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Chapter 207: Intermission - Alice’s thoughts.

Alice smoothly drove her car into the big garage and parked it next to her dad’s slick gray 911 Turbo S. Her mind had a million things to think about, and yet she still had the same, automatic thought she had every time she saw that car: It was a bit of a waste.

It was a great car, with outstanding performance and some of the best acceleration in its class. It was a car made to hit the track, but her dad didn’t do that. Her dad was fascinated by high performance sports cars, by the technology behind them and their beautiful looks, but he only drove it casually. It was the difference between him and his children. Alice and Alex loved cars for similar reasons, but they just needed to see how they performed at their best. Another big difference was that Alice and her brother were more into JDMs, while their dad was much more into European cars.

She didn’t exit her car after turning off the engine. She sat there, absentmindedly looking at the roof. Without realizing it, she took a couple of fingers to her lips.

She still felt it. Her lips, her heart, her entire body still felt a lingering sensation of what that kiss had tasted like. It was… addicting. She wanted it again, and for longer. She wanted more. She wanted his hands all over her, on her waist, on her back, on her breasts and her butt!

Alice slumped on her seat as if she was melting and shivered. “God, that was…”

Much better than the car meet would’ve been. Those were fun, and she did like seeing new cars and talking to people about how they built them, but there were always the ones bragging about how much money they’d put into them, the ones that lied about their car’s specs, the ones who acted like they knew about cars but put useless mods on theirs to make them LOOK like racing cars. Car meets were fun, but they were also full of caveats. Being alone with Oliver had been much better.

“I want to see him again,” she said to herself, tracing her finger along the steering wheel. “Maybe we could drive somewhere out of town? The lake is only six hours from here…”

Six hours driving her car while talking with Oliver about all sorts of things. Getting to the lake and enjoying the view with him, making out even more. Maybe rent a cabin for a night and…

She sighed. That all sounded like the best idea to her, but it would probably be boring for him. “Something else, then. Something not related to cars. What does he like? Games, but I know nothing about games. Music, then, but what?”

She told him they shouldn’t go beyond what they did tonight until they cleared things up with Noelle, yet here she was already thinking of a second date.

“It was a date, right?” Did it matter? It was amazing.

Oliver was so easy to talk to, which was a shock. Alice knew he was changing, it was clear to see from afar, yet to have him in front of her, alone… He was almost a different person. Or maybe it was more fitting to say this was his real self, without the chains of fear and anxiety holding him down.

And that moment, when he bluntly told her he wanted to have Mila, Grace, Sarah, and even Noelle and her all at the same time… It was something that would’ve sounded wrong, selfish and even egotistical from anyone else, but from him? It sounded… interesting and exciting, a proclamation of an impossible dream. Alice wanted to see it happen.

Why? What made him different? He was cute, but more than just cute. He was hot, but more than just hot. He was… Alluring was the closest word she could find. It described him not just in looks, but his general aura.

Actually, all that set off some of Alice’s alarms. She’d been stupid enough to believe sweet words before, and she’d been hurt. She shouldn’t be believing Oliver’s words, either, right? But trusting Oliver was easier because her friends already did, and they were pretty good judges of character. And if that wasn’t enough, there was this… strange feeling she had by the end of the night.

The girls had told her about it. It was like a connection with him, something that bordered on the supernatural. When he said he was confident he could make them all happy, it was no platitude. He meant it, and Alice knew it.

“Sharing a boyfriend. Can I do it?” she asked herself.

She’d known since the start that her friends were already dating Oliver, so the idea wasn’t that shocking. And he was, after all, too much for any one woman to handle. That kiss served as empirical proof.

What truly worried Alice was Noelle. She had no knowledge of any of this. She was, for lack of a better term, an outsider in this whole situation. She was just a girl who really liked a guy. A guy who, to the public, was single.

She couldn’t imagine her agreeing to this. Alice was already close friends with his girlfriends and was aware of the situation before she even started liking the guy. Why would Noelle say yes to sharing the guy she liked with her and three other girls she barely knew?

Biggest problem was, Alice wanted her to agree.

She looked at her phone. She’d been sitting in her car for 15 minutes already. She had to call the girls or risk their wrath. Alice chuckled. At least her thoughts were in better order after all this thinking.

She sent a text to their group chat and went back to her bedroom.

Weird to think she was excited to tell them she had kissed their boyfriend.


Chapter 208: The first walk.

When getting something you want is difficult, it’s always easier to give yourself excuses to not get or do it.

“It’s too expensive.”

“It’d be troublesome.”

“It’s too far.”

“It’s not realistic.”

“I don’t really need it.”

When the means are there, people usually go for it without a second thought, but when something is difficult, we tell ourselves that it’s better to just let it be, and maybe most of the time it is. The real problem is when you finally admit to yourself that you truly want it.

“It’s expensive, so I better start saving money.”

“It’d be troublesome, but I’ll find a way to make it work.”

“It’s far, so I better get myself ready for the trip.”

“Why is it not realistic? What can I do to make it happen?”

