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Chapter 189: A talk with Alice.

It was kind of funny seeing the confusion and panic in someone else’s face, though I didn’t quite understand why Alice would feel that way at all. The amusement became unease as she started walking up to me with a large ratchet in her hand.

“Ah, there she is,” Mr. Alex said, grinning. “That’s my sister, Alice.”

“Oh! Alice!” Mom smiled and waved at the student council president. “This is your brother’s shop? Why didn’t you tell us he had one?”

“Hm? You know her?” Mr. Alex asked.

Alice sighed and put on a smile. “Hello ma’am, hello Oliver. Alex, Ms. Holly is my friend’s mom, and Oliver her twin brother.”

“Oooh, I see. Then let me see to your car myself, ma’am, as an apology for having you deal with this little handful,” Mr. Alex said, pointing a thumb towards Alice, who looked comically unamused.

Mom laughed. “Not at all. She’s a very responsible girl. It’s always a joy having her at our house.”

“So you behave at other people’s houses, huh?”

“I behave everywhere, unlike you!” Alice poked her brother on the ribs with the ratchet in her hands. “Now go take a look at their car! You’re making them wait!”

“Yes, yes.” Mr. Alex laughed, then addressed my mom. “Bring the car in, ma’am.”

Mr. Alex and my mom went to see the car while I stayed alone with Alice in front of me. Given the small scowl on her face, the tension on her shoulders and the blush on her cheeks, I had the feeling she wasn’t pleased I’d seen her like this.

“So… you work here?” I asked.

Alice sighed again, loosening some of the tension. She looked towards her car. “Not exactly. I help whenever I can, and my brother pays me by letting me use his shop to work on my car or giving me discounts on parts I need.”

“That’s an amazing car. An RX-7, right? FD?”

Her attitude did a complete 180. Her eyes widened, brightened and she had a huge, goofy smile that was similar to her brother’s. “You know it?”

I smiled back, but rubbed the back of my neck nervously. “It’s a very iconic car. Sorry to say I don’t know much, only what I’ve learned from playing racing games.”

“I see.” She chuckled. “But you even got the model right, so you already know more than people who think they know. Come, let me show it to you.”

I followed an excited Alice back to her car, trying every hard to continue avoiding the thought that, somehow, she looked incredibly hot in that tight-fitting coverall.

“Do you know what makes the RX-7 so special?” she asked me with a grin.

“...Its looks?” I offered.

Alice shook her head. “It’s the engine. This one is one of the few cars that successfully make use of a wankel engine, also known as a rotary engine, and lovingly nicknamed the dorito engine due to the triangle shape of the rotor.”

“Ah, I think I’ve heard that before.”

Alice smiled, but a hand on it and looked down at the exposed engine. “I’ve had this car since I was 14, you know?”

My eyes widened. “Since 14?”

“It was a gift from my brother and my dad. On my birthday, they told me to go outside to see my gift. What I saw was a beat up, rusty piece of junk one could barely call a car. My dad said that if I wanted a car by the time I was 18, I would have to fix it myself.”

I blinked and my jaw fell. “...And you did.”

Alice pulled down the hood and leaned lightly against the front of her car. “Can I ask you a favor?”

“Hm? Sure.”

“Can you please…” she grimaced and swallowed, “not tell anyone about this?”

“Not tell anyone?”

Alice nodded. “Not even Isabelle and Noelle.”

“Wait, they don’t know?”

Alice swallowed and her lip quivered. “The only ones who know are Mila, Grace and Sarah.”

My own confusion aside… “I can promise not to tell anyone.” I looked back to where mom was. “And I’m confident I can convince mom to keep this to herself, too.”

Alice smiled wryly. “Thanks.”

“But… why? Why keep it a secret?”

Alice looked away. “It’s… complicated.”

“You don’t think… they’ll think less of you for this, right?”

Alice flinched. “It’s… part of it, but not entirely.” She sighed. “I guess I deserve this. I know your big secret, so it’s only right you found out about mine.”

