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Hey so, uhm, well...

In an effort to go deeper into the upcoming "What Magic Is That?" about 3D in a 2D environment, I decided to extend on the Cube doodle and add translations, scaling and rotations on the z axis... Basically I inadvertently fell into a rabit hole.

The gif is where I'm at with it as I write this. You may notice there's no depth sorting of any kind. Yet?

So uh, I think this gif represents everything that will be covered in the "What Magic Is That?" but I'm wondering if I should go further with it. I have to admit I kinda want to. But I need to finish off with the procgen first. And then there's the June goal thing and Flying Pop-Pop... Would reinventing the 3D wheel be that interesting? Let me know what you think!

Have a nice [Sunday / end of Saturday]!



Tim S

Wow, looks great. I find 3D math and PICO-8 optimization fascinating, but I wouldn't be disappointed by more Flying PopPop. That showed a lot of promise.


It looks great, and it is tempting to go further, but I'd say hold of if you can and tie up the procgen first.


To be honest it is cool to see people push the envelope on pico8. But only from a technical standpoint. I've yet to see something that used 3D in a new way due to the restrictions of a limited platform and not only reinventing the wheel like you say. That said, maybe we need to go through this to get to a better place? ;)


Thanks! Yes, I'll just put the 3D on the list of stuff I want to work on eventually! Procgen and Flying Pop-Pop will go first. :)


I think we do. :/ But yeah, I'll try and come up with something original when I work on this again! Thanks for the feedback!