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(Random little story I wrote for Charoset's discord server. You fellas of course get to partake because I love you. Hope you like it.)

The thing was huge. Its bulb of a head looked like it could easily swallow an above-average person and was supported by a stem as round as a small tree trunk, which was planted in a long dirt-filled trough covered in vines and overgrowth. Its head moved side to side almost imperceptibly if one wasn’t paying attention… looking like it was memorizing the individual faces of the tour group as the museum guide explained just what everyone was looking at inside the glass enclosure.

“This here is the live star of our museum, the one and only Giant Man-Eating Plant. Originally founded and taken to the States by Macaiyla Markus, she’d discovered the plant on a trek through the Amazon Rainforest and, believe it or not, was completely trapped in the mouth of the plant. Fortunately for her, she wasn’t a man, hahaha. I joke, I joke. She was actually lucky enough to have a team with her that was able to get her out in time before the digestive juices of the plant really kicked in. That’s how the plant eats, you see, since it has no teeth.”


“Why is this something we want to steal?” the young blonde-haired, blue-eyed Sam whispered to you as the crowd oohed and ahh’d while the museum guide continued his long-winded showcase of the one-of-a-kind plant.

“This plant is the only one in the world…” you responded gruffly, “As you can imagine, it’s worth a fortune if we can get our hands on it.”

“But… it’s a plant. And a man-eating one at that. I don’t see how we would transport the thing,” Sam argued.

“Don’t worry your little head about that. I did some research.” you said cryptically, “We’ll split away from the group when the time is right and wait until closing.”

Sam let out a defeated huff and reserved himself to follow you without further questioning. Your plans always worked out.


You both bided your time, following the tour around nearly to closing before slipping away and heading back in the direction of the man-eating plant. A smug grin was stuck on your face as you and Sam arrived back at the exact time two green hazmat-suited botanists were about to enter an off-limits door.

“Here we go,”

You quickened your steps, followed closely by Sam, as you both hurried toward the two botanists who had opened the restricted door and began to step inside. You moved quicker to close the distance before the second botanist took notice and bowled the unsuspecting plant nerd over, shoving him through the restricted door with Sam slipping in behind you. The first botanist, a woman who didn’t notice your presence, nearly jumped out of her suit as the second one started to yell.

“Hey! This area is restrict–”

The room went silent besides the closing click of the door and the whir of the clean room as you quieted the angry botanist with a revolver you pulled from your hip, Sam right behind you. It was crazy how the presence of a gun quieted a situation, even if the thing was harmless and filled with blanks. Every time you pulled the prop out, it made you subconsciously smile at the effect it had on people because you knew that they weren’t in any real danger at all…

“Take off the hazmat suits and put your hands behind your backs. Sam, get out the zip-ties," You ordered.

Sam nodded as the two botanists stripped out of their suits. The silence in the room was palpable until the rather fiery botanist, now fully out of his suit, decided to speak. “What do you two think you’re doing? Surely, you’re not trying to steal this specimen.”

Sam looked at you curiously as you answered, “That’s exactly what we’re doing. Now, hands behind your backs.” The botanists followed instructions, the angry one with a scowl on his face as his hands were tied behind his back, while the woman, looking fearful, stayed silent as Sam tied hers.

“Think we should wear the suits?” Sam asked, gesturing toward the plastic body suits crumpled on the floor. you thought a moment, knowing that wearing the suits was probably a good idea, but maintaining a threat level while in the bulky hazmat suit would prove difficult…

“Sam, you go ahead and put one on. I’ll be careful,” you told Sam.

“Okay…” Sam responded, donning the suit.

After a moment of waiting for Sam to get dressed fully, you motioned for him to lead the two botanists into the exhibit. To which the outspoken botanist had something to say.

“I’m not going in there without the suit!”

Sam ignored the plant nerd’s pleas and shoved him through the plastic flaps that led into the Man-Eating Plants' Enclosure anyway, unhappy words leaving the man’s mouth the entire time until you stepped into the humid enclosure and pointed the gun in his face.

The plant was in sight, its bulb of a head slowly turning toward the group before slowly opening its green-lined mouth wide, its parting green lips leaving connecting tendrils of pink slime dripping onto the floor below before freezing and becoming motionless once it was completely open… the dull red inside of its mouth like a waiting trap that begged to be sprung.

To someone who had never witnessed it before, the act was more than enough to chill a person to the bone, which was exactly what happened to Sam and even to you to a lesser degree as Sam turned a worried gaze in your direction.

“H-hey, why’d it do that?” Sam asked, his words a little shaky.

“It does that every time we come in. We only prune the leaves, but it sits and waits for someone to come close…” The woman botanist said, her gaze downcast like she was reliving some terrible event.

“Well, it’s a good thing I came prepared. Sam, hold out your hands,” you said, tucking your gun into the waistband of your pants and pulling multiple packets of salt out of one of your pockets.

