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Howdy Freaks,

So, as you can probably guess, I've got a fair bit on the go at the moment, what with April, et al but occasionally, my mind wanders forth to future projects.

Cat Women seem to be what comes naturally to me and is easily the subject I'm most experienced with but there's so much more out there!

I'm wondering what kind of transformations you guys are interested in seeing the most in the coming year.

My next two commissions are already in the negotiation stages and guess what, at least one of them is NOT a cat or wolf.

The following is a small list of subjects I'd be interested in tackling, and is in no way a promise to deliver (though I don't see anything stopping me. I am the one who knocks etc) but I thought I'd throw it out there and see what feedback comes my way.

1) A She-Hulk TF.  Perhaps a tale of the Red Hulk feat. Dr Betty Ross, or maybe we meet Jen Walters as she struggles with her own green-eyed monster.

2) A symbiotic possession/transformation ala Spiderman's Venom, perhaps featuring a spiderman heroine, or maybe someone from left field. I'm open to suggestions, though I quite like the idea of Daphne and Velma from 80's Scooby Doo  undergoing some evil transitions at some point.  Perhaps with added tentacles

3) Demonic/Succubus corruption.  Self explanatory really.  You've seen 'em before, but not something I've ever done.  Open to suggestions for character subjects. 

4) Or maybe something more along the lines of a hypno/BE plot.  Perhaps the pop diva mentioned in the first April page Nina Miraje sets about transforming her fans/labelmates into pouty, garishly adoring worshippers.

Maybe you guys have other ideas, so don't be shy.  Figured this would be a good opportunity for those who've recently thrown their dollar in to add their two cents as well.

Until next time,

Stay Freaky

(Cat Woman from Ch 6 update tonight, 1 picture plus a chunk of story.  Stay tuned)



My vote goes for #2, don't see that nearly often enough.

Shadows exile

#2 and #3 both sound awesome. Corruption is my Jam!


#1 or #3

Stone Quillian III

#1, but I had an idea for a Disney TF. Mostly I think either a Cat TF involving Belle from Beauty and the Beast, or a Giantess TF with Alice from Alice in Wonderland.

Stone Quillian III

Or if you'd like, a Dragon TF of Maleficent.


Um....all of the above? I kinda love each idea, though I admit, 2 and 3 could be the most fun. I kinda love the idea of a series of corruptions- take something innocent like Disney princesses and twist them into succubi maybe. Though I'm fully supportive of MJ and Gwen getting the ol' Venom/Carnage treatment.


1 and 2 sound fun


2 or 3


Daphne an Velma please