Every muscle of my body tensed for half a second before I gave in to my fate. Alice chuckled at that.

“How’s it going, then? From what I hear, you’re treating my friends well, but how are they treating you?”

“So they really did tell you…” I felt my cheeks burning. “I had a feeling, but…”

“Sorry. We still tell each other everything. I’ve kept the secret, though.”

“...Thank you.”

Alice chuckled again. “You know, if someone had to find out about this, I’m glad it was you.”


“Mila, Grace and Sarah trust you. If so, I can trust you too. It’s why I didn’t say anything when you and Noelle agreed to go to that event together.”

“That was…!”

“I know.” Alice smiled reassuringly. “The two of you could stand to broaden your social circle, so I was happy. Still… Don’t play with her feelings, okay?”

Silently, I nodded.

“...” Alice looked back at her car with some hesitation. “Oliver?”


“Would you… come with me to an event this Saturday night?”

That was completely unexpected. “An event?”

Alice bit her lip. “See, the real reason I keep this a secret is that… I don’t just work on my car. I race in it.”

My eyes could’ve been popping out for all I know. “Y-You mean… Street racing!?” I asked in hushed tones.

Alice nodded slowly. “I always go with my brother, you see. Always. And this Saturday some people from another town are coming for a meet. We were both looking forward to it, but… My brother’s wife is sick, so he says he’s gonna have to skip this one. Going alone… I’m not sure I want to do it, so I wasn’t going to go, either, but…”

“But you really want to go,” I guessed.

Alice nodded again. “It’s fun seeing other cars who’ve had so much work put into them and see how they perform in a race. Racing against cars I’ve never seen before… The thought excites me, so I really don’t want to miss this.”

“Stupid question but… Isn’t this… Illegal?”

“Technically, yes…” Alice grimaced. “Which is why I can’t let the school find out. It’s harmless, though! Well, to anyone who isn’t racing…” She sighed. “Do you know the new tunnel they made a couple of years ago for the road out of town? The one crossing the mountain?”

“I think so.”

“Since they made that, the old mountain pass is practically abandoned. No one uses it, much less at night. That’s where we always gather so we don’t involve other people. We also don’t bet or anything. We just race for fun… and bragging rights.”

That got a chuckle out of me and a smile from Alice.

“But why ask me to go with you? I don’t know anything about cars.”

Alice lifted three fingers. “Three reasons. 1) You’re the only person I can realistically ask. I don’t want to go alone, and I’d rather not ask Mila, Grace or Sarah. You’re the only other person I’ve told about this. 2) It… has to be a guy. There aren’t many other girls at these meets, so the guys can get a little… too friendly. Since I go with my brother, it’s never a problem. Alone, though? You can see why I don’t want to ask the girls. And 3) I want to know you more.”


Alice giggled. “I’ve known you for a while, Oliver, but we’ve never spoken much until now. Then all of a sudden the girls call me and tell me they are all dating you at the same time. Not just that, but Noelle was telling me how much fun she had the other day. How can I not be curious about you?”

“I hope it’s just curiosity and not suspicion,” I joked.

“Should I be suspicious of something?” she teased.


“Good. So… what do you say? You’ll get to ride this car with me down the mountain. It’s better than any rollercoaster you’ve ever been on.”

I had to admit, that did sound tempting.

I looked back towards mom again. “Saturday night, right? I’ll have to ask my mom. Sadly, that’s non-negotiable. Either she knows what I’m up to or I lose her trust.”

Alice nodded. “That’s fair. Tell her I invited you to a car meet and that I’ll drive you home.”

“Okay. I’ll get back to you soon.”

“Thank you.”

Well… This wasn’t where I saw my day going, but maybe it was for the best.


Chapter 190: Honest desires.

It started with the image of Noelle sitting next to me on a couch. She rested her head on my shoulder, eyes closed and a satisfied smile crossing her cute lips. A warm, comfortable feeling filled my chest and made me get an arm around her waist. Noelle looked up at me with half-closed eyes, and my own lips were drawn to hers.

