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*This is the Ghosty version of that magic clothes bit that they wanted me to write. I'll get more stuff out more quickly next week, these clothes stories are hard for ya boy to write*

Not a fan

You typed your opinion quickly after the reveal. The black belts, black and purple dress, and fishnet arm sleeves really weren’t doing it for you. The fishnet thigh highs were all right, though. The little bulge of fauna's thigh forced above the tight stockings was the only saving grace to a rather dismal new outfit reveal, but that small detail wasn’t enough to shift your opinion.

Old outfit waaaaaaaayy better

You would’ve continued on your mini-hater tirade but got a cute little DM from Fauna herself. Your heart skipped a beat as you opened the message, your hands shaking with excitement as you were rewarded for your previous comments.

Sending you merch, my edgy sapling :P

Overcome with excitement as you were, you had to keep your cool. There was nothing worse than an overzealous fan.

Wow, thanks! Hope it’s some of the old stuff!

Perfect response. Keep a little bit of the hater edge while also being appreciative of the…

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Your head darted up upon hearing the knocks at the door. You weren’t expecting any visitors today, and you hadn’t ordered anything recently, so it came as a complete surprise. You hurried over and peered through your peephole into the apartment corridor.

Nobody there. But there was a box.

“Mmmmmm…” you grumbled. You quickly opened your door and retrieved the box, dragging it inside before kicking the door shut. The box was unmarked, and without a name on it, you couldn’t be sure it was yours… You hurried to get a knife anyway and got to your knees to slice it open, eager to see the contents as you pulled it apart and reached inside to find… a lacy black bra and some other clothes…

Oops, definitely not yours. You’d have to pack this back up and–

The bra began to spring in your fingers that held it apart, tugging against your hold as you wondered just what the hell was going on as it pulled from the tips of your fingers and crawled up your left arm. You hardly had time to do anything but yell out in confusion as the bra wormed down the collar of your shirt and wrapped around your bare chest and shoulders, the cups tenting your shirt to make it look like you had the smallest modicum of a female's chest.

“What the fuck?!”

You patted the slightly bulging cups on your chest, the unfamiliar tingle of sensitivity pricking from your nipples as you wondered just why the fuck they were so sensitive, a confused panic rising through you as another article of clothing jumped out and slammed against your chest before unfurling down your body like a rope ladder to flare out below your hips.

It was a goddamn dress, pinned to your body as if by magnetism.

Your first instinct was to pull, to yank it off your chest, but as you did, you found it conjoined to your shirt, an invisible seam connecting the two as your panic worsened.

“What the hell’s happening?!”

You were still struggling with the dress, which was adhering more and more to your shirt. The black buckles that coated it clinking loudly to distract you from the other clothes crawling out of the box and onto your body: sheer fishnet stockings and rose-stitched arm sleeves inching up your legs, the former finding its home resting on your thighs and down the length of your legs as it began to slowly merge with your pants, while the latter traveled up your struggling body to reach their planned destination a bit higher up…

“I-it won’t come off…” Your tone was one of despair. You couldn’t tell where the dress ended and where your shirt began anymore, the dress quickly assimilating everything as your shirt melted off your shoulders and neck and became one with the dress that swallowed your body whole.

The dress shuddered as it settled, flinging two belts over your shoulders and a collar on your neck to ensure it stayed on. You tugged at it one last time in irritated resistance before catching a glimpse of black lace cresting over the bottom of the dress. You didn’t have time to react to the lace floral arm sleeves, which leaped and coiled around your arms before opening to swallow them up as well, the lace letting out a pleased vibration as they became static against your arms.

You sighed in defeat as your pants were pulled from your hips, the tightness of the fishnet around your legs growing more present by the second as you looked down to see the thigh highs hungrily gobbling up your pants until everything above your mid-thigh was bare, save for your underwear, thank god…

You audibly gasped at the black lace panties that sleepily climbed out of the box, wanting to be the last thing that disgraced your manly body as it jumped from the box onto your net-covered foot.

“Fuck! No! No! Don’t!” You kicked to get it off, the panties hardly moving at your effort as they scaled your leg like a rope in a gymnasium, reaching your bare thigh in no time at all as you panicked and planned to take more physical action. You only managed to bend forward slightly, reaching out to stop the panties before the dress intervened and straightened you out with a firm squeeze around your midsection. You could practically feel the panties laughing at you as you watched the fleeing fabric climb uninhibited under the hem of your dress and out of sight.


You could feel their pressure as they found your cock and laid flat against it, the consistency of your underwear changing immediately as the soft lace tightened and cradled your manhood before wrapping around your behind and wedging uncomfortably between it.

In unison every piece of clothing vibrated, pleased that they were able to fulfill their purpose, making you shudder with them as the pleasing sensation ran you.

“Ooooooh, fuuuuck…” It wasn’t lost on you that this was the exact outfit you complained about… Fauna’s new goth outfit… You scoffed at every step you were forced to take in it as you made your way back to your computer. The feeling of the fabric and the uncomfortable tightness rubbing against your skin made you red in the face as you loomed over your monitor to see a direct message you’d missed while you were away.

