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Hi everyone!

First off, I'm sorry I kept so quiet this week! I stressed out and couldn't keep my production levels as high as I wanted. I'm also going to take some time to rest this week-end. The 'What Magic Is That?' about 3D should come tomorrow though and it'll be more in-depth, so that you don't feel too cheated. :X

I spent most of the week working on UI for the game. I really don't like the way Unity handles UI so I made my own system. It wasn't the first time I did that in Unity so it was alright.

Also, the game is called "Invaders... From Space!", not my choice (I'd never choose such a long title :X ) but I couldn't find anything better so there you go. It is set to be be published on the iOS appstore by The Frosty Pop Corps!

Anyway, I also worked on some more gameplay polish and stretching effects on things because it feels great and AnimationCurves are really the one good thing about Unity. (I'll write some more about that in another post some time from now)

Next week should be the last week of work on the game but if need be, we'll extend the development time some more. If we do, I'll try to make it so I get time to catch up on the Patreon stuff and the procgen things. Stuff and things. More of them. Yes.

Have nice week-end!




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