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Irma blinked, a little startled by the shock greeting while April turned away, hurridly composing herself somewhat. It occurred to April that she'd been enjoying her own company in a very personal way in a very public space and was perhaps only moments away from being charged under the lewd acts bill.

"Woah, easy April! It's me, Irma. You had me runnin' all over lookin' for ya y'know. I was startin' to worry!"

"I'm sorry Irrrmma..." April's voice was coarse and distant as she struggled to slur her words together.

 "I don't know w-what'ss going on but.." Her speech pattern was erratic and it was clearly taking a great deal of concentration for her to talk

"...Ssssomething sstrange iss happening to m-m-meeeow!" April's strange lilt broke off into a long yowl as she struggled to speak through her numb lips and lengthening canines.

Irma comforted her friend as the redhead hid her face in embarrassment.




Is there a button to mark Love? Oh man, with the sweat? You just keep upping your game S. Phenomenal. And I see those dots on her cheeks, I see what you're up to!


Heh, shucks. As for the dots, I never quite understood what they were all about in the original series. If they were above the upper lip it might make sense. Stoned animator maybe. Probably never expected that scene to be quite so heavily admired. :p Nevertheless, I always quite liked the detail so added it to the homage.


There is nothing better in this world than a slow, erotic transformation exquisitely rendered


Looking forward to seeing what is happening with her ears...


Yeah, it's a bit of a shame the hair doesn't allow for showing the ears. Guess we'll see them popping out soon enough though,


The level of detail in this one is exquisite!


Are we getting a flashback to what brought this on? Are we assuming it follows the original episode or did she step in some mutagen when she wasn't looking? Or did she get treated at Ms Kyle's Home For Strays too?


A pertinent question. All will be revealed in time. I would love to answer in more detail, but I'm still not sure whether or not that portion of the story will be depicted, or just mentioned. I have an idea how to pull it off, but anything more than five frames ahead is subject to change wildly. You always seem to ask what I happen to be mulling over at the current time.


Thanks Monkey. I'm a little bit pleased with this one even if I do say so myself.


Considering how Selina's last test subject went, it would almost make sense if April was in there poking around looking for a story. Missing person? She'd be there. The question would be, why wouldn't she remember...then again, it seems like Selina is pretty crafty...

Michael KochKetola

Going by how shiny her cleavage is April is hot in more ways than one! Also really like the arm hair on her in the last few pages, hints nicely at her growing fur and undergoing other changes we can't see.


Thanks Michael. Hopefully we'll get to see some more of those other changes soon.


Y'know that's pretty much how one of the possible plot drafts went. There's a few other angles I'm working on but I'm pretty sure LunaTech are involved somehow... Debating whether or not to use the pop diva character mentioned in the very first panel as a featured villainess role.