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I promised a four page, four character photoshoot if I reached my goal of $400, in which you dear Patron's cast the models.  I'm so close that I thought I'd chance getting the ball rolling on this one.

It can be anyone from my current or preexisting works, and although not a TF sequence as such, I'm sure we could have characters in their hybrid forms.  If there's popular demand for an as-yet-unseen character, I may look in to seeing what I can do.

I'll throw the doors wide open on this one, and depending what the response is like, may set up a poll.  Let's see how many of you say things, and what those things are first.

Maybe Mia, Melody, Farah and the mystery brunette from the Hallways sequence (On DA) get together, or it could be that Mia unites once again with the Puma "Twins" and Dr Ross. 

Any combo, throw me some ideas, tell me what you want.

Don't worry about conflicting characters etc, as there'll be no stories attached, just a playful break from slow suspense and gradual transformation.  As much as I love doing that stuff, I also love a little blatant exhibitionism now and again.



Aaron Bakker

Perhaps a picture of Mia, Farah and the girl from Motel 6 in an intermediate state of TF with a frightened Dr. Ross would be fun


I wouldn't mind seeing Mia and her new owner Selina together, before and after. How'd Mia get the job anyway?


That's a good question. Wrote a few different prologues covering that topic way back when I started Chamber Made. I think the latest was that Mia was a hapless med student, who approached Betty Ross for an interview for one of her papers. She caught Selina's eye and the rest is either history, or a mystery. In the end I abandoned the writing, as I'd ended up with too many possible timelines and hadn't actually started on the sequence. It tends to be my creative process: Make single image. Contemplate character while making said image. Decide on an alternative pose. End up making two images instead. Two images become a sequence which then in my mind then begins to form a messy tangle of possible stories, backstories, origins. This has prevented me from actually getting anything done for years. So glad I can now focus on this goofy stuff for real though.


Harleen and Pamela from "Full Moon Knight", Catalina from "Howl", and the as-yet unnamed girl from "Moonlight Surprise" (who may well be a friend of Catalina or member of her pack). Just.... letting their hair down, as it were. All of it.


Ooh, interesting choices. Representing for the Wolves, and the Old Skool. I'd forgotten all about Howl. I'd have to remake Catalina, as she's not only deleted, but made using a much older, outdated base model. Would be fun to see how she turns out after all this time. The young woman from Moonlight Surprise could well be a packmate of Catalina's. I'd never thought of that. Thanks Mr. G. You've given me food for thought and some interesting options.


I was also a big fan of Motel 6. That was pretty fantastic too. Lots of emotion. Plus it's always fun to see the 'hero' get a little naughty.


I know what ya mean. Wasn't quite sure whether some of those shots would be deemed too steamy for DeviantArt. Luckily Patreon doesn't have quite the same restriction ;)


As I type this, it looks like I just hit the target! No telling whether it'll stick due to the nature of pledges, but I'm gonna go ahead and start prepping and brain storming. Voting is still of course open. If I can maintain the target 'til the end of the month, I'll then close voting and begin work. To recap, it looks like Mia and and Melody from Motel 6 are in the front running. Want to knock them off the top of the chart, or suggest two more companions, then get on board, this votes open to all backers.


I'll have to agree with Mia. It was my first interaction with your art, so it will always hold a soft spot in my heart.


Big fan of Melody from Motel 6 and the brunette from Hallways.


Good to know. Would be nice to see some more of 'em someday.


She's a popular choice it seems. Just as well, 'cause I've been workin on a killer pose for her to use.


mia was great :D


Dr Ross' turn in Selina's Tf gas room ?


While I'm all up for more Betty, I wouldn't be making this a try sequence. 4 characters for four pages is the mission.


I'd like to see Mia rise to her feet and let out a primal roar


Thanks for the suggestion though. I'm definitely putting Betty up for consideration for the next full feature project. There are a few story points I'd like to cover with her revolving around Chamber Made, though no telling what order that'll happen in