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Hello everyone!

You may have noticed that in these past few days, the game version has changed from 0.9 to 0.97, but in reality, there were even more updates -_- The biggest issue turned out to be the new memory system, which, as it turned out, operates differently in the compiled build than in play mode where I always tested the game. At one point, I simply compiled the build without it, as I did before, but that didn’t solve all the minor issues that subsequently emerged. At the moment, I have fixed everything that was found this week, and I hope that there is nothing else critical in the build and I can finally get back to further development.

I have mentioned many times that this version will be the last content update before the final release. We have already reached the final boss, and now all that remains is to defeat him. I sincerely hope that the next "update" will be build 1.0, i.e., the final version of the game, which should be perfect from the beginning. Without public testing, etc., we will have to polish many rough edges and finally do the things we constantly had to postpone because we needed to release content rather than focus on aesthetics.

Nevertheless, I see how we fare with deadlines time and time again, and I admit that we might release something like 0.95, in which we will include an addition to the clown branch that we didn't manage to complete and the continuation of content with the final boss. We will do this if the work on 1.0 is significantly delayed again, but I hope this won’t be the case. This update had many problems. I wanted to write this post for a long time. I had to focus solely on health for over a month, and as it turned out, on stones that I will have to dissolve for the next couple of years. I will also write about what we tried to do with raids, but ultimately discarded.

As I mentioned, we are intensively preparing for the transition to our next main project, for which we have continuously published playable teasers. We do this because Patreon doesn’t really encourage finishing your games. This model is about constantly updating your well-known title. However, we don’t want to work on a single game indefinitely, at least I'm not interested in that. I want to do many different cool things, not just stick to one, so we do finish our games, even though development doesn’t always move as quickly as we’d like. At the same time, we can't afford to go silent for a long period after release, so we will have to introduce a new project as quickly as possible after completing The Lewd Knight, which we are preparing for.

What am I getting at? Small playable teasers of the next project will start coming out again. I hope they will be available from next month.

So, answering the question, what's next?

  1. We will try to prepare the final version of TLK 1.0 by the end of the year.
  2. If there are again problems with development and deadlines, we will release a content update 0.95 (yes, I know the current version is 0.97, consider that it's actually 0.907).
  3. Little playable teasers for the next project each 1-2 months.

I hope you liked 0.9. Thank you to everyone who supports us! : )




Am I the only one who has several bugs in the APK?


I'm a little confused. I have the mission to fight the museum thief but it just keeps saying that I'm sneezing lmao.