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Was hoping to have two more April shots up tonight, but it's turning into one of those marathon renders so will probably leave it rendering until some point tomorrow.  I've been able to work on some other bits and pieces here and there while rendering, so I'm hoping there'll be a chunk more work coming your way before the end of the month. 

My predictions are...

3 part step-by-step sequence in the April series.

At least 1 character portrait of Trish in the Project:Patrica mini-series

2 Farrah Pin-ups (non sequence)

If there's any time left, maybe a character portrait of the Puma Twins.  I want to start rolling out a series of portraits (like the Patricia part 1) for each of the featured characters, with a little bio, etc

These are hopeful estimates, based on the wilful insistence that nothing will crash, burn, melt or otherwise interfere with my general flow. 

Next month...


                               ...I'll be getting back to work on the Gift from Afar and Full Moon Knights, hopefully working on the goal celebration shots as well as more Cat Woman from Channel 6!  What else? Hmm...  My priority will be AGFA and FMK, and as both have become quite memory intensive scenes, We'll be looking at long render times, which gives me the chance to be working on something less likely to crash the system.  As for Patricia, we'll be catching up with her early on in the month. 

Thanks again for your continued donations, feedback and messages.  I'm not really exaggerating when I say all this work wouldn't be possible without your support, and seeing you guys respond is a bloody joy.