“Salt?” Sam questioned as he cupped his bulky gloved hands together.

“Right,” you said, ripping the tops of the packets off and pouring a mountain of salt into Sam's hands. “I read online that plants can be wilted if exposed to high concentrations of salt. That should debilitate this thing long enough for us to move it and then revive it later.”

“Hey! No! you’ll kill it!” The fiery botanist yelled.

“Quiet down!” you hissed, pulling the gun again and pointing it at the botanist's face. “Sam, go. And be careful.”

Sam nodded and slowly walked his way over to the menacing plant that remained motionless with its huge mouth wide open. A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Sam’s face as his heart started to pound, his approach coming to a dead stop about five feet away.

The plant still didn’t move an inch, and from five feet away, he figured he could throw most of the salt inside, so Sam reared back to toss it in…

The plant's open mouth suddenly lurched forward as the salt left Sam’s hands, the massive thing meaning to devour Sam in one gulp as Sam’s reflexes kicked just in the knick of time to fling his body to the ground and slide out of range of the plant's maw that snapped shut on Sam’s previous position.

“H-holy shit!” Sam said shaking, as the monstrous plant raised its head and visibly started to shudder, its pristine green color suddenly starting to darken and wrinkle while even the size of its massive bulb started to shrink slightly. All four people in the room watched in awe as the massive plant slumped over, pink goo dripping from its slightly parted lips.

“Ha, nice work, Sam!” you said, jogging over to assist Sam off the ground and giving him a pat on the back. “Almost plant food there for a second, eh?”

“He-he… yeah,” Sam said, a little shaken up.

“You did good. There’s no time to waste. Let's grab this thing and go, get the other end.” you said, grabbing the nearest side of the dirt trough the plant was in.

“Right,” Sam mumbled and jogged to the other end.

“Okay, ready? One, two, three lif–” Both you and Sam barely lifted the plant off the ground before sprinklers overhead suddenly turned on and started to drench the room. You were a quick thinker and knew exactly what adding water to the dehydrated plant would do, considering that was exactly what you planned to do only later, but you were out of salt, and going home empty-handed wasn’t an option so the only option that remained was getting the plant out of the water ASAP!

“Sam! Hurry and pick this thing up! We need to get it out of here befo–mmmmphh!!”

Whether it was the water from the sprinkler obscuring your vision or your lack of reflexes, you found yourself unable to react to the regenerated plant's lunge before ending up completely contained in its bud.

Inside the creature's mouth, you could hear the muffled shouts of Sam from outside, and tried to get your bearings as you felt the squish of the soft, gooey surface under you that was dimly lit by the green-tinted light that showed through the opaque top of the plant.

“Shit, shit!” The mouth was big enough for you to crouch in, so you braced your legs against the squishy bottom and tried to push the mouth open. “C’mon! C’mon!” There was no give, none; the plant sealed completely shut as you shouted for Sam to help.


Sam could hear your indiscernible mumblings coming from the plant bud and hurried to help.

“Don’t worry! I’m here!” Sam did his best to work his fingers between the plant's tightly closed lips and pry it open, but the thing wouldn’t budge, not an inch! Desperate to save his partner, Sam shouted at the only two people who might know how to get you out of the plant.

“Hey! How do I get him out of there!” Sam yelled, marching up to the drenched botanists and grabbing hold of the fiery one’s shirt.

“You can’t, not until the plant is done…”  the woman said.

“What? What does that mean?!” Sam yelled back…


“Fuck! Sam, what is taking so long?! Get me out of here!” The inside of the plant was incredibly humid, and you were sweating profusely in your efforts to escape as you breathed heavily and kneeled on the soft, squishy bottom of the plant's mouth.

“God, how am I going to get out of here…” Wiping your forehead, a sudden drop of something landed on top of your head. Your hand darted up to feel a glob of slimy goo under your fingers as you felt more of it blat onto your shoulders and on top of your head. It took only moments for the sound of sizzling to sound out, a slight vapor being released from the places it hit your shirt as your skin started to become exposed to the humid air.

“Ahhhh! Fuck, fuck! Get me outta here!” The green-tinted light from above was starting to take on a pinkish hue as more globs started to fall, drenching you in pink goo that was reducing your clothing to tatters and quickly starting to coat your body. You were afraid you were moments from feeling the excruciating burn of whatever acid was melting your clothes as you punched at the top of the plant's mouth, sending the goo that coated it splattering down onto you to sizzle off even more of your clothes.

“Let me out of here! Come on!” you were nearly completely naked, your shirt little more than patchwork rags, your shoes, and socks gone, and your pants hanging on by what little remained of the waistband. Even your underwear was starting to be eaten away, one of your ass cheeks hanging out as you desperately continued to pound.

