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“Did you see my new piercings?”

“Ah… you upgraded to gauges, fucking dark, babe. I love it.”

‘Uugh gauges… I can’t even imagine.’ You rolled your eyes, and your squeaky grocery cart past the two goths that had started to lightly makeout in the cereal aisle, doing your best to ignore the pale, darkly dressed, and heavily pierced couple as you grabbed your favorite cereal off the shelf and kept moving. With the last thing crossed off your “To grab list,” you headed for the self-checkout to pay for everything before you headed home for the day.

“Bonnie, have you done your taxes yet?”

“Fuck no, if those government fucks want my money, they can come get it themselves.”

“So true.”

You let out a trill upon overhearing a second pair of goths, your noise catching their attention as they glared at you through their heavily applied eye makeup.

“Sorry about that. Long day.” You said with a wave and continued to bag up your purchases as you heard the two begin to whisper behind you. “Fuckin goths, man…” You mumbled low enough so they wouldn’t hear as you rolled out of the supermarket to see even more goths loitering outside. You would’ve never ever classified your town as a normal place to see goths, but ever since a random shop called Dark Desires took root, more and more of them started to pop up. They weren’t people you’d ever seen before either, which made their existence all the more puzzling when you thought about where all of them could possibly be staying since the town was so small…

You drove home and began to unload all your stuff when a goth guy walked out of your neighbor's house, his long dark hair draped over his right eye.

‘What’s Dave doing hanging out with a goth dude?’ you thought, prompting you to ask the stranger a question immediately.

“Hey, excuse me!” You called, getting the guy’s attention, but his look told you he didn’t want to conversate.

“Hey… ummm. How do you know Dave?”

“If you’re talking about the old man who lived here before… He’s gone. Sold his house to me and moved away,” The goth said.

“Uhh- What? There’s no way. I just spoke to him this morning, and his house wasn’t for sale…” you said, stunned.

“Sorry, Jerry, or whatever generic ass name you have, but that’s what happened. Now, if this conversation is over, I’ve got places to be,” the guy said, walking away.

You were speechless. You’d never heard of someone selling their house on a whim like that before, and that was if the goth asshole was telling the truth… It was unbelievable enough to question, so after you finished putting your groceries inside, you decided to knock on Dave’s door.

*Knock* Knock* Knock*

“Dave, are you home?!”

You pressed your ear to the door and listened… to hear nothing at all.

“What the fuck…” you groaned, scratching your head… you liked Dave…

The reason he moved had to be because of the goths, but they weren’t even the root of the problem. The problem was that stupid Dark Desire’s shop bringing them in. You were never one to take something like this onto your own shoulders. Still, if it was only a matter of time before you were the only non-goth person in town, you HAD to pay a visit to Dark Desire’s and talk with the owner about finding residence somewhere else… or move yourself…


You’d only really seen the sign of the shop as you passed it by from time to time, but now that you had a really good chance to look at it, you had to admit it was rather pleasing to the eye. Two big black double D’s for its sign accented with a red outline and intertwined with a devil's tail, while the rest of the shop followed the same kind of pattern. There were also, of course, quite a few goths hanging around the place that spoke to its purpose, most of which gave you a curious glance as you approached the shop. You pushed the door open with a jingle and walked in, taking note of the smell of heavy incense, its plethora of customers, and many different variations of black clothing. As you scanned the shop, you noticed a pale, heavily made-up woman with long and modest flowy black clothing, approaching with a pearly white smile that contrasted against her dark black lips.

“Hello! Are you looking to convert to the darker side of things?” she asked with her hand on her hip, looking you up and down. The woman was as tall as you were and very pretty, at least with all the makeup that was plastered on her face… You could also sense a lot of confidence, her smile one of someone who was very proud of themselves.

“No, thank you. Are you the owner?”

She, without a doubt, had to be the owner, but you asked anyway just to make sure. Your follow-up response was already prepared…

“I am. What can I help you with?”

