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The next April image renders as I type, while I work away on the follow up, while drinking a lot of coffee.  Today is productive.  Unfortunately, it's been a case of one step forward, two steps back.  I saved the wrong render for the next Project: Patricia image, so will need to go back and re-render her.  I try and look at these frustrations due to goofish errors as a chance to improve on the work.  I think she may get a different outfit this time round.  She should be here over the next few days, depending on April, and come with another round of voting options.

Another much more minor setback occurred when I noticed a fault in the latest April shot.  It's now fixed, so if any of you guys are saving these to disk, make sure you update.

I'm about to type up a Producer's Poll for you guys to weigh in on the April story.  It could be considered spoilery - You have been warned!  But, er, I'll warn you again.

End of nonsense.



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