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I honestly don't know how many of you are reading the William Sawyer story, but for those who are, I apologize. I have to put it on hiatus for a couple of weeks.

One of the reasons is that I've been feeling unwell this past week. Strong stomach pains, headaches... Nothing major, I hope, but it has slowed down my writing considerably. Oliver's story is safe because I still have some chapters written in advance, but the William's has been a struggle to write lately, mostly because an arc just ended and I've been thinking of what to do for the next one. I have ideas, of course, but I have to iron them out.

I really should've made this announcement sooner, but I thought I'd be able to write more today and finish the chapter. I just don't feel well. I'm so sorry.

I hope you're all doing well. Stay safe.

As always, undying thanks for the support.



Nah you should prioritize yourself, I think most of us are here to support you for the wonderful writing you do but not to the determiner of your health. I’ll be here regardless either way.


I subscribed to see more of the William Arc, but sustainability takes precedent over fast access to chapters. I think everyone who’s following the story would appreciate you take your time and make something you’re proud of, rather than rush due to self imposed time limits. Hope you feel better soon.