“Listen, I get that you’re just trying to run a business, but… and I hate to say it this way… your business is driving all the normal people out of town. I mean, my neighbor Dave literally up and moved today out of the blue…”

“Ha!” she interrupted you with a laugh, her welcoming gaze turning irritated as she poked a black-painted nail against your chest. “I don’t really like the implication you’re making, but I’ve heard it so many times already that I’ll just tell you that Dark Desires isn’t going anywhere. In fact… I’d like to offer you a complimentary gift to curtail your foul opinion.”

You sighed, “I’m not interesmmmphh!!” The woman took advantage of your defeated sigh. Your eyes closed only for a moment, but that moment was long enough for her to close the distance and smother you in a kiss. You didn’t notice before, but her eyes were purple… so purple that you couldn’t look away…

‘I know what your Dark Desire is, hehe’

Was she… talking? Her lips were still smashed against yours, but she was… talking?

‘You want to be like us, don’t you? –A goth’

Images of black flashed in your head, of piercings… darkness and cold metal suddenly becoming so alluring in your mind that the thought of it aroused you, your cock pumping to hardness and straining your pants.

‘Not just any goth, though. The change in lifestyle wouldn’t be enough… You want to experience something completely different, something more…’

Something more?... No… No… Your life was fine… You were more than hap–

‘You want to embrace the feminine, free love side of gothdom, your pale, heavy breasts the envy of all the normal girls.  Pierced, to bring out the maximum pleasure that your frail human body can offer while the rest of your supple form is squeezed by whatever makes you feel the most sexy.’

“Mmmmphhhhhmmm,” you moaned loudly in the owner's mouth, your tongue twirling with hers as sudden nymphomaniac desire made you return her kiss, your pussy bursting with fluid between your legs as the owner's thumb found and flicked your sensitive pierced nipple, lifting your heavy breast before letting fall with a weighty jiggle on your chest. Everything felt so fucking good! You just wanted–

“Mwah, now get the hell out of my store,” The store owner said to a few cheers from other customers.

Reality came rushing in, your mind reeling from the strange event you were forced to endure as you looked down to find your body breastless and your cock standing tall in your pants. Weren’t you a girl just a second ago?!

“What’d you do to me?!” You yelled, your head throbbing with a headache as the sensations lingered. The owner just smiled and pointed to the door. “I swear I’m going to start a petition or something and get you the hell out of here! Ugghhh…” You grabbed your head and stumbled out of the store, much worse for wear.

“Fucking goths, man…” you groaned, wincing as you turned the key in the ignition. They were still there… the thoughts from before, dull, but still flashing in your mind. You just needed to get home and sleep the headache off. Then, you’d start your crusade to push the shop out of town…


“Fuuuuck…” You opened your med cabinet and rattled out a few pills to exterminate your headache, downing all four with a gulp of water as you walked to your bed and stripped to your underwear before crawling under the covers. You laid miserable for a while, each beat of your heart causing your head to throb until the pain gradually began to dissipate, your consciousness slowly drifting with the pain gone until you found yourself back in Dark Desires, standing in front of the shop owner once again.

Her taunting white smile made you furious as she started to talk, ‘I’m so glad you came back, hot stuff. Looks like your style has improved five hundred percent!’ You looked down and screamed. Your manly body was straining a tight black tank top, while below, a short black tutu flared out around your hips, and your legs squeezed by fishnet! You stumbled as you noticed the tall platform heels on your feet, ‘Turn my clothes back to normal, you fucking witch!’

Her smile held, and she did something very similar to what she’d done the first time you met her… she reached out to poke the center of your chest with a long, black fingernail.

Her touch was sharp and where her finger touched your chest, your skin immediately began to pale.

‘No! No! No!’ You were helpless and forced to watch your entire body change, your chest shrinking before massive pale breasts grew and dropped into the tank top, your waist narrowing as you watched your legs plump and bulge against the tight fishnet.

“Ahhhhhhhh!! Ahhhh!!!” Your heart pounded as you darted up into the soft light of the morning… Your hands finding the masculine chest you’d always known even before your eyes looked down to confirm it. Your body was completely normal.

