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Chapter 205: Admitting it.

“I know Mila, Grace and Sarah,” Alice continued. “They know me just as well. I practically trust them more than I trust myself. If you… If we tried to have something together, and it worked between us, I’m confident I wouldn’t feel jealous of them, strange as it is to even say it. But what about Noelle, Oliver? You’re not blind. You know she’s into you, and you like her too, right?”

“...They really filled you in on everything, huh?”

“They wanted to make sure I understood everything.”

“...I’m going to sound like the biggest asshole on the planet,” I said, groaning.

“Try it. I already know someone with that title, and his spot is pretty secure.”

I sighed. “How Mila, Grace, Sarah and I ending up in this relationship is something I’ll probably never understand. Regardless, I… I love them, I really do. I’m trying and will continue to try my damnedest to make them as happy as I can.” My mouth was drying and my head felt light. “But while they’re the ones… encouraging this open relationship, I can’t lie and say I don’t want it either.” I rubbed the bridge of my nose and tried not to look at Alice. If I did, the words would escape me. I needed to focus. “It shouldn’t be a surprise, really. I’m already the guy who asked three girls out at the same time, so I guess it’d be hard to believe if I said I was against this at first. The last thing I want is to ruin what we have. However…” I furrowed my brow, bit my lip and took a hand to my chest, grabbing my coat tightly. My heart was pounding hard, to the point it nearly hurt. “I want it, Alice.” I looked straight into her eyes. She was listening closely, keeping any and all judgment off her face, at least until I finished talking. “I want Mila, Grace and Sarah. I want Noelle. I want you.”

That broke her straight face. Her eyes widened just as her cheeks reddened even more.

“I know it sounds fucking insane,” I said, holding my head. “I wouldn’t be saying this if the girls hadn’t pushed me to this point, to admit it, but it’s the truth. And what’s more, I know we could make it work.” My voice was beginning to rise as I grew more excited and more convinced of my own words. Say it with confidence or no one will believe you. “I could make you all the happiest people in the world! I could promise it! You’re amazing, Alice. You’re gorgeous, smart, and far more hardworking and passionate than I ever thought. If given the chance, I’d be twice as insane if I didn’t try to convince you to go out with me, too.”

It was when I was done that I realized how… agitated I’d gotten. Probably would’ve never gotten those words out if not for that, but I wasn’t sure saying all that was even a good thing.

Alice kept silent. She pursed her lips and looked into town again, into the thousand small dots of light that decorated the view. She was contemplating my words, I could tell. I felt my headache threatening to come back as I felt like I was close to reading Alice’s mind. Yet her thoughts remained her own, and I was thankful for it. Setting aside why it happened or how helpful it was at times, reading people’s minds bothered me.

She remained quiet for a little longer, for an approximate total of two full minutes. Then, as she fingered with her hands, and without looking at me, she asked. “Do you really think I’m all that?”

The high of my excitement, courage and confidence still didn’t completely leave me, so I answered firmly. “I do. I’ve always admired your work ethic and commitment, but I always thought you were keeping people away. Now I’ve seen a glimpse of the real you, and I want to see more.”

Alice looked down at the ground and kept fidgeting with her hands. Then she turned and stepped up to me. Then… she came closer, enough that her chest nearly touched mine, enough that her face was so close I could hear her breathe.

Alice closed her eyes, leaned in and kissed me.

It was soft, tender and inexperienced, and it almost made my chest burst with a plethora of mixed emotions. She then held my arms and pushed a little deeper, pressing her lips harder against mine. I trusted her body language and took a gamble.

I held her closer, wrapping my arms around her. I took the lead, putting a hand on the back of her neck and kissing her back. Alice’s body didn’t even tense up. Instead she relaxed and let me lead her.

I gently tried to probe her lip with my tongue, and Alice let me in. She tightened her grip on my jacket and took in a deep breath before we started truly making out.

My brain was in overdrive. There were too many things at once. The taste of Alice’s lips, the movements of her tongue, her body pressed against mine, the fact that we were kissing at all, and the thought that she wasn’t Mila, Grace or Sarah. All of that and more just… lit a bonfire in me.

I unconsciously deepened the kiss, tasted more of her mouth, held her closer as if afraid she’d be gone the moment I let go. I didn’t want this to end, and Alice’s response was to reciprocate as best she could. She let out soft, sexy moans. She let go of my arms to wrap hers around my neck.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes. I pulled back only when I noticed Alice needed to breathe. She gasped, still holding me close, and once she was ready she dove right back in.

Our lips met a second time, and it was the confirmation I needed to know that it wasn’t going to be over soon. Thank the stars watching over us.

It was my turn to half-sit on the railing, trying to find a position that was just a bit more comfortable for us. Alice couldn’t have cared less. She kept kissing me and letting me lead.

“Mmmph. Mmm. Haaah… Hmph…” Her voice, her breathing, her moans… It was all so fucking sexy.

For the next 30 minutes, we made out like it’d be the last time we ever would. And though not quite, it wasn’t THAT far off.


Chapter 206: Restriction.

Even when we stopped kissing, it was clear that neither of us had had enough. We were still hugging, and Alice was resting her head on my shoulder. At one point she’d taken my hand in hers, interlocking fingers, and she had yet to let go. Not that I wanted her to.

“I… I didn’t mean to go that far,” Alice said, gasping. “It was… I didn’t know a kiss could be that good.”