I found her tongue and wrapped mine around it. The soft, languid moan she let out was an exquisite sound. She put her hand on my chest and lightly pulled on my shirt as she enjoyed my attentions.

“I love you…” she whispered between kisses, and the warm feeling in my chest only got stronger.

I suddenly felt a kiss on the back of my neck, yet I wasn’t startled. I turned to see Alice there, sitting at my other side. I got an arm around her waist, too, and pulled her into a kiss.

Alice was more proactive, holding my head and kissing me back with more intensity. She moaned less, but her breathing was heavier and the wet sounds of our tongues and lips were every bit as arousing.

“I love you…” she whispered as well. It made my heart race.

“Oliver.” Noelle’s voice drew my attention back to her, and I saw her lifting her shirt to show me her large, bare breasts. With a shy smile and burning cheeks, she said, “You can play with them.”

My breath caught for a moment, and I felt my own face heating up. I leaned down and began kissing her cleavage. Her boobs were soft and supple, and Noelle even guided one of her nipples into my mouth. She giggled in between gasps as she also played with my hair.

“Mine are here, too, you know?”

When I turned to look, I saw that Alice had also pulled up her shirt and let her breasts free. I was pulled in by the magnetic force in that heavenly valley. I burrowed my face in her chest, kissed and licked her tits.

The moment I became aware of my erection was the same moment I felt two hands grasping it. Free of my pants, my dick stood tall and with Alice and Noelle both gently stroking it in a synched rhythm.

Alice kissed my cheek and nibbled my earlobe. “Relax. Enjoy this.”

Noelle kissed my shoulder and licked my neck. “We’ll do this whenever you want.”

“I love you so much…” Alice whispered closely.

“More than you know…” Noelle echoed.

I felt my orgasm rising with the beat of my heart. But when I came, it felt… hollow, empty.

I blinked several times, and in the last one I noticed I was in my bedroom, sitting at the edge of my bed, staring back at a grinning, ghostly figure.

“I finally found your weakness. I can’t believe it took me this long to figure out,” Frey said. “It’s my fault, really. You basically spelled it out to me, but I kept thinking that tempting you with pure sex would eventually work. I should know to work with the river current instead of against it by now…”

I groaned and hid my face in my hands as a wave of shame came over me.

I let my guard down.

It had been so long since Frey tried to tempt me with sex dreams that I’d forgotten about them. Then, without warning, she hit me with one that fucking hurt.

Alice and Noelle, two girls I was growing more and more interested in. But not only that, Frey just had to fill the dream with this sense of… rightness and comfort, the sense of reciprocal care and affection. For those short moments, I saw nothing wrong with what I was doing, completely forgot that I… I already had three girls who gave me that very same feeling in real life.

“Please, Frey… I don’t want to hurt them,” I pleaded. I felt weak, tired. I had no arguments to use against her. She’d caught me.

“Listen to me you dense idiot! You won’t hurt them! They want this! And you want it more than anyone!” Frey was more exasperated than angry. “Your girls already want you to fuck others, believe me! I’ve been trying to tell this to your awake self, but you’re so scared of losing them that you’re putting up all these barriers! It’s so frustrating! And these two girls? Alice and Noelle? The latter one would likely let you fuck her if you just asked, and the former is fighting off her feelings out of nothing but respect for her friends.”

“Wait, what?” I asked, eyebrows rising.

“What I said. It's so dumb, too. This girl Alice is starting to like you, but since you’re dating her friends, she’s denying it to herself, and all the while those very friends want you to take her to cloud 9. She’s good at denying her feelings, too, but I bet a single kiss would make her drop all her barriers. And Noelle? The crush she has on you is so strong it even dwarfs the infatuation your girlfriends felt when things first started.”

“This… This is crazy, Frey. I can’t…”

“You can!” Frey pumped both fists. “Oliver, there are people out there who get away with more and without any supernatural aid, just because they exude confidence. The world is big. There are guys out there seeing three or four girls at the same time, with consent, simply because they believe they can. But you, Oliver? You have something even better. You have me! Use me! Take advantage of what I can give you! I understand that you don’t want to hurt anyone, I do. So keep that in mind, you will even if I didn’t tell you. But you need to look at this in a different light. What if you’re not hurting them, but rather making MORE girls happy?”