You released a relieved breath and slammed back against your pillow, cupping your face in your hands. “It was just a dream…” You groaned, shifting in bed… As you moved, something felt off, your lower body feeling very exposed under the blankets, way more than usual, and buried in your ass crack... You pulled the blankets off in one swift move, revealing the culprit of the offputting feeling as you jumped from bed to your feet in a panic.

A black thong! You were wearing a goddamn black thong!

“No fucking way, no fucking way!” 

You wanted to deny it and believe you were still dreaming, but as you grabbed the elastic strips on your hips and moved the fabric between your own fingers, feeling how the thin front carressed your cock, you couldn’t… this was real. You immediately went to your closet and pulled it open to change into something normal, but your jaw dropped once you saw what your usual wardrobe had been exchanged with… all black, all girly… goth clothes.

“What the FU–ACK!”

You’d only glimpsed it as it flew out of the closet and wrapped around your neck, but your hands told you what it was, the spikes on the collar poking your hands as you tried to relieve the clasp at the back, but found yourself unable to as it started to squeeze and vibrate your throat. “Nugghh! Whaaat’s happening!? Ahhhh, my voice!” Your voice turned sultry, becoming a low, seductive growl with the spiked collar's gentle squeeze that guided your Adam's apple into your neck, your gasp closer to a moan as some of the clothes in your closet jumped from their hangers and swarmed your vision.

You stumbled back, your raised foot finding a snare that made you trip and tumble to your back while you still pulled at whatever article of clothing swarmed your face. The cloth muffled your yells as you felt something moving onto your feet and crawling up your legs. You kicked on instinct, hoping to get them off but finding that they crawled up your legs all the same, their ropey squeeze digging from your ankles to your thighs as the clothing over your face found its way over your head, your face freed as it pulled down over your chest and arms pinning them under the fabric.

Ahhhh! No! Nughhh!” You squirmed your limbs through the holes of the midriff revealing tanktop, the straps digging into your shoulders as you could finally see what had crawled its way up your legs, your lower half dressed in fishnet and the black thong that still hadn’t left. Both had started to move. The fishnet undulating against your legs with varying amounts of pressure like a masseuse dancing her fingers across your legs, the hair on them wisping away while your shaft was being stroked up and down, coaxed to grow by the soft fabric of the thong as it started to be stretched by your length. “Hhnnnngg~ ahhhhhnnn~Haaaaa~” you moaned, your throat being buzzed by the collar as you grew hornier, your neck tingling as you dragged yourself to the mirror in your room.

Please, no. Get off me!” Your neck was ghostly white as you reached the mirror, some of the pale skin blotching onto your jaw and collarbone as you struggled with the collar again.

On your knees your face pleaded with your reflection as the pale skin covered more of it, the collar holding firm as the clothes below continued their pleasurable crusade. Everywhere the pale skin spread was becoming smooth, unnecessary facial hair and blemishes being erased in a moment as the wave coated your face to leave you as pale as every goth you’d seen around town.

The skin continued to spread down your body. Turning your limbs over and back, you watched it consume every inch down to your fingertips. Your upper body was completely washed over with pristine white, and your lower body followed suit, smoothed out with sensitive skin that enhanced the clothes already orgasmic caress. You keeled over and whimpered from the feeling of the massage on your legs and cock, making your feet twitch and start to crackle as they began to shrink.

Ahhhhhhnn~ m-my body~” you focused to resist the pleasure, feeling your toes pop and soles compress. This was your fucking nightmare, your sweet, sweet fucking nightmare, your body shuddering from sudden masochistic delight.

Uhhhhhnnn~ Stahhhhhp~

Your calves were blowing up, swelling against the fishnet as they grew softer and squishier. The feeling crawling up your legs like they were sausage casings being filled, your knees puffing, your thighs following suit, gurgling, as the gap between them started to close. Your pale face was red hot, your pale, heavy thighs jiggling as you swayed side to side on all fours, your mind blistering with the remembrance of having a dripping wet pussy between your legs. Slick and moist, begging to be filled, each foreign thought tightening your balls against your groin.

