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Not another word was spoken until the coffee cup was half empty and then only a quiet "Hm, no cream?" was mumbled as April sat the empty vessel down to one side.

Irma seemed to be babbling away with her usual nervous excitement which was of little consequence to April, who sat coiled upon her sofa, staring blankly at the sunlight streaked floorboards. Listlessly she idled away the hours this way until gone midday. April flicked through the channels with disinterest, unable to really digest anything onscreen, she found it hard to concentrate for more than a few seconds at a time. Her foggy head was clearing up a little though whenever she tried to piece together any fragmented recollection of the previous night, her mind clouded and ears rang to the point it that it made her feel nauseaus. It was easier to just be in the present for now.

Irma had cleared away the simple breakfast they shared, (albeit at different times) and was now moving about the kitchen, seemingly reorganizing where everthing went until her attention was caught by a noise coming from over on the sofa. April was absently scraping her long nails repeatedly across the fabric with one hand while the other changed channels every few seconds. She wore an almost lifeless stare as she gazed into the television.

"April! Stop that, you'll ruin the fabric"

Irma whined in her usual manner. She was right though, the fabric had begun to bobble, threads started to snag. It wouldn't take much longer before April wore shreds right through the sofa lining.

The doe-eyed redhead snapped back into focus, and cocked her head curiously. Clearly she had no idea what Irma was waffling on about this time and shrugged off her friend's typically anxious behavior.

"What time isss it Irma?" she eventually croaked wearily, peering over at Irma who stood there, regarding April curiously

"Time you got a watch, heh. Uh, just gone 3, I think. About that. Roughly"


April slowly lurched forward and searched about, as if looking to see where the day had ran away to.

"I've got an appointment at Stark's at 5. Tony said he'd squeeze me in before closing. There's no way I'm missing it"

"You're getting you're hair cut, again? Don't they do that at the studio for you anyway?"

"You think I'd let those butchers anywhere near this?"

April preened back a bright auburn strand of hair as she quirked a brow

"They do me just fine! If you're really gonna go out, uhm you might wanna put on some fresh clothes.. Er, maybe shower a bit first? Don't take this the wrong way, but you smell a little.. Funkadelic"

April flicked her elegant fingers dismissively as she stood and huffed. She headed towards the bathroom and motioned back over to Irma

"You just carrying on doing... whatever it is you're doing" April muttered as she slinked away

Irma nodded agreeably and with that April disappeared around a corner into the small, brightly lit bathroom. From the looks of things, Irma had given the place a thorough clean, top to bottom. April was no slob but the bathroom practically gleamed with cleanliness although the lavender and pine scented odour was a little overpowering. The redhead's nose wrinkled and flexed.

Staring into the bathroom mirror she scalded herself for not being a better hostess and more accommodating friend. April wasn't usually this distant and brisk with Irma, sure, she was easily the more sarcastic and biting of the two but they were usually so close. What had gotten into her today? Everything just felt so... restrictive. A shower and a trip across town would do her good. There was no way yoga in the apartment would work today. Not with Irma crowding her.

She ran her tongue across her teeth behind closed lips, wondering about the strange taste brewing in her mouth all day, not to mention the aching gums.

The sound of furious tooth-brushing could be heard next door by Irma who had switched off the blaring TV and was texting on her cell. After what seemed like forever, the scrubbing and the spitting ceased and was replaced by the dull hum and sprinkle of the shower. That, however didn't last quite as long as. A yelp was heard followed by April, who rapidly padded out from the bathroom, wrapped in her toweled white robe but still dripping wet.

"Whassamatta? Water run cold?" Irma quizzed with a curious smirk as her soggy friend briskly made the run across the room with her head down, towards the bedroom (and the only available towel).

April's response was more of a long grumble that pitched up towards the end. She couldn't quite explain it to herself. The water wasn't too hot, wasn't too cold, it was just right. It just felt... unpleasant. Perhaps the electrics were faulty and she was getting mildly electrocuted? Even the thought of standing under the shower again gave her a sudden spread of goosebumps.

In the limited privacy of her open bedroom , April dropped the bathrobe to her feet and kicked it aside as she toweled herself down and tousled her hair. Every pore on her body prickled but was soothed as she towel dried each curve of flesh. She approached the first smile she'd had since waking as she tousled her limbs dry, the sensation more than compensating for the bizarrely unsettling shower.

It was when her legs were fully dried that she noticed how fluffy her legs had gotten. Considering she'd recently paid vast sums for hair removal, she was disgruntled, if not slightly disgusted. Until that is, she ran her tapered fingers down a shin. The soft downy hairs felt wonderful to touch, quickly returning the smile to her cheeks as she murmured contently. For a few blissful moments, she lost herself to the comforting sensation and the sunlight on her skin until her eyes flashed open. She didn't have long to get dressed and get across town.

April was adamant that despite how unexpectedly luxurious a little hair on her legs felt, she wouldn't be seen flaunting such a look in public. She poured through her wardrobe, looking for any suitable attire that would mask her ever so slightly fluffy legs. Eventually she settled on a bold yellow combo, which felt a little harder to squeeze into than the last time she recalled wearing it, though it had been some time. April was by no means chubby, but the fabric was much tighter around the thighs and hips than usual with her chest straining under the same issue. In her absentminded rush, she'd neglected to don a bra but her breasts sat firmly in place regardless. The sloping mounds squeezed together tightly, causing April to notice with a hint of admiration. She cupped and squeezed a little with an impressed whisper of "Woah" until she realized Irma was only meters away with very little privacy between them both.

April wasn't even keeping track of how many times her concentration had flitted about throughout the day, but she really had to get a move on if she was going to make her appointment. Grabbing a jacket and purse on the way out, she hurridly brushed past Irma,

"I'll be back later Irma, spare key in the drawer!"

Without further hesitation, April whooshed out of the apartment and towards the elevator.




As per usual, you'll need to right click and "view image" to see the finer detail. This is very likely to be the last in the series for this month, so thanks for your support so far, and stay tuned throughout May for more April ;)


True, but for my part that's what i love most


Truly awesome, I really can't wait to see how this turns out. The level of detail is just so damn perfect.


Thanks Monkey. Would have liked to get a bit more detail in her eyes, but without killing the scene with an additional "artificial" light, or illuminating the eyes themselves, t'was the best I could muster. Adding a strip bulb above the mirror helped give a bit more definition than previous but something about that angle, that light and that surface did not want to obey my wishes.


Hi, and thanks. Happy to see so many like yourself who are enjoying the slow subtle escalation I'm trying to pull off here. Won't be many pages now 'til things get a little wild around here.


Think of it more as an episode that heavily features transformation, rather than a straight-up simple TF sequence. Part of the joy of working on my own stuff is that I can choose the pace and weave it into a story