Not exactly, but it should cure some of the edginess, little one :)

The clothes vibrated again, almost as if they were chuckling at their mother's response, eliciting a surprised moan from your lips at the strong feeling that buzzed across your body. It felt different from the previous time… stronger. Your brain throbbed in exhaustion from everything that had transpired so far, culminating in a headache that sharply pulsed on the top of your head. You just wanted the clothes off…

I got the message. Please call these things off.

You massaged your pounding head as the response bubbles from Fauna appeared, scanning her chat to see sent messages being deleted one after the other: calls for help silenced by whatever moderation Fauna had implemented. It appeared you weren’t the only one…

Your purification is in process, little sapling. You’ll soon be mother to hundreds of other saplings as my teachings and years of wisdom sink into your body. You should feel proud :)

“Nuhhhhhghhhh! My fuuuucking!!” Your head hurt so bad it felt like something was about to burst from the top of your head, the pain sharp and… “Ahhhhhhh! Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!” you ooed as you felt them burst from your head, your hands finding the firm twigs that slowly grew in tandem with your drawn out ooe, a couple of buds on them blooming out leaves as your purification had started to show.

“Ah! No! W-what's happening to me?!” You were starting to hyperventilate, your short hair sliding all around your head, the bangs skirting down past your eyebrow and over your left eye, its overall length hanging just above your neck as you grabbed at the voluminous mass. “Ehhhhh! What the?!” you ran your hands through it, your fingers finding a soft lump, which you immediately pulled at, causing the soft lump to detach in your hand. Your one visible eye widened as you brought it in front of you to see a little white flower sitting in the palm of your hand.

You threw it to the ground and ran your hands through your hair again, finding more lumps among the strands, which you immediately plucked and looked at, all of them little white flowers.

You hurried to the nearest mirror and were able to witness the twiggy antlers poking from the top of your head and the blooming of new white flowers scattered throughout your hair, the smallest tint of fluorescent green blooming with them as your hair began to be purified. You watched it turn, your one exposed eye darting to each different spot that radiated a healthy green, the color jumping to each neighboring strand until it coated everything. You were turning into her! “UUuuuu” you groaned, worried, her verbal tick planting itself inconspicuously in your mind so that you hardly even registered that you used it, your feet rushing back to your computer to beg for forgiveness.

Please, big sister! I-’ You stopped yourself and immediately deleted the big sister part, wondering why you even typed it in the first place, your eyes twitching as a fluorescent amber started to brighten them. ‘Please, Fauna! I don’t want to be you! I’m sorry for insulting your outfit!’ You hit send and waited nervously, your body feeling hot and your hips stiff as you clutched your chest. The sensitivity from earlier started to be felt more intensely with a subtle sucking on your chest, your nipples pricking up, growing round and puffy, making you ooe as the clothes started to shift and tighten around your body. “P-please respond! Uuuuu!” Your bright amber eye struggled to look through the natural part that your green hair offered as the hair on your arms sunk into creamy white skin that glowed with unblemished purity.

You gasped as Fauna’s little response bubbles appeared, a brief feeling of hope jumping in your chest as you touched your smooth face, finding that the removal of hair traveled far beyond just your arms.

She was still typing as your body started to be molded by the clothes on it, a groan of displeasure leaving your lips as the straps of the dress found your shoulders to be far too broad, an irritated rumble vibrating against your skin as they dug in and pulled.

“Ahh ahhn”


Your body hardly resisted the gentle pull of the straps, your shoulders grinding to round little slopes as your collarbone jutted forward, and they were still pulling, your back aching as your eye watched the little bubbles on the screen bounce, bouncing like your vertebrae that were beginning to compress, your spine popping as your height fell and your chest narrowed.


The clothes were becoming more active, rubbing against your body as their desire to prune you to perfection grew, the arm sleeves undulating as they sucked against your arms.

You felt the immense weakness that came with having your muscles atrophy, some of it melting into fat as your arms shrunk and slimmed to beautiful twigs. They were light, almost weightless, as you brought your shaking hands in front of you to see your nails turn black, your shaking hands twitching as their roots were pulled, your palms drawing themselves slim while your fingers withered to daintiness.

The bubbles were still bouncing, but you feared it was becoming too late. The brief squeeze around your neck from the collar removing a knot that prevented it from being flawless as you gulped cutely and ran your hands across your changed parts, stifling an ooe that desperately wanted to escape your throat.


Very convincing, little sapling. If you want me to stop the purification process, all you have to do is tell me you want to remain a sapling, and I’ll stop it.

You gasped femininely as your sister gave you an out, just as the sucking on your chest started to become more powerful, your puffy stems distending with the growth of your fruit.

Mmmmmnnn thank you big sister ahhn~” You felt a bead of sweat roll down your cheek as you leaned over the keyboard and tried to type through the bra’s sucking on your chest, each suck making your nipples throb as they were drawn further into the cups. You tried your best to type with fingers that you weren’t experienced with, wincing each time your apples were pulled bigger.

