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Ishtar took a moment to survey the room more carefully and get a detailed feel for the flow of sexual energy. Doing so in this world felt awkward and more difficult, but not impossible. At the very least, she was 90% sure Reina and Ruth hadn’t been touched by these men. They were all masturbating a safe distance away from the lesbian show, or they were before she and Will made their dramatic appearance.

Dammit, if these weren’t Will’s girlfriends it would be quite the fun scene to witness. Nanami had already caught up, and she was peeking from behind the door frame, too afraid to step in.

“First question,” Ishtar started without much more ceremony. “You bunch. What are you?”

The horny men looked at each other before one of them, one with white hair and fair features stepped up and kneeled. “We’re incubi, sir…” he spoke with deference. Deference that Ishtar quickly decided she liked.

“My partner, the owner of this body, is not feeling well right now, so I’m taking over for the moment. You shall refer to me as Lady Ishtar, are we clear?” she said, crossing her arms and looking down at the incubus with superiority in her gaze.

“Y-Yes, Lady Ishtar.”

Oh wow, that felt nicer than she thought. “Your name?”

“Azazel, Lady Ishtar. Acting chief of what’s left of our tribe of incubi and succubi.”

So incubi and succubi were real in this world. Ishtar had compared herself to a succubus in passing before, but didn’t know they existed outside of myth. Azazel’s claims were easy to believe considering their looks, the faint presence of sexual energy within them, and their visibly weakened states due to the lack of sustenance.

“Reina, Ruth,” Ishtar spoke with a neutral, yet colder tone when addressing the girls. “I’d really rather not talk to you like this in Will’s voice, but we have little choice. Mind telling me what’s going on?”

She tried to take a warmer, more approachable tone, but she couldn’t. She felt Will’s pain as if it was her own. Even if she was able to take an objective look around, it was as impossible for her as it was for humans to separate themselves from their feelings. She was the Spirit of Lust. Emotions came with the territory. And speaking of emotions, both of the poor girls were frightened. Ishtar guessed it didn’t take much to notice it really wasn’t William speaking. If there was any doubt left in their minds about her existence, it should be completely gone now.

They got off of each other, taking proper sitting positions after Ruth took the dildo out of her pussy. If this wasn’t the betrayal they believed it was, Ishtar was gonna feel bad for killing the mood. What a damn waste.

Ruth was the one who spoke first. “T-They… They were starving,” she said, stuttering. “The other women…”

Other women? Oh. Were the other people in the building brought here, too?

Reina swallowed and gathered her courage. “They saved our lives, but we couldn’t just let them take advantage of unconscious women, could we!?”

Saved their lives? It was all starting to click. “Let me see if I got this right then. You guys were already starving for sexual energy and felt women in the area. You came here and found these two awake along with helpless women. You were going to feed on Reina and Ruth, but something stopped you, and when you changed your prey to the less efficient unconscious women, these two offered to put on a show. Am I on the right track?”

Every single person in the room blinked and shared a dumbfounded look before Azazel answered.

“That’s… exactly it, Lady Ishtar. To the last word.”

“Okay then, more questions. What stopped you from taking Reina and Ruth by force? I can guess already they weren’t willing, which is a relief, but if you have the powers I believe you do, it shouldn’t have been that difficult to force yourselves on them.”

Azazel swallowed and looked down as he spoke. “It was because of you and your partner, Lady Ishtar. We could tell they belonged to someone else, and now that we’ve felt your power, we know for sure that someone is you.”

Ohoho? Now that was an interesting tidbit Ishtar was unaware of. It was her first encounter with any other beings who could use sexual energy. So they were able to tell William had used her powers on them? Had that left an invisible mark only other users of sexual energy could sense? What was the extent of their control over the energy? Was there a gap in the strength between them? If so, how big was that gap? Ishtar had a thousand and one questions and she could easily lose herself in theorizing alone, but now she needed to focus.

“I see. Then I think I have the full picture now,” she sighed and walked up to the couch. She crouched in front of Reina and Ruth, giving them a small smile. “So you two were just trying to survive and protect those around you, huh?”

The brunette and the blonde relaxed. Their eyes glittered with the threat of tears which they still managed to hold back somehow. Fools. They should just cry if they want to. “It’s alright. Will and I are here now. Just… give the guy a bit of time, okay? That wasn’t a pretty picture to walk into.”

“You… You really aren’t William, then,” Reina said.

“No, I’m not. I had to take over for him for a moment. So I’ll take this opportunity to say a couple of things. One, don’t give him a hard time for using my powers on you. I’ve been pushing him from the start. So yeah, you can blame me for that, I guess.” So she said, yet Ishtar shrugged it off like it wasn’t a big deal to her if they did blame her. “Two, go get dressed. That’s enough of a show.”

“B-But the incubi…”

“Go get dressed,” Ishtar repeated, cutting Ruth off. “I’ll have a talk with these guys. Oh, and lastly,” she took a deep breath and looked at the girls with cold eyes once more. “This should go without saying, but don’t ever go behind William’s back. If it were up to me we would’ve used more drastic measures to keep you with him, but he’s been adamantly against it. If you ever have any problems with him, or if you’re too scared that I’m here, bring it up to him. If not, we’re gonna have serious trouble.”


Ishtar clicked her tongue and shook her head. “He’s so down he won’t even talk back to me. Normally he’d be giving me shit for saying this stuff. Whatever, go get dressed. Go.” Ishtar hurried them with shooing gestures and standing in the way of the incubi’s view of them. They’d seen enough of Will’s girls for a lifetime. “Nanami! How long are you going to hide!?”

“Eek!” The Asian woman flinched behind the doorway and hesitantly made her way inside, eyes purposely avoiding the men from the waist down. Yep, definitely a virgin.


‘Will, I have a favor to ask.’

'I bet I know what it is. Are you sure?'

‘We’ll know when we hear their story.’

Ishtar took a seat on the now empty couch and faced the incubi. “Okay then, you bunch start explaining yourselves. I pretty much understand how you work already, so skip that. Tell me your story and we’ll see if we can help.”


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