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Chapter 191: Evolution.

It's hard to describe how I felt when I woke up that morning. Tired, for starters, which was weird considering it had been a long while since I woke up feeling any sort of tiredness. But it wasn't that I was physically exhausted, rather it was more akin to that relief after getting out of a stressful situation. My head felt light, not from any sort of dizziness or nausea but from a sensation like I'd just gotten something important done.

I knew I had a dream of some sort, but I couldn't remember it well. I think Alice and Noelle were involved in ways that weren't exactly appropriate, but after that it was even blurrier.

Well, strange dreams weren't exactly uncommon for me these days, so I decided to let it go. I had to get ready and make breakfast, so I hurried to get my morning routine done. I took a piss, showered, brushed my teeth and went back to my room to get dressed.

As I was putting on my boxers, I started laughing from hearing my sister's groans and Cake's loud meowing in the other room. Cake knew it was time for breakfast, and if she had spent the night in Isabelle's room, well, she had to wake her up to get out. Cake was a better alarm clock than a phone because she wouldn't let you snooze for 5 more minutes.

"Alright, alright…!" Isabelle groaned. Thanks to Cake, she was waking up at around the same time as mom and I.

My laughter was replaced by annoyance when I put on my shirt and felt it tight around my back and shoulders. It wasn't the first time I noticed, but it was the moment I knew I couldn't put it off any longer. I needed to buy new shirts and T-shirts. It wasn't extremely drastic, but I was bulking up. My shoulders, my back, my arms and even my legs were getting a little bigger, at least enough that my S sized clothes no longer fit well. Before you start picturing dumb crap, no, I was nowhere close to looking like Thomas or Ben. I was building muscle, but not to that level. Well, if my growth-sprout continued, I would've had to make a wardrobe change anyway, so it couldn't be helped. For now, though, I would have to put up with tight shirts.

When I was walking down the stairs to make breakfast, Cake was already free from Isabelle's room and ran past me, heading directly to the kitchen. I put on a black apron and left my jacket on the backrest of a chair like usual, just in case I got dirty. Changing a shirt was easier than changing my one school jacket.

The screaming cat had to make sure she was served first. There were times when she still tried to jump on the kitchen counter out of pure impatience, but she mostly held the urge back. I served the wet kitten food on her plate and set it down on the floor. Her purring as she ate was as close to a lawnmower as an animal can get, only cuter than a lawnmower.

After five minutes, while I was frying eggs, Isabelle came down and entered the kitchen.

"Good morning…" she greeted with a big yawn.

I turned my head back to her and greeted her as well. "Good morning. Cake didn't scratch you this time?"

"I learned my lesson, okay?" she said. Then, as her eyes were focused on me…

{His shoulders really are broader…}

I almost threw up my own heart, and you would've, too, if you'd just felt what I felt. I was watching Isabelle, okay? I had my eyes on her and I was well awake, yet this still HAD to have been my imagination.

I heard her voice, yet her mouth didn't move. I heard her say my shoulders were broader, but she didn't actually say it. No, saying I heard her is wrong, too. I didn’t hear any words. It was… It was like an idea, a thought that I was sure didn’t come from me, but from Isabelle, yet I ‘heard’ it, too.

When we think, we sometimes word our thoughts, right? But we also fill them with ideas that don't need to be explained, because they're only for ourselves and we understand them. But I got a short glimpse of Isabelle's thoughts, and understood them. I understood the feeling of melancholy, longing, and even pride that, if put into words, would be 'His shoulders really are broader'.

"Oliver? Are you okay?" Isabelle asked me. "You look pale."

My hands felt cold, and in trying to hold them to warm them up, I noticed they were shaking.

"I… I don't know," I said. "C-Can you finish the eggs? I need to go to the bathroom."

Without waiting for an answer, I hurried up the stairs with Cake running after me. I walked past mom, ignoring her morning greeting and closing the door behind me. Cake managed to get in.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Yes, I was pale, and with damn good reason. That… That had to have been my imagination, but the sensation wasn’t completely foreign. It was like my sixth sense, only… clearer. No longer a vague feeling, but something more concrete.

I’d grown used to it all, and nothing had changed much since that one morning. I had almost forgotten…

“I’m a freak…” I muttered to myself with a humorless chuckle.

Thankfully, this didn’t make me hyperventilate or anything. It almost did, and my head did hurt, but… after the initial shock, it wasn’t as surprising. Like I said, the feeling was familiar. Was my ‘sixth sense’ evolving or something? Was it a good or a bad thing?

Cake’s meow as she rubbed herself on my legs called my attention. Was she trying to cheer me up? I picked her up and looked her straight in the eyes.

“If I ever start hearing your thoughts, I’m turning myself in to a mental hospital.”

Cake meowed, and thank fuck I didn’t understand it. If I started hearing animal voices in my head, I don’t think I would’ve been able to handle it.


Chapter 192: Morning thoughts.

Just because I wasn’t hit by more random mind-reading during breakfast, it didn’t mean I was ready to dismiss it as a one time thing. It got to the point where I got a little paranoid and was expecting it all the time. It got me worried looks from Isabelle and mom, but it didn’t happen again.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” mom asked me. “I can call the school and tell them you’re not feeling well today.”

