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Let's go.

The taskbook should be enough. Yeah, most of the events will be after / in the raids, don't be surprised if you need to go to a new one right after the raid. After starting at level 8, it's time to go to the office to work. Upgrade all the stats, without them you will not pass the tests in text events.

There should have been more updates, but I tried to change the mechanics of raids 2 times and both times it didn’t work at all :( I left some part for the final, because it’s probably logical to reveal the denouement of the branches in the final version, and not now.

Go to raids only after sex, you won’t be able to hit new skills without "after sex" status and it will be difficult to fight.

You don't have to try to defeat the final boss, you can't.

We did not have time to expand the clown branch this time, it would take another + month of work T_T

As always, android will be a bit later (few days). Patrons cheat file works.

CG's: boss game over, Clark phone date, Final boss scenes, special forces scene.

About Android: Sorry guys, I tried, this time I hired a separate person who was supposed to optimize the game for android. We implemented a memory management system, and probably the game really required significantly less resources than before, but during the testing that went on throughout this week, we got very long loading locations and it turned out that a large part of the old scenes were just broken. We will try to fix all this, but I don't know how long it will take, so the current android build is compiled without the new memory system, as before, I can not guarantee that there will be good performance, sorry.

9.11: Fixed rogue and swat events at any fame lvls, cartel warehouse freeze.

9.13: Found a bug, 8th fame lvl events spawned from the start, which completely breaks your save. Fixed. If you started a new game not with "0.9" and already defeated the cat on the roof, you see special forces in the raid, then it's better to start a new game from the corresponding start (we purposely made so many start options).

9.14: Android temple fix and some minor things.







The Win Link does seem to work.


Hi again! Another Android bug - after beating the biker boss and before the circus, the detective tells you to stop the cat burglar. After triggering the heist scenario, and getting through the hide or wait part, game freezes when the hero and cat burglar are facing off. They stand there endlessly. Reloading doesn't help unfortunately. Another game breaker!