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Sadly for me, not a real vacation, luckily for you guys, not too long of a hiatus.   I'll be out of office for four days max starting Thursday night.  Probably just long enough to let my brain unclutter and stop thinking of everything in terms of 3D design.

I find myself estimating shader density of puddles as I walk by, or the transparency settings of a plastic carrier bag.  It'll be good to get away from the PC brain.

Yesterday's response to my general ideas was fantastic.  It was also great to hear from a few of you new faces/names.  So, the verdict is in, and it looks like all of those ideas will get thrown into the Solomix at some point.  Currently wanting to get the current batches of work finished before starting anything else so that there's enough monsters around here to keep the new guys company.


I noticed late last night that DAZ3D, the guys behind the software and many of the models I use has just released the fantasy style morphs that have been lacking for so long.  The muzzle morphs convinced me within seconds and I was downloading away.  At first I was convinced I had to start over with April's character, using the latest base model to support these latest animalistic traits...

Then I stopped.

I've taken so much time slowly introducing the character of April so you're as familiar with this versions human form as possible.  It seemed a waste to switch out at the last minute.  Also, a few of the tricks I planned on using for the TF would not have worked so well.

Turns out, I also wasn't that much a fan of the muzzle morphs "in the flesh".  Much the same as the equivalent morphs for the previous generation (the one I'm currently using) I found they didn't work well on their own but with an extensive collection of third party morphs, I could form something feline that a) didn't look like an ugly unrealistic goofball and b) looked fairly unique.

There are still many advantages for me to remain using the same figure for now, but in future maybe as more suitable assets are released, I'll be making the change.

However, I think anything involving She-Hulks could currently work very well with the new Gen figures.

Currently working on: Poison Ivy's hair, Harley's nails.  And fog.

Listening to: The whir of a slightly overheated rig