“!!!” My heart skipped a beat. I instinctively fought that statement, if only to not believe it so easily.

I understood it was more of Frey saying things to make me play along. My own insecurities said that wasn’t even possible. Me? Make girls happy? Ridiculous! I was the one receiving everything! I was the one being made happy! I couldn’t get greedy and ruin everything. I couldn’t!

I thought I understood. But I don’t think I ever heard Frey more exasperated. It was like she was tired of playing mind games, tired of trying roundabout ways of getting me to do what she wanted.

“...” I swallowed. “You’ve been influencing them to accept this.”

“That’s still bugging you? Kid, do you even understand what suggestions are? It’s not mind control. Not even close. I told you I can’t do that, even if I wanted to. Suggestions only plant an idea in someone’s mind, but a person willful enough can easily resist them. For example, if it were up to me, you’d be fucking your sister already.”


“But you resisted my suggestions, remember? Now, do you think Mila, Grace and Sarah are so mentally weak that they’d fall for a few whispers?”

“...No.” Those girls are stronger than I’ll ever be.

“I planted the idea of sharing you, but they haven’t resisted it. Not because they can’t, but because they don’t want to.”

“...” I bit my lip. “How are you so sure Alice and Noelle want this?” I asked hesitantly.

“Because thanks to all the sex you’ve been having, I am now strong and healthy,” Frey said proudly and with a hand on her chest. “You know I was always capable of some weak form of mind-reading, but all the sex these few months has made me a little stronger. I can read more now, see things clearer and in people not tied to you by a sex link. All you need, Oliver, is to trust me a bit more and let me tell you what I can see. The reason your ‘sixth sense’ only works sometimes is because you still don’t fully trust me. And yeah, I get it, a scary ghost woman possessed you and is talking you into doing weird crap in the real world. Hard to trust. But believe me, all I want is for you to have lots of sex, to fulfill those fetishes and wishes you’re too innocent to admit. I don’t want nor need you to hurt anyone. If you want to do things in a way where everyone is happy, we can find a way to accommodate. But please, work with me! I want to grow, I want to become stronger, I want to reach my potential! I’ve been watching you, kid, and I’m really starting to believe you’re the best candidate to help me. It’s been over three months and those three girls are STILL head-over-heels for you. Sex alone can’t do that.”

I grimaced and bit my lip. “Frey… It’s true I want many girlfriends.” It was difficult to admit this out loud. “Spending so much time alone made me wish for impossible things. It was harmless, I thought, so long as I kept it to myself. But to really do it is… wrong.”

“Says who?” Frey asked. “Having many partners is wrong, yes, when you do it behind their backs and when you don’t have the means to keep everyone satisfied.” she finished. “Of course, that means sexually, emotionally, and maybe even economically. With my help, you don’t have to go behind their backs and you can most definitely keep tons of women sexually satisfied, I guarantee it. The way you are, I’m confident you can keep them emotionally satisfied. Now, economically… I hear the adult industry is very profitable.”

That last thing got a small chuckle out of me, at least.

“I don’t want to hurt anyone, Frey.”

“We can work it out. You just need to trust that my powers exist to bring pleasure, not pain.”

This was likely the most earnest Frey had even been with me. At least, I believed so. Was she still manipulating me or was she really being honest? For better or worse, I chose to believe the latter.

“Okay. I’ll start cooperating more."



I apologize, but no commentary on these chapters. I normally write these after posting them, right after giving them a final readthrough, but right now I'm feeling really sick. I'll try combining the commentary from these with Thursday chapters, as I have a little more to say about those. I hope you like the chapters!


"Having many patterns is wrong" -> "Having many partners is wrong" ?. Hope your feeling better soon :)


Thanks you! Another example of auto correct screwing me up, because I remember writing 'partners', hahaha.