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Will lay on his bed, the aches all over his body now completely gone. he watched as Reina rubbed her body on him, catching his dick between her breasts and squeezing it between them as she did.

Will’s dick was wet with a mix of Reina’s juices and her saliva, making Reina’s titjob feel much better than usual. Or was it also part of her newfound changes?



“How have you been feeling today? Anything weird?”

“Hornier than usual, if you didn’t notice,” she said, giving Will a sultry grin and licking his dick from the base to the tip. “But other than that, no. I’m feeling great, actually.”

‘I wonder… Should we teach her how to control sexual energy?’

‘I was wondering the same. Would it be the right thing to do?’

‘Whether it’s right or not, she’s already awakened to it. It’ll probably grow in intensity the more sex she has.’

‘Then it becomes a matter of safety. Her sexual energy is weak now, but if it gets stronger and she can’t control it, she might experience emotional outbursts like I did.’

‘I don’t know if it’ll be strong enough to make her puke from anger like you did, but it’s possible.’

Will gently put a hand on Reina’s shoulder and gesture for her to move up. Of course, Reina being Reina, she crawled up his body while rubbing as much of herself on him as she could. When they were face to face, she kissed him and held his hard cock, giving it slow, gentle strokes.

“We need to get you used to handling your sexual energy,” he told her. “It can cause problems if you don’t.”

Reina raised an eyebrow. “Really? Like what?”

“Sexual energy is basically aether fueled by feelings of lust, and lust is deeply connected with emotions. You may feel like things are affecting you more than you think they should. Also, aether is now one more part of your body, so using it too much may cause you to feel ill.”

“Right. That’s happened to you.”

Will nodded. He held Reina close, fondling her ass and kissing her shoulder. “It’s my fault that you awakened to it, so I have to teach you how to use it.” He grimaced. “That said, I’m not exactly sure how to teach you.”

“How did you learn?”

“Ishtar guided me from inside, and eventually I got the hang of it.” Will raised his left hand, focused, and let his own aether flow. His aura became visible in his hand, like thin, purple smoke. Reina looked at it, mesmerized. “I’ve gotten to the point that I can start learning to do more complicated stuff, but looking back on it… The learning process is a blur.”

‘Will, let me talk to her for a bit.’

“Ishtar wants to talk to you,” Will told Reina. “She can probably say this better than I can.”

Reina nodded, kissed Will’s cheek and sat up, even moving a bit further away from his body. Then, Ishtar took over.


Ishtar rotated her shoulders mostly out of habit now. It helped her mind understand that she had a physical body for a while. She looked at Reina and crossed her arms across her chest.

“Why are you moving away from me? Do I scare you?”

“No, but you’re not my boyfriend, right?” Reina shrugged easily and grinned.

Ishtar mirrored that grin. “Correct. Good answer.”

“Hey, can I ask you something weird?”

“Hit me.”

“You… You’re a woman, right?”


“But you’re controlling Will’s body.”


“How does it feel to have a penis?”

“It’s weird! But also kinda fun? I only really think about it when I’m controlling Will’s body. I don’t know, I don’t mind it. Will doesn’t want me to have a penis, though.”


“Right, we haven’t told you about the plan…” Ishtar stroked her chin. “Another time. For now, I need to tell you that Will is probably going to be an awful teacher.”

“Hah? Why?”

“Ugh, I don’t want to say this, not since he can hear me… But whatever. Will… is kind of a genius.”

“A genius? You mean he has talent?”

“Yeah. I always thought he learned rather quickly, and a good part of it is that I’m just the best teacher in the world.” Ishtar nodded as if agreeing with herself. “But after comparing him to the incubi, and after recovering some of my memories… Even if we take away the fact that I’m the source of his powers, Will has taken to controlling aether stupidly quickly. Not just when it comes to sex magic, but fighting, too. All it took was a single day of getting beat up by Aoi for him to get a good grasp of how to use aether for non-sexual things.”

“And you don’t want him to hear this because…”

“He’s gonna grow a huge head! I can’t have him getting full of himself, so promise me you’ll bring him down a notch or two if he starts getting arrogant.”

Reina laughed. “Oh, I can totally agree to that.”

Ishtar grinned. “I’ve always liked you, girl. Treat the boy well, you hear? He’s thickheaded, and a bit of an idiot, and he blames himself for everything. He’s also kind of a jerk to me, you know? He teases me too much. Me! I’m the one who’s taught him everything he knows! He could stand to be more thankful and treat me with more respect. Anyway, what were we talking about?”

Reina chuckled and shook her head. “He’s in good hands with me, I promise. And I’m not the only one who’ll be watching over him.”

“Right.” Ishtar smiled. “I can vouch for this, at least. Stand by him, and he’ll be there for you whenever you need him.”

“I know.” Reina smiled, too. “Ruth and I learned that already.”

“Speaking of Ruth, if we’re going to talk about sexual energy, we need her here. She’s in the same position as you.”

“She said she’d be coming over today.” Reina reached for her phone to check the time. “She should be here in about 20 minutes.”

“Great, because I’m gonna have to do some explaining and I don’t like repeating myself.”

“...So this is what Will has to deal with every day, huh?”

“Say what?”

“Nothing, nothing.” Reina waved dismissively.

Ishtar heard it perfectly. Damn, what did a Succubus princess have to do to get some respect around here?

‘Behave like a proper adult.’

‘I am an adult!’

‘Yeah, I forget that sometimes.’

Seriously. No respect around here.


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