A rare and tempting offer. Mom was the type to tell us to never miss school if we could help it. Isabelle and I had only ever skipped when we had undeniably high fever or something like that. As a result…

“No, I’m fine,” I told her. “Just… A light headache. It’ll wear off soon.”

“...Very well.”

A part of it was a matter of responsibility, but another was that there was a personal interest in going to school now. There were people I wanted to see.

Once at school, I waited in the classroom for the girls to arrive, headphones on as I sat on my chair. Even since we lost the old music room, there wasn’t a point to arriving too early.

Rest well, old friend. I miss you even to this day, years after my graduation. That new lab will never hold a candle to your glory.

Grace was the first to arrive after me. Smiling, she walked to me, took off my headphones and kissed me. It was probably meant to be a quick peck on the lips, but the electric shock we felt made us deepen it.

My tongue probed her lips, she opened her mouth and we made out in the empty classroom. A familiar, sweet kiss… yet spiced up with the danger of being caught.

“You want us to be seen?” Grace asked me, grinning as she pulled away.

“You started it,” I told her.

“I’m really starting to miss the old room…” She sighed and sat on my desk with her legs crossed.

“I thought you were supportive of it going away.”

“Wrong.” She said, tapping my nose. “I said you didn’t need it as a safety blanket anymore.”

{It was nice to have a place to get naughty. Though I wouldn’t mind letting him fuck me here, too.}

I blinked. It always comes when you least expect it, doesn’t it? It was just like with Isabelle, only less jarring, and it made sense. I’d been getting that feeling that sometimes I understood what the girls were thinking or how they felt about something. It was only occasional and super random, but it had happened before. This was more of the same, only more concrete.

Grace was feeling a little horny, and those feelings seeped into me. We didn’t get many chances to indulge, but we both had a thing for public sex. Not exactly exhibitionism, but having the freedom to do what we wanted, wherever we wanted. Of course we could indulge in something like that.

However… It was still about 15 minutes before other students started arriving. Isabelle was at school, but she was in her classroom.

I stood up and held Grace’s hand. “Come with me.”

Eyebrows raised in curiosity, Grace did just as I asked.

The school was big, I’ve told you that much. As such, there are actually four restrooms on each floor: two for men and two for women, each set at opposite ends of each other. For good measure, we went to the restrooms furthest away from Isabelle’s classroom. Once there, though, the dumbest thing made me hesitate.

Women or Men’s restroom?

Already following my train of thought, Grace pulled me into the women’s restroom. “If we happen to get caught, we might at least get caught here.”

{Wouldn’t it be nice if other girls saw that huge dick?} I heard her think. I pushed that aside for the moment. Thinking that we were actually doing this was occupying most of my brain power.

We went in and locked ourselves inside a stall. The dam broke.

My hands went under her skirt and squeezed her plump butt. Grace wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a deep kiss immediately after. She raised a leg and got it around my waist, too.

The stalls had a very small gap between the floor and the door, but a gap nonetheless. We could be caught if someone came in, but the current time gave us a good safety margin.

“So bold! What got into you?” Grace asked me, grinning and nibbling my lower lip.

“You wanted it.”

She licked her lips. “You know me so well.”

We kissed again, fiercely, passionately. Grace unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants and got my cock out while I snuck my hand inside her panties and began fondling her vulva. She let out soft, sexy moans, but…

“You need to be quiet,” I whispered.

“I can’t…” she gasped. “You make me feel too good.”

I sealed her lips with mine, and to her credit, she was trying, too. When my fingers went inside her, Grace took in a deep nasal breath to keep her voice from coming out. Her hand stroked my cock with an uneven rhythm, her mind too busy feeling my fingers pleasure her sweetspots.

“Mmm… Yes…!” She moaned even against my lips.

She was already incredibly wet. It never took much foreplay to get us ready, and while foreplay was all kinds of fun regardless, not needing much was useful at times like these.

“Put it inside, love,” Grace whispered. Her lust-filled eyes locked with mine. “Enjoy my pussy, too.”

{Fuck me, Oliver! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me! Give it to me deep! I love you, I love you, I love you!}

It was the first time I could feel her desires and feelings so clearly. It made me feel truly stupid. To think there were times when I doubted she felt for me the same things I felt for her.

I turned her around. She put her hands against the wall and raised her butt towards me. I held her close from behind and took my two fingers, covered in her own juices, to her mouth. Grace happily sucked on them, even as her body tensed from the pleasure of my dick going inside her. She was keeping quiet enough, but I could hear her screaming her pleasure in her mind.

I had to go slowly, too, or risk the sound of my hips meeting her butt echo in the restroom. The restrained back and forth movements made it feel different from usual, but it had its own charm. I could feel Grace’s walls gripping me even more, squeezing me, burning me.

The heat gathered on my loins and my dick throbbed harder. I was getting closer to my own climax. The first time of the day always comes sooner.

{Yes! He’s coming! Give it to me, love! Give it to me!]

Huh. She could tell. Well, better give the lady what she’s asking for.

Coming inside her was more than enough to lift Grace to her own orgasm. She couldn’t help it and let out short, cute whimpers as her hips spasmed.

She turned her head around, grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me into another kiss. “You…” she gasped, “are the best.”

The post-nut clarity began to settle, and I started to realize what we had just done. And you know what? I didn’t really regret it.



Glad you're feeling better. Also I noticed one misspelling. "a good thing or band thing"


squeezed her pump butt -> squeezed her plump butt ?