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"Shh-shhhh!" Irma patted and rubbed her friends back as she glanced about the bar, hoping not too much attention was directed their way.

"Uh-huh, maybe that half bottle of gin ain't helping, eh?"  Irma slid the bottle just out of reach as her friend to groaned in a bizarre animalistic manner.

"It's not jussst that Irma.  I'm not feeling at all like my usual self. I-I think I tried to make a pass at Tony, Irrrma.  Then.. Then I ate an entire steak, practically raaawwr!" 

Irma did what she could to calm  the woman as April hissed and winced throughout her confession, her pale eyes fixed on the middle distance as she rasped, her 'R's rolling with a purring rumble.

"Whateverrrr's happening is to m-mrrea.. happening to m-mree is only getting worse.  It's too fucking hot in herrre.  I need to get outta  variety herrre, Irrrmaa...."

Her tiny pinprick pupils clenched as her eyes went wide.  She could feel the tiny muscles around her eyes fluttering. Her vision blurred over completely as another pulse of endorphines surged through her system.  She blinked back into focus with wicked curved pupils that rested in the large gem like irises that had grown to dwarf the whites of her eyes. 




God, I hope her watch strap bursts


I'd love to be able to add that detail at some point. Not sure how it could be done though. I'll experiment a bit, and if I can make it look up to scratch (pun!) I'll throw it into the mix


Hmm yea you can see the sweat and what not in this shot

sam smith

Dat lighting tho