“I don’t need it, but I want it anyway.”

Putting in the work to get something you want is always harder than telling yourself it’s better to not have it. So if there’s something you want from the bottom of your heart, could you work for it?

That was exactly the situation I found myself in, and you know very well what I’m talking about. However, my deep thoughts were interrupted by a cat jumping and landing squarely on my stomach as I rested on my bed that afternoon. If not for how light Cake was (and the fact my abs are a lot harder than they used to be) that would’ve startled me more.

“What do you want?” I asked her.

She meowed back in that high pitched tone of hers.

“You already ate.”

She meowed.

“Want to play?”

She meowed and jumped off, walking to the door and looking back at me.

“It’s only at times like these that I think reading your mind wouldn’t be that bad…” I sighed and stood up to follow Cake.

She walked with quick steps and her tail high up. She led me down the stairs, looking back every other moment to make sure I was following. Eventually, she stopped at the front door, meowing at me again.

“What?” I didn’t get it. I looked through the peephole just to see if there was someone outside and she was telling me, but no, there was no one. Then it hit me. “Do you… want to go outside?”

Cake began to rub herself on my legs, looking at the door and meowing even louder.

“I guess the house is getting smaller for you.” Cake was growing quickly. She was still young, and though she still had even more growing to do, she was no longer a tiny kitten. That, and she had energy. She ran and played a lot with her toys, so with her getting bigger, the space around the house was probably not enough.

Then I remembered that along the things Noelle and Alice bought for her was a harness and a leash. I suppose we could try it.

“Want to go for a walk?”

Cake followed me as I went to find the harness and leash. It took a bit to put the harness on her as I had no idea how the thing worked, but once I figured it out, it was easy.

Cake looked somewhat uncomfortable with it, though. She tried to look at it and scratched herself with her back paws, but I decided to chalk it up to it being so unfamiliar. We’d see if she grew used to it.

I put the leash on her and led Cake around the house as a sort of test run. She was surprisingly cooperative. I expected her to be against it. After all, you don’t normally think of cats getting walks, do you? But I’ve read it’s good for them if they’re the sort to have high energy.

I walked Cake to the living room, where mom was sitting on the couch, quietly reading a book.

“Mom, I’ll try taking Cake out for a walk.”

She looked up from her book with a raised eyebrow. “Oh? What brought this on?”

“I think she wants it.”

“Mmm. Take the carrier with you in case she gets into trouble or gets tired. She’s still young.”

“Ah. Yeah, good idea.” The carrier wasn’t that big, and it almost looked like a normal bag, so I could easily carry it on my shoulder by the straps.

I threw some snacks in, a towel, some plastic bags to pick up her poop and a couple of her toys, just in case. I opened the front door and let Cake decide if we were really going out or not.

She took her time stepping outside, but when she did, she seemed excited. I closed the door and we were on our way.

“Actually, where should we even go?”

Not too far, since it was our first time going for a walk. There was a park about six blocks away, so maybe there?

We stuck to the sidewalk, and though I put us on track to go to the park, I let Cake take the lead and we went at her pace, which was honestly fairly fast. She looked around, curious about everything, but always walked forward without stopping for much other than to smell things on the way. I don’t know if that behavior is normal or not.

It was an uneventful walk to the park, but I had to consider that a good thing. For our first time, Cake had behaved extremely well. The weirdest thing was when she saw some birds and jumped on the jungle gym to try and catch them.

That said, she seemed kinda tired, or maybe overwhelmed, so when I opened her carrier she immediately went inside. You know, sometimes I think we got lucky and got a really well-behaved cat, all things considered.

I was about to just head back, but then I had a thought. A few blocks away from the park was a small music store. With Cake on the carrier, taking a look shouldn’t be an issue, right?

I walked there with the carrier hanging from my shoulder and the cat inside laying there and looking out. I had no way to confirm it, but I thought she was enjoying this, too.

We made it to the music store, but when we did, I felt stupid. It was a Sunday! Of course the store was closed! I wanted to ask if they had something I needed, or might need. I wanted to compare prices and see if they had it here for cheaper than online. But the store was closed. Bummer. Maybe it was a sign I shouldn’t get it after all?


I snapped my head to look at my left, completely taken by surprise by that voice.

Noelle was there, with a bag in her hand. She looked at me with wide eyes, and I was sure I was mirroring that expression.



Story discussion ahead. Again, I think chapter 207 speaks for itself. I've said it before, but Alice becomes easier to write with each chapter. You know, harem stories have their own unique challenges. You need to have different girls to try and have something for everyone, but that inevitably means you're sometimes giving page time to characters some people may not have any interest in. Finding a good balance is tough. As for chapter 208, I feel kinda bad ending it there, but as I continued writing it, I noticed that the conversation that followed deserved its own whole chapter instead of a few extra words. But yeah, Noelle will be back on the spotlight. I don't want to keep dragging this resolution on, but I also don't want to rush it. So hard... Anyway! I hope you enjoyed the chapters!