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Good day, Peoples.

The main thing on my mind today is... You guys!

I briefly mentioned rewards earlier didn't I?  I want to try a little something out with you guys.  An experiment, if you will.

I had the idea that backers of a certain level could claim the status of "Producer" or something to that effect.  Exactly what this would entail is still up for debate, but the basic idea is that at least once a month, there'll be a choice to make, perhaps in terms of plot, or a more stylistic decision.  "Cat Woman grows a tail and A) Jumps to her escape B) Turns on her captor or C) Rolls over to have her belly scratched" or maybe you'll  get a vote on costume design or location.  I think for the most part, these would be multiple choice questions, (similar to those Choose Your Own Adventure books from back in the day) but any particularly striking ideas from leftfield would also possibly be up for consideration.

Intrigued?  I am.  It could fail spectacularly or work really quite well.

"When can we start the grand experiment?!" I hear you cry, which probably means I haven't slept enough.  No-ones crying out.  Shush.

Later today (or early tomorrow, depending on how much reworking I decide needs doing) I'll be uploading the next chunk of April's story... WITHOUT A PICTURE!11!!OMG!1

This will NOT be a paid post

Not until you guys have suggested exactly WHAT the picture should be.  The story is quite long again this time around so there are plenty of moments to choose from, and I'm not even gonna make this one multiple choice yet.  Maybe you guys decide actually, you want to see 3 images covering that portion of the plot-line?  I dunno, it's new to me, it's exciting to me, it's a little frightening.

Not only will you guys be choosing the picture, I've amassed quite a collection of "April-ish" hairstyles, so may well get you guys to pick which one you'd like to see for the next portion of the story.  No promises though, I may find that for various reasons, one and one alone will do the job.

As I've mentioned before, I'll be away over the weekend, so you guys have a chance to get your responses in, but don't hang about too long, I'm itchin' to get to work!

It's been great hearing from the new guys as much as the faithful stalwarts, so hopefully even more of you will get involved this time.  Remember this round of Producer's Choice (will I call it that?  Dunno.  Need a snappier name!) will be open to all backers great and small, but in the future it may not be.  Get involved!

 Stay Freaky,


Edit: Other examples of producer powers could be as follows..

Casting Calls; Sometimes when designing a character, I'll come up with several different versions which I could then share for you guys to vote on.

Picking Projects; Maybe a poll to decide what full length story based sequence is next, choosing from a selection of proposed ideas. Again, if anyone comes up with an idea that screams YES to me, then I may throw that in the mix.

Cameos; Maybe something restricted to a higher tier.. Executive producers maybe, but I could implement the option of having your OC or character of choice appear in some context-friendly, lore abiding(ish) manner for a few panels.  Examples could include but not limited to, hench-people/creatures, wicked captors or woeful captives or perhaps a relevant news broadcast... There's a shit-ton of possibles, yo.

Credit where Credit's Due; It's not much, but producers would have their name or handle in the credits, similar to the intro of Curse of the Catwoman.  Hell, if you didn't want your name attached to such purile smut, you could pick a brand new alias.  Backer McBackFace is taken I'm afraid.



Might be a fun idea, yeah. :)


I like it, but I was wondering if you be doing the other pictures, or just make the one that everyone selects? But I think that it's a fun idea and interesting to see how this all turns out!


I'll still be doing other pictures along the way, though for the latest portion of story, I'm gonna go with the backers choices. In future, I might aim to host similar polls a couple times a month, as so far it seems to be a well received idea. Choices may be stylistic ones, or perhaps more plot driven. Hopefully it helps supporters who wish to, to get involved and know that they are very much an important part of the production process.