It was beginning to be a struggle, your fingers missing letters through the bouts of pleasure that made your cock strain against your lace panties as your little pink nubs brazed against the bra. “Sooouuuu hard, nuhhhh, touuu type ahhhnn!” Everything was working against you, with only one eye unfettered by hair, and now the absolute debilitating feeling of your chest being just barely too small not to be resting against the bra began to make you squeal as each pulse of growth scraped your sensitive nipples against the fabric. You were forced to press your hands against your breasts until they got big enough to sit comfortably in the bra, your fruit now at least oranges as they started to stretch the cups.

You quickly typed out the remainder of your sentence to stay a sapling as you gritted your teeth and powered through some of the pleasure.


I want ro ve a saokmg


Uuuu~ no! That’s not even close mmmph~

You could feel how the flesh continued to rush into your chest, your oranges causing the slightest hint of cleavage to poke above the top of your dress as the crack steadily deepened, your cock begging for attention as you resisted touching it. You had to try again.

You hovered over the keyboard and started to type slowly. It was going well. ‘I want to be’ was easily typed as far as you could see with your one eye that wasn’t obscured by hair, but another problem was starting to appear as the bottom half of your keyboard became obscured with the heavy grapefruits on your chest that were still growing, stretching the dress outward as you ooed in disapproval and felt your waist starting to sinch, your sides curving while a tightness pulled your stomach taut.

You were flustered, your creamy melons completely blocking the keyboard below you as you forgot how to find the home row, your own sapling crying out as it throbbed in its lace prison.

Your eyes glazed in arousal as motherly instincts started to take over. Your little sapling just wanted to be stroked, and taken care of, a dainty hand slipping under your dress as you leaned forward and dropped your heavy chest on your keyboard, your lower back snapping forward into an arch to cause your ass to pop up and make the position more comfortable.

I want to be alskjfaiuwehas;lknflkssjdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd…

The D’s continued to multiply as your dainty hand swiped across the bulge in your panties, knowledge of how exactly to purify a sapling, like the one currently in your care, popping into your head as you fished it out of its lacy prison. It was easy to take care of a sapling that was as ready to be purified as the one you held in your hand, its tip already dripping with fluid as you pumped your hand up and down its small trunk, the fishnet stockings knowing how to hurry the process as they sucked nutrients from your feet, knees, and calves and pulled them upward. With their nutrients gone, you felt your feet pop and shrink, your calves and knees becoming lithe and small while your ass swelled against the back of the dress as your butt settled with a jiggle, your thighs absorbing the rest as they grew round and supple with soft fat.

Uuuuuuu. Let me take care of you, little sapling.” You spoke on autopilot, an absentminded smile plastered on your face as you knocked your knees together and tightened your thighs around the little knots under the sapling. You knew that saplings always responded better to more stimulus as you lifted your chest slightly to get your free hand under your jiggling melons that were squished against the keyboard, groping one as you pumped your hand and slid your thighs against the knots and sapling. 

Purification was nearing, the feeling permeating through the knots into your stomach as the sapling stiffened.

Uuuuuu, ahhhn~ ahnnn~ ahhhn~” You loved purification so much. It made you feel so alive, so fulfilled, as the ecstasy of the act burst through you and out of the sapling, ropes of sticky corruption jetting from the sapling and out onto the floor as one of the knots popped.

Ahhhhnnn~ The saplinggggguhhhh isahhh~ blossoming~

You felt another knot pop between your thighs, sending more corruption out of the sapling. The sapling quivering as it started to shrink in your grip, the flowering taking place with its steady recession as new pink folds blossomed beneath it.

Ahhhhh~ *CRACK!*” Your hips stretched and popped wide, the slither of the sapling slipping into your lacy panties and flowering between your legs, making your hips shake as it became the little bud atop the flower. You smiled with the flowering complete, your mind motherly mind fading for the moment you became more conscious.

You sprung up from the keyboard, your chest bouncing with you as you did, and felt the emptiness between your legs, your sapling– uhh cock, gone, and the moments rushing back as you were offered clarity, your face starting to tingle… The final purification was moments away as you got to your knees and remembered you needed to tell Fauna you wanted to stay a sapling, but there were so many D’s!

Your lips quivered as you felt them wobble, naturally coming to a purse as they swelled up and your mind buzzed again, that motherly feeling coming back as you frantically deleted everything and started to type again.

I want

Your jaw rumbled as its tough shape melted, turning round and cute as your cheekbones raised and puffed out, your nose starting to wiggle as you got the next little bit out.

I want to be

Your nose cracked, making you wince as it shrank small on your face, your eyes starting to glaze again as the lashes started to grow.

I want to be a


Your amber eyes grew large and expressive, your eyebrows thinning with their growth as you finished the message to your sister and hit send.

I want to be a mother to all the little saplings :)

Uuuuu, I hope big sister says yes…” you said, watching the little response bubbles with bated breath. You simply loved taking care of saplings…