“I take it you’re not mad at me, then?” I asked sheepishly.

“Idiot,” she answered, still with the biggest grin on her face. She licked her lips, stared at me and suddenly burrowed her face on my chest. “I… I want to kiss more.”

“We can,” I told her. I wanted more, too. Yet Alice shook her head.

“No more. Not until you… until we both clear things up with Noelle.”

I tensed up for a moment, but as I thought about it, the more it made sense to me.

“I shouldn’t have started the kiss,” she continued. “I only meant to show you I was serious. I should have pulled away when you deepened it, but… I couldn’t resist.” She bit her lip. “Whether or not you start something with Noelle, I’d rather we not go any further until we’ve talked to her properly. She’s my friend, a good friend. I don’t want to hurt her by secretly dating the guy she likes.”

I nodded. “That’s probably the right thing to do. I… wasn’t thinking straight, either.” For that short moment, I forgot about Noelle. All I could think of was Alice, the girl right in front of me. But she was right. We shouldn’t have done this. That said… “But does this mean you…?”

“I’m willing to give it a fair shot.” She said, squeezing my hand. “I’m starting to really get what the girls said. There’s something special about you, Oliver, something that’s not normal. Maybe that’s what makes not-normal relationships work with you.” She smiled. “I can’t exactly say I’m making a blind bet. You come with great recommendations, after all. And it’s always easier to trust someone who’s upfront with what they want than those who hide behind lies and manipulation.”

I chuckled. “What makes you so sure I’m not lying?”

“I have it on good authority that you’re the world’s worst liar, and I have five sources.”

Wait… “Five?”

“Mila, Grace, Sarah, Isabelle… and your mom.” She laughed. “We had a little chat once when I was at your house, and she was telling me some of the ways you and Isabelle are polar opposites. Apparently Isabelle is a good liar when she wants to be, but you’ve never been able to tell a straight lie to her.”

“I’d like to make a correction to that,” I told her. “Isabelle has never been able to get a lie past me. She can hide things, but not lie. I can tell.”

“Is it that twin bond?”


“And you haven’t told your mom you’re dating three girls, right?”

“To this day I don’t know how I’m getting away with it…”

“Maybe she knows already.”

“She doesn’t…!” I swallowed. “It’s… possible.”

We laughed together. The tension that was there between us at the beginning of the night was completely gone now. Things had finally clicked, and I could say with full confidence that I was seriously into Alice.

“Okay.” Alice sighed. “I think it’s best if we leave it here for now, Oliver. I’d love to keep talking, but the longer I see you, the more I want to… make out again,” she said shyly.

I smiled wryly. “Same here.”

Letting go of her was harder than I thought it would be. We got in her car and began making our way down the mountain.

“11:40…” Alice said, noticing the time on the radio. “If I tell the girls I made it home, I just know I’m gonna get a video call.” She sighed. “If so, I’ll tell them what we did, and where we stand right now.”

“Okay. If they call me first, I’ll tell them.” It was the right thing to do, after all.

We mostly kept quiet the rest of the way. We’d talked about the things that mattered already, and if we brought something else up we ran the risk of wanting to stay together a bit longer. Honestly, I WANTED to stay with her for longer.

We made it to my house, or at least a block away from it. Again, just to make sure Isabelle didn’t see the car and started asking questions. Alice and I said our goodbyes, promising that we’d talk again at school on Monday.

Back home, I found mom in the living room watching a show with Cake. She asked me why I was home so early, since I told her I’d be back much later. I had to tell her the meet was canceled and that Alice and I just talked for a couple of hours.

“Is Isabelle in her room?” I asked her.

“Yes. She’s been there all day and I haven’t heard a peep from her, which is odd.”

I almost wanted to check up on her to see how her video was coming along, but I didn’t want to get interrogated, nor distract her.

“I’m going to bed. Goodnight, mom.”

“Goodnight, dear.”

Cake jumped off the couch and began following me up the stairs. At moments like those I could almost believe she understood human speech, but still wouldn’t bet on it. She followed me into my room and jumped on my desk, watching me as I fell face first into my bed.

“Hgggrrmmgg…” I groaned coherently into my pillow.

The mental exhaustion hit me all at once. I didn’t even feel it by the end there, but now the piled up stress made my head feel heavy.

Cake took the opportunity to jump on my back.

“Get off…” I told her lazily.

She meowed in response and started nibbling my hair. I didn’t have the strength to stop her. Maybe it was more than just stress. The times when I heard her thoughts had made me feel dizzy and even hurt me a bit. Maybe it was part of why I felt so exhausted? I wasn’t sure.

Yet when I tried to fall asleep, I couldn’t. I kept recalling those conversations… And that kiss. The memories were vivid. The taste of her lips, the smell of her hair, the warmth of her hand on mine, they were all engraved in my brain. I wanted to see her again. And the strangest thing of all? I had the biggest urge to see Mila, Grace and Sarah.



I also "expect" an interrogation of Alice given how close and open with each other the girls are. I originally had expected them to ask Oliver all about the non date with Noelle too and was surprised they played it so "distant". They'd probably not bother Noelle (only Oliver), but Alice for sure. O/c you could just mention it in the introspection chapter ("She had told the girls everything when they had their video call after", a bit more fleshed out) if you don't want to do it hands-on again.


“Mila Grace, Sarah, Isabelle… and you mom.” -> “Mila Grace, Sarah, Isabelle… and your mom.”