key is unlocked as long as the item remains on the bed/furniture.



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Very interesting! Although it's all abracadabra to me, it seems you enjoy the project. Good for you! :D


This is so cool!


Woah much more in-depth than I'd expected. Epic!