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Author's Note: This chapter was weird to write. It feels like a chapter that I myself would hate to read if I didn't trust the author to stay consistent with themes and, in the case of erotica, kinks. But while proof reading it, I actually really like this one.


Ishtar had to blink several times to make sure she was seeing things right. Nanami was behind her, getting to her feet after having tripped during her landing. Around them was exactly the same basement they’d been in before. Same concrete walls and the same stairs leading up to the lobby. One would believe nothing had happened if not for the light pressure she was feeling from the air around them. She checked Will’s body by moving and stretching a little, but other than feeling ever so slightly heavier, nothing was wrong.

“…I expected the aether to be dense here,” Nanami said, looking around with a grimace and a hand on her heaving chest. “But to make me feel physically ill… This is insane.”

“Oh? So this is affecting you?” Ishtar asked.

“You’re not feeling it?” Nanami asked with wide eyes. “Although… Yeah, if the Spirit of Lust naturally handles energy similar to aether on a daily basis, then of course this density doesn’t affect it.”

“I’m right here, you know?” Ishtar muttered, crossing her arms. “Alright, let’s test if you can handle this, Will. If you feel ill then it’ll be better if I take the lead, okay?”

‘Whatever gets the job done.’

Ishtar surrendered control of the body back to William, and the moment she did, she regretted it deeply. Why didn’t she sense it the moment they stepped into this world? Was the thing Nanami called aether messing with her senses? The amount of sexual energy gathering above them would’ve been enough to spot from a mile away in any other circumstances.

‘Will! The fourth floor!’ she told him, and once again regretted it the moment the words left her now imaginary mouth. She spoke without thinking about the reason for the gathering of sexual energy, but the sensation of it felt… familiar.

William’s body tensed. He shot Nanami a hurrying look, and the girl answered with a nod. Will ran up the basement stairs, the Asian girl somehow keeping up with him about six or seven steps behind. The elevator wasn’t working, so he had to run up the stairs all the way to the fourth floor as Ishtar hoped they didn’t run face to face into the worst case scenario.

They reached Reina’s apartment, and this time Will didn’t bother to knock. The door was half-opened and Will pushed it. What they saw was perhaps as close as one could get to Ishtar’s worst case scenario.

Five male-looking creatures with sculpted bodies were in the living room. Horns in their heads along with black, leathery wings and tails. All of them were naked, their hardened dicks in hand.

On the couch were the two people they’d come looking for. Reina and Ruth were completely naked and on top of each other. Ruth had a dildo in her pussy while Reina had her fingers up hers. By what Ishtar could tell, those two had come a couple of times each already.

“W-Will!” They spoke in unison at seeing their boyfriend, but the smiles they flashed lasted only a single second. They lasted until they saw William’s expression.

His whole body was rigid. His wide, moist eyes darted around every corner of the room. His jaw hurt from how hard he was gritting his teeth. He was sweating cold and his eyes finally fell on the two girls with a pained stare.

Ishtar knew Will’s thoughts. She shared his sensations and shared his emotions to a lesser extent. The worst of it all was the feeling of a dagger entering his heart and twisting over and over and over again. There was a jagged rock stuck in his throat. Every time he uttered the word ‘no’ inside his mind it echoed loudly. Ishtar practically felt the betrayal like it was happening to her. It hurt.

She felt sexual energy course through Will’s whole body. His hold on the door tightened and tightened until the hard wood cracked under his grip. The action and the sound made very person in the room flinch.

Will took a slow, heavy and loud step forward, and that was what made Ishtar finally snap out of her own shock. She put her all in trying to forcefully take over Will’s body, knowing it wouldn’t work, but that wasn’t the aim. With this, he wasn’t able to fully move his own body and was forced to stop.

“…What are you doing, Ishtar?” he muttered lowly. His voice was low, weak and nearly cracking.

‘Stopping you from doing something you’ll regret later. I know what this looks like, I know perfectly well how you feel! Hell… I almost don’t want to stop you, but I’m not gonna let you ruin everything in a fit of rage. Look at the men. They’re scared shitless, and none of them is even close to the girls.’

All the guys were standing or sitting on chairs some distance away from the couch. With a good view, yes, but nowhere near enough to be active participants.

‘What’s more, I… I don’t know what they are, but I feel sexual energy in them. Will, those guys are like me, I just know it. They feed on sexual energy, and they’re close to starving.’

That only made Will’s body tense further, now outright tearing a chuck out of the door.

‘LISTEN TO ME! We’ll ask what the fuck is going on, okay!? Everyone here is oozing lust. No one can hide a thing from me. You trust these girls, don’t you? Give them a chance. A single chance. You can do whatever you want after we hear what’s going on. Fuck it, I’ll help. Just give me control again, sit back and let me handle this. Will, believe me when I say I’m on your side. Please.’

Will’s body relaxed, but that made him unable to hold back the tears. “Ishtar… I can’t… Not again…” he said, his voice a pained whimper.

‘I know. But I’m here now. I promised you I’d let you have a harem of loyal girlfriends, and I’m not breaking that promise. Leave it to me, Will.’

Ishtar felt another sting of pain as Will surrendered control. This time it was full of shame and helplessness. If Will could understand her feelings and emotions as well as she could his, things would be a lot easier. But she was the Spirit of Lust, not him. She’d cut him some slack for now since he trusted her words. Well, he always did.

She took complete control over Will. The body language changed to hers, looser and obviously more relaxed. The expression changed from pain to an intimidating, icy glare.

“Alright you bunch of degenerates. I’m gonna ask some questions and you’ll answer honestly. I’ll know if you’re lying, and if you do I’ll drain you in ways you definitely won’t enjoy, you bunch especially” she said, nodding towards the horny men.

“W-William…?” Reina asked with a shaky, frightened voice.

“William’s a little indisposed right now. I’m really disappointed this is how we get to speak for the first time Reina, Ruth,” Ishtar sighed. “I’m Ishtar, the Spirit of Lust. I’d say it’s a pleasure, but I’ll save that until I hear what you have to say.”

It was Ishtar’s first. She’d lost track of how much time she’d been wandering around from host to host. All she wanted was to have some fun getting people into wacky situations in which to have sex so she could feed. No host ever talked back, except for that one woman who got too scared and killed herself. It was cold, but Ishtar didn’t care about her death. What was human death to a spirit who’ll eternally wonder the world? So this was really Ishtar’s first time.

Her first making a genuine, meaningful connection with a host.

Her first getting so fucking pissed on someone else’s behalf.

Fucking William.


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