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Boring inventory updates are hopefully soon over within the next few days <:D  I have a few different inventory types in this game, hence why its taken so long. Currently I have the chest storage slot inventorys, the player slot inventory that needs to talk to all my inventorys, small item/ chest inventorys that have physical items inside them, and world of warcraft type slot inventorys incase I want an item to have a simpler inventory system. (Ex, item with lots of items inside it, like a stack of letters... Those are better off having a slot inventory <:D) 

The inventory system has taken a lot longer to code then I had hoped for, but at the same time I feel like if I fuck this system up itll hit the game play real hard, so although im semi dead tired of coding inventorys by this point, Id like to thing that the time spent on this is for a greater good xd Especially as like mentioned in earlier posts, I will re-use the code for this game, to use for my next games.

Small sumary of the recent updates -

- Taking items out of the inventory, or putting them into it has been reworked, so slot inventorys and taking in / out items is now working seamlessly. All items can be picked up and held in the hand. (this wasnt originally possible, only specific items could be held). In the old system I would teleport items under the ground when they were picked up, but now that the inventory is much bigger, and there are storage inventorys, ive reworked that system so that every time an item is put into the inventory, its completly removed from the world, and then the items customisable variables are saved inside the inventory, which lets me easily re-spawn the item into the world. Originally I had huge problems with ''destroying '' items as it bugged my interaction systems code(the code that outlines and spawns menus on interactible objects) but ive finally found a way to make all those bugs dissapear.

- Ive made a wow style slot inventory, that mostly react like your regular wow mob inventory. right click to put items into your inventory etc. Im working on integrating this into the inspection system too, and adding a randomized item mode.

- Inspecting items can now finish quest objectives, and not only picking up items. Its customizable per quest ofc.

- Item slot stacks can now be split into different stacks, in a similar fashion as wows ingame inventory system has. Items can also now be deleted, and inside the players personal inventory, you can choose to hold an item in your hand. (im working on a quicker way to hold items though, as I want items to only be usable on other furniture/Items or quest givers when theyre held in the players hand.)

- Inventorys with physically spawned items inside them have been furhter updated to compliment the new spawning item updates.

- When inspecting items, you can now also choose to add the item to your inventory, if it is pickup able that is.

- Last but not least, you can now also put small chests/ unlockable items inside your inventory, and the item will know if you have already unlocked it or not, so if you unlock it, but dont take any items out of it, itll remember that it still contains those items, and that you have unlocked it... Im not planning on letting the player pick up every chest they come by, but ill for sure use this for ''obscurely placed chests'' and objects like unlockable books etc that might have a note, key, photo etc inside. 

(pink chest inside the inventory is the chest in the above image :-))))

There are lots more updates, but yeah, too split up to note them all :D 

Updates I will be working on -

- Randomized inventory is still not added.

- Wow style slot inventory spawns on the wrong location when an item is unlocked during item inspection mode.(Small update)

- The quantity changing tool in the inventory, should also affect how many items a player chooses to delete, so they dont have to split the stack first, and then delete full stacks everytime.(Small update)

- the holding items system should be a bit faster to use. Im thinking of adding a quick/select type system, like shooter games and changing weapons. (No joke)

The inventory is still missing shit like ''drink milk glass/ consume'' and stuff like ''using'' items when in the inventory, but for now, I think ill just finish the stuff ive listed over, and then add all extra features when I actually need them. Either way the actual inventory system itself is working. Its not added to the saving system yet, but ill also wait with that until I have finished the sex system etc.



Every little thing you add just makes it more immersive :D It'll all be worth it in the end Really like the layout for the inventory