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Kaede Chiteki is an intellectual genius. She learned to read kanji characters far earlier than any of her peers, her memory is unparalleled, her analysis of data fast and efficient. There hasn’t been a single set of exams in which she hasn’t achieved a perfect score, even considering she was always a few grades above her age. Simply put, Kaede Chiteki is pretty smart.

But being smart doesn’t mean she understands everything.

People fear what they don’t understand, and what Kaede find the scariest is people. They will try to live their unfulfilled dreams through a proxy. They will be at each other’s throat one day and be as close as the best of friends the next. They will say hurtful things. They will say uplifting things. They will accept unreasonable conditions if their desire for something is strong enough. They… They will continue to have sex despite knowing there’s someone else at the other side of the door.

“HHHHHNNNGG!!! Just stop thinking about it!!!” Kaede screamed into her pillow while flailing her legs and kicking her mattress.

It had been a full week since she heard them, and the sounds were still as clear in her ears as they had been that day. There was nothing exactly wrong with what they had done! They were a couple, they liked each other a lot, and there was the Book of Eros too. There was absolutely nothing wrong with Leo and Reiko having sex in his room.

So why did it made her heart throb as hard as it did!? Why did her chest feel so tight!? Why did her ears burn at the mere memories!? Why was it so difficult now to look in the face at the first friend she’d ever made?

Why was Kaede even in the island?

It was her escape from a life she hated. She ran away from her responsibilities for a chance at a reset. But she’d already been here three weeks and what had she done? She tried something drastic on the first day with a change of style and forcing herself to be more outgoing, but that resulted in creating an image she wasn’t quite able to sustain. Now her only acquaintances at school were Reiko and the other members of the clan, two of whom she hadn’t spoken to much, if at all.

“And now looking at Leo and Reiko is just…” Kaede sighed. It didn’t matter that she was actually a university student, those two were so much farther ahead in life than her.

Despite the restrictions her family put on her, Reiko was still a very sociable girl. People in school spoke to her, she got along with the intense Angela, and even had a boyfriend.

Leonardo was on a level of his own. He studied, worked, did house chores, cooked, worked out, knew a lot of people and carried the burden of the fate of the Tensai Clan. It was like there was nothing he couldn’t do, nothing that scared him. He had life figured out. No wonder Mrs. Wisler picked him. In comparison, Kaede was just… useless. Her achievements were purely academic, and they only happened due to her God-given Gift.

Yeah, why would he even want to look her way? Why would someone as cool as him want anything to do with someone as dull as her when he had women like Reiko, Angela, Lucia-san and especially the bombshell Miryoku-san just begging for his attention?

Reiko once told her to focus on what she wanted to do first. She found something fun to do in watching anime and reading manga, but… By now, Kaede knew that she wanted to know what… sex was like. It happening so close to her only made her more curious. She started having dreams about it, and the unquenchable, burning sensation was starting to become a serious problem.

Kaede might be bad at socializing, but she was smart enough to intellectually understand what was happening to her. It was very simple but not any less frustrating for it. This was a common issue that plagued every teenager ever.

Kaede was jealous that everyone around her was looking happy. She wanted a boyfriend. She wanted sex. She was craving the companionship everyone at her age does. It took seeing others having what she didn’t to trigger her repressed desires.

And it sucked.

The solution to her problem was easy. All she needed to do was go and ask Leo. There was no way he’d say no. The issue was that the shame she felt. No, not the embarrassment. The shame. She didn’t want to walk up to him and ask for sex like she was entitled to it. She… She wanted Leo to desire her as well, to look at her like he did the others. But she wasn’t good enough. She didn’t have anything to offer the others couldn’t do better.

She needed advice, and the first person that came to mind was Reiko. Kaede knew the only reason looking at her was hard was because she was getting jealous she was having sex while Kaede stayed behind. But she had to get over it, and she knew her friend wouldn’t get mad if she told her she wanted to have sex with Leo. Reiko was understanding like that, another point in her favor. However, she couldn’t exactly talk to Reiko at 2:00 am. There was a chance she was awake, but… No, Kaede didn’t want to be a bother.

The next person to come to mind was Miryoku-san, since they talked a bit and watched TV together quite a bit these days. But again, she was more than likely asleep. She had no choice but to wait until tomorrow, yet sleep still evaded her. She tossed and turned in her bed, head full with images, scenarios and possible conversations with anyone and everyone involved in this.

She needed a glass of warm milk. If she was back home she would’ve taken sleeping pills, but she hadn’t been needed those for the past three weeks. That was one good thing about coming here.

She got up in her blue pajamas and walked to the kitchen. But before she entered, she turned her head to the end of the hallway. A turn to the left and Leo’s room was there. The thought made her heart race and her chest tighten. Something told her to ignore it, yet… her newfound curiosity and interest made her take the first step. She turned at that corner and stood in front of Leo’s bedroom. She heard exactly what she came looking for.

“Mmmm! So strong! Yes, baby! Ram it in! OhFuckOhFuckOhFuuuuuck!!! Haaaah! Haaaah! Yeeessss!!”

It was Lucia-san’s voice behind that door. Kaede knew it was her turn that night, but they’d gone to bed around 10:00 pm. Had they really been like this for four hours? Kaede swallowed, ears picking up the loud smacking sounds and the ecstatic moans from the older blonde. She was starting to get dizzy from it all. And then…

“Hhhngg! Oh God I love your fingers so much! You know my pussy perfectly already, huh?” she heard a voice giggling. Miryoku-san’s voice! T-The three of them were together… again? “Let me suck your tongue.”