Ahhhhnnn~ I don’t wannahhhhnnn be some gahhhhth biiiiitch, ohhhhhnn~!



You felt so helpless, your cock pumping a load of seed onto the carpet below as one of your balls squirmed its way into you, the rapid stroke of the thong against your cock making your hips buck subconsciously as you fucked the air, your feet curling as something heavy slid onto them, enprisoning them in thick, black rubber and leather.

Ahnnnn~ I’m sooooooo fucked! Ahhhhhn~


You screamed in ecstasy as your second testicle popped its way inside, feeling your empty sac fold into you and start to bloom into the lips of the dripping pussy that still plagued your mind, your cock spurting another load out the top of your thong until the fluid ran clear. You truly were being fucked, your own cock fucking you as its length started to shrink, pulling its way slowly into your puffy white pussy that was growing slick with lubricant.

Ohhhhhnn! Ahhhh~

You squealed intensely as the bulge in your thong flattened your new clit buzzing as a short puffy black tutu clipped around your hips, causing instant pressure that made them groan before exploding outward into babymaking proportions.

Still sooo fucking horny ahhhh~*CRRRACK*” You bent your spine forward as you clenched your new anatomy, your lower back letting out a relieving crack that bent it to an arch. You needed something inside, your pussy screaming as it twitched and yearned for penetration, a whimper leaving your lips as the midriff revealing tank top began to move.  It’d been lifeless since it’d put itself on you but was starting to come to life, rubbing against your chest and digging into your shoulders as it painlessly guided your bulky frame down to feminine grace, your shoulders and spine bending with the light pull of the straps, while the squeeze around your chest and waist squished you thin.


Your pale arms struggled to keep you propped up as they started to shake, your muscles weakening as they slimmed down, brawn atrophying to soft, featureless twigs that struggled to keep you upright. The weakness librating as new skills flowed into your brain as you watched your masculine hands twitch against the carpet. Your nails blackened, turning dark and glossy before slowly lengthening over fingertips that were being dragged across the coarse surface, shrinking with your soft palms to not look out of place on your small pale wrists.

These new hands were good for one thing: getting off. It didn’t matter if it was yourself or someone else, the former being more important right now as you picked yourself off the floor and slid your fingers into your damp thong. You shuddered as your long nails found the smooth gushing entrance, a sensual trace of your slit making you shudder before you plunged two fingers inside.

Ahhhhhhhhhnnnn~ ooohhhhhhh!” you leaned your body into the mirror, using it for support as black makeup bubbled from your lips and around your eyes, each plunge shifting your reflection closer and closer to the goth slut you knew you were destined to be, your jaw softening rounder with each plunge as your chest and ass did the same, your nipples engorging, ass swallowing the thin swathe of fabric that rested between your cheeks. God, you looked so hot, your black lips swelling up as you sucked the bottom one into your mouth and bit down on it, your chest starting to bounce as cleavage bubbled up from under the tight top, your ass jiggling more and more with each plunge as your cheeks grew rounder and heavier.

Mmmmmph you’re uuhhhhnnn~ so hot biiiitch~

Your eyelashes grew long and accentuated with makeup that already adorned them, while your hair was almost completely taken over by black. You pressed your chest against the mirror, your orbs bouncing as they grew more and more with the quick penetration of your fingers into your moist snatch, the climax building as your pale ass clapped with all the added jiggling flesh.

“Fuhhhk.. Fuhhhkk… FUUUUHHHHHHHHKKAHHHHH~” Your long dark black hair fell around you in silky waves as your vagina clamped onto your fingers one last time before coating them in a mess of girl cum, your free hand massaging your huge e-cup breasts as your nose crunched down to a cute bulb in the climax of your transformation. Your knees wobbled as you pulled your slimy fingers out of your pussy, your nipples throbbing as you continued to caress them. God, you need nipple piercings so badly—their sensitivity not what you remembered without them. You looked at your slimy fingers, watching the threads be pulled as you splayed your hands out, figuring you should probably clean them off as any good slut would…