You began to huff as your limbs got tired, but you didn’t stop, your now naked body tingling like mad as your exposed cock stiffened and throbbed. “Nughhhhh…” you didn’t understand why you were suddenly so horny or why your goo-covered body felt so sensitive, your skin begging to be touched as a more immediate threat suddenly drew your attention. “Ughh!! No! No! Please!” The roof of the plant's mouth was slowly descending upon you! What started as a place you were easily able to crouch in was quickly forcing you flat against the squishy bottom!

You shuddered as your body came into contact with it, the floor like a soft, wet waterbed that stroked your slimy body as you struggled to move. You fully expected to begin to melt, expecting yourself to flatten and become like the same goo that coated you… what happened instead started with a rumble, the ground beneath you shaking as it started to undulate.

“Uhhhhhnn…. what the HeHeeeHellllll!? Uhhhhhnnn!!!~” The floor had become an onslaught of rolling waves that forced your body to move much like a worm. Parts of it sent up while the rest was down, which, with how sensitive and tingly your body had become was an unknown bliss you never thought he needed as he was sent into a frenzy of moaning, your cock being forced to hump repeatedly against the soft bottom as the waves caressed it.

You didn’t know it, but your skin was completely hairless and getting softer, each undulating wave whisking away the old pink goo and replacing it with more to coat your body. Though, it wasn’t like you cared as you approached orgasm, simply focusing on the sensation as your cock tightened before spewing a load onto the undulating floor. “Ahhhhhhnnnn~ Fuuuuuhck~” you groaned, your body shivering as your limbs and body slowly shortened, dragging gently against the still undulating floor as the space you were in got a little larger. Your cock, still hard and raging as you were forced to bounce against the bottom and endure more.

Your hips bucked as you came again, more spunk that was quickly absorbed by the plant as your face started to feel like it was finally melting. Your masculine face rounding out as it grew soft and supple, your cheeks puffing up with cute pinchable fat while your half-shut eyes grew. “Uhhhhhhhnnn~” you groaned softly, your voice coming out light and airy, feeling something slowly sliding down your face as your nose shrunk and lips felt swollen. You figured it was just goo, but it was your hair, pink slime cover locks sticking to your soft skin and round jawline as you continued to be pleasured by the waves.

You couldn’t stop cumming, your dick now pushing out a constant stream of white fluid that left your body feeling weak, balls tight, and brain dazed while your muscles softened, your body turning more feminine by the moment as the properties of the pink goo made it shift and narrow. You didn’t know what heaven felt like but knew the inside of this thing's mouth had to be close as you felt how tender your body was, your chest one of the focal points as you felt your nipples stiffen and throb in time with your cock that just kept on spewing liquid that was starting to run clear.

Ahhhhnnnn! Ahhhhhh!~” Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, your lower back arched, forcing your chest out as your areola widened and nubs swelled, a mind-breaking orgasm that outdid the rest running through your body as the transformation went into overdrive.

Your abdominals flexed hard as your waist was pulled in and curved, narrow hips widening slowly in contrast as you felt your cock and balls sliding into you, your small legs kicking as weight being added to your chest, ass, and thighs making all three begin to wiggle around with your genitals slurping pull.

You squirmed as your balls entered you, your cock gushing out what little was left in your system as the growing weight on your chest and round perky backside jiggled around, your soft squishy chest bouncing against the cushy floor under you as your cock rapidly approached a slit that was blossoming into a pair of puffy lips. It was hard to see while you bounced, your chest slapping against your sternum with each one while you felt the tightness in your groin reach its tightest point.

Ahhhhhhhnnnn!~” you squealed as your cock slurped into your body, your body reflexively curling up as your hands darted down for your fingers to find the moist opening. Your fingers playing with the newly formed slit before sudden light made your eyes burn, and you were sent sliding against the enclosure floor in a mess of pink goo.

Still curled into a ball, the sensitivity of your body quickly faded as the goo’s aphrodisiac effect faded and your eyes adjusted to the light. You were suddenly faced with deep cleavage that had very pink and puffy nipples attached to the ends of them as you sprawled on the floor and freaked out.

(Just imagine her naked lol)

Ah! What the hell is this?! I have tits! And my voice! What the fuck! Ah ah!

You couldn’t see past your massive breasts, the things jiggling into your vision everywhere you tried to sway your head until you gave up and sent your hands darting below. “Ahhhhhnn~ A pussy! I’m a fucking girl! A naked fucking girl!

“Oh my god… Is that really you?”

You recognized the voice that came from behind as Sam’s as you flopped to your belly, your sensitive nipples brazing the cold floor making you squeal as you wrapped an arm around your large breasts to see Sam being detained by a couple of Museum guards with an additional, more important looking man, standing in front of them.

“Hello! Unfortunately, it looks like you’ve fallen victim to our man-eating plant and now that your plan to steal our prized specimen has gone horribly wrong…. I hope that new dainty body of yours can handle prison, cause you’ll be going away for a loooong time…”


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