Kaede couldn’t step away. The burning sensation between her legs was unbearable, the pressure in her chest uncomfortable, the heat in her cheeks was making her lightheaded. And yet she couldn’t… didn’t want to step away.

It was like a hearing a sneak peek of what she could have if she wanted to. And besides, it was genuinely astonishing how those two, who were fighting over who got the most time with him two weeks ago, we now willingly sharing like it was such a normal thing.

Kaede stood there listening, hypnotized. It was the loud sound of a slap and an erotic yelp that snapped her out of it, made her realize what she was doing was very inappropriate. She fled to the kitchen to make her warm milk and go to sleep, but as she watched the mug rotate inside the microwave, she knew sleeping would be even harder now.

She sat at the table with the lights off, drinking the milk. Her mind was everywhere and nowhere. Those sounds weren’t like what she heard when Reiko was doing it. This sounded… kinkier. Her body trembled from a mix of excitement and shame. It was way too much stimulation of her uninitiated mind! Was this what teens felt when discovering porn for the first time? Kaede lost track of time. She was there even after she had drank the milk.

“Hm? What’s the matter? Can’t sleep?”

The voice startled Kaede so much she felt her heart reach her throat. She looked to the door and saw Lucia-san there, fixing her hastily put on robe to cover herself. She was clearly naked under it, her long hair was messy and undone, her face was lightly flushed and she had a small satisfied smile.

“I-I-I’m sorry! I’ll go back to my room!” How long had she been in the dining room!? A glance at the dvd player said 20 whole minutes.

“Wait right there,” Lucia-san said, standing in the doorway. “Look at me,” she said with narrowed eyes. Kaede swallowed and hesitantly looked up at the older woman. After a few seconds, she sighed. “You heard us fucking, huh?”

Kaede’s chest was about to explode. Of course she could read her expressions with how nervous she was!

“…I’m sorry!”

“Don’t apologize.” Lucia-san waved her hand dismissively. “I came here for a glass of water. Didn’t expect to find you here. Was hearing us what got you this agitated, then?” she asked, walking past and behind the kitchen counter to pour herself her water.

“I… Yes,” Kaede shamefully admitted.

“Urgh, you poor thing,” Lucia-san groaned and shook her head. “I still remember what mine was like. You know I lived in this island for a while, right? Well, there wasn’t and still isn’t all that much to do in this place, so couples tend to get pretty frisky. I caught a couple fucking at the beach when I was… what, 15 I think? God, it was a rude awakening.” She downed the whole glass of water in one go and set it aside. “We’re all living under the same roof, so don’t think I hold this against you. It was bound to happen eventually with him being busy every night. I’m more worried about how you’re doing.”

Kaede blinked. “Eh? M-Me?”

“Feels bad, doesn’t it? It itches, but you can’t scratch it. It burns but you can’t put it out. Yours came far later than mine, so I have to bet it feels a lot worse. Your body’s more developed, after all.”

Kaede swallowed and nodded slowly. “H-How did you deal with it?” she asked.

“I distracted myself, like the others did. Leo buried himself in things to work on, Seina focused fully on her career, I hear Angela’s into fist fights and Valerie into sports. I went out and attempted to experience every other pleasure the world had to offer and money could buy.”

“…” Kaede looked down. She didn’t have anything to immerse herself in, did she? Lucia-san watched for a moment before she spoke again.

“You don’t have to hold it in, you know? You are lucky to have to solution to your problem living with you. You shouldn’t waste it.”

“I… I’m aware,” she nodded. “But… It wouldn’t feel like I earned it.”

Lucia-san let out a snicker and had to contain her laughter. It only further embarrassed Kaede.

“You have it all wrong but I’ll be damned if I don’t understand the feeling,” Lucia-san said. “Alright, I might not be my mother but let me give this a try. I’ve been getting better at this.” She took a deep breath as Kaede looked at her in confusion. “You’re feeling the full effects of the curse for the first time. Being surrounded by people having sex awakened your curiosity. Now you want to try it too, but you feel like you have nothing to offer. Is that it?”

“I… Um… That’s… Y-Yes.” It hurt how accurate that was.

Lucia-san sighed. “Look, don’t get fooled. Leonardo is a responsible guy, yeah. I don’t doubt for a second he feels the pressure of the responsibility thrust upon him. But at the end of the day, he’s only a year older than you. He’s just a very, very horny young man. He wants it and gets excited over being able to do it with many women. Sex is about sharing pleasure. It’s not like you’ll be the only one getting something out of it, or like you have to fulfill a requirement before getting to do it with him. If two people want it, that’s enough. That’s sex.” Lucia-san crossed her arms and frowned. “What’s beyond that is what’s truly complicated, but you’ve been thinking about that already, right? And on that note, I’ll be going back before Seina starts getting too lovey-dovey with him without me in there. We can talk more tomorrow if you want, or whenever. Give it some thought if you want, but don’t worry too much. Do what you want, follow your heart and all that.” She walked away with another dismissing wave and went back to Leonardo’s room.

There was once a book that her mother couldn’t prevent her from reading. It was a book required for her senior high school year. The book had some more… risqué elements in it, and a character there said that sometimes a woman just needed to… um… relieve some stress with a man or she’d get intolerable. Kaede still believes that to be a sexist comment, but… there might be a sliver of truth to it.

Did she really just have that conversation with Lucia-san of all people?


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