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Hi everyone!

You may have noticed I didn't post a weekly recap for last week. There wasn't much to write about, so I decided to save the time to work on other stuff.

The 'What Magic Is That?' about 3D in a 2D environment is finally out for example! It's also very possible that I make a longer article about the subject again in the future and on the blog. Although, writing about maths is still very difficult for me.

'Invaders... From Space!' is coming together quite nicely if I do say so myself! Today I worked on all the sounds for the game! I made the main theme with my PO-20! You can have a listen somewhere around this post!

I didn't send the updated build to The Frosty Pop Corps just yet, so I might have to record the theme again and make a few changes but it should stay pretty close!

The rest of the week should be mostly spent on making the UI look nicer and making a super quick tutorial. I'm also hoping to get a tiny bit more polish on the gameplay. And the game is supposed to be done by next Wednesday! And then I can work on all the things again! \o/

Thanks for reading! Tell me what you think about the track!

Have a nice second half of the week!


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