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Author's note: I have conflicted feelings about this side story because I don't feel it's as good as I want it to be. It made me realize that, while I have no issues with pure girl-on-girl stuff, I just can't seem to write it. There's more to it, but sufice to say that I just can't get into it. I'm sorry about that. That's why I tried to focus on something else.

Idea by Blackimp:  The follow-up to Intermission 11 of AM. The girls' visit of the sex shop and the subsequent evening of bonding that led to the photo.

This is, as such, canon to the main storyline.


Emma waits patiently on a bench by the park for her friends to arrive. They said they’d meet by 12:00 pm, but she’s here a little earlier because, since they agreed to use Mia’s car, Emma came here by bus. And since she was afraid she’d be late, she left earlier than necessary. Now she has to wait at least 10 minutes for Mia, Emily, Megan and Sophia to arrive.

This break has been just what she needed to relax, and the past week with the other girls has been a blast. They’ve gone to the zoo, hiking, and even simply hung out. She really would prefer it if David was here, as well, but it’s true that they probably wouldn’t be doing stuff like this if he was.

And today they’re doing something on the naughtier side. On Mia’s suggestion, they’re going to visit a sex shop. If they find something fun, Emma is willing to spend a little more, but mostly she hopes this will let them all be more open about their sexuality with each other.

Of course, things have been improving every day, but maybe drastic things like these are needed every so often. They have a couple of bisexual girls and a light masochist in the group, Mia has been steadily warming up to the fact she’s in a harem and even Emma herself is learning new things about herself. The most important one being that, while she doesn’t see herself in a romantic relationship with another woman, she can get turned on by them during sex.

That threesome with David and Mia is still a vivid memory, and an extremely pleasant one at that.

15 minutes later, everyone’s here and they start walking towards their destination. Emma has to hide her amusement at seeing the three younger girls’ nervousness. They walk just slightly behind her and Mia with stiff steps. And while Emma does find it amusing, it seems Mia finds it a little annoying.

“You girls do realize we’re not doing anything wrong, right?” She says, stopping and turning to look at them.

“W-We know!” Emily answers.

“It’s just… kind of embarrassing.” Megan admits.

“You can do it in front of each other, but going to a sex shop is embarrassing?” Mia asks, raising an eyebrow.

“I knew you’d say that.” Sophia sighs, her shoulders slumping.

“I swear, Mia.” Emma sighs. “It’s like you’ve completely forgotten what it was like to be 18.”

“Urgh.” The older woman flinches.

“These girls are just learning what they like. Hell, so are we.” Emma laughs. “So cut them some slack.” She then turns to the three younger girls. “We’re all here to have fun. So try to relax. Mia’s right. We’re not doing anything wrong.”

“W-What if we’re seen by someone we know?” Megan asks.

Mia shrugs. “We might have to do some explaining, but we’ll just say we met by coincidence. Now THAT might be embarrassing, but we’ll just have to deal with it.”

“Alright, fine! Let’s go already!” Emily says, walking forward and past the turn they were supposed to take until they call her back.


The place Mia takes them to is pretty neat. Instead of a dark den of sexual fantasies, it looks like a completely normal boutique with a wooden floor and good lighting. There are several aisles with different items, and instead of each going their own way, they decide to stick together.

The first aisle is full of different kind of bottles and cosmetics.

“…There are so many different kind of lube.” Sophia mutters, holding a bottle in each hand.

“Yeah.” Emma nods. “I might have to buy one.”

“Oh? Why?” Mia asks.

“I have one at home, but I’d like to keep one at His place. Just in case.” Emma giggles.

First rule about coming here as a group. Don’t mention David’s name. Just a precaution. Try not to mention specifics.

“Wait. What? Is this candy?” Megan asks, surprised. “…Oral sex candy?”

“Oh. That.” Mia nods. “You’re supposed to get some in your mouth while you give a blowjob. They burst when it contact with saliva, so it’s supposed to make it feel better.”

“And what’s this?” Emily asks, holding a purple tub of some sort of cream.

“That’s a cream that’s supposed to make orgasms feel better.” Mia says. “I’ve never tired it though.”

“A friend of mine in college got an allergic reaction with one of those.” Emma casually points out, causing Emily to blink a few times and quickly put the thing back where it was.

They move to another aisle, and Sophia seems a lot more eager to look around here. She swallows when she sees the different toys. Whips, nipple tweezers, collars, gag balls and more.

“What do you think?” Mia asks her.

“…Most of these look like too much for me.” Sophia chuckles nervously.

“Some also look kind of pointless.” Emily points out, picking up a box. “A harness for doggy? He can just grab you firmly for free.”

“Some people just find that using these kinds of toys enhances the experience.” Mia says. “It’s not like you have to spend a cent to have sex. Everything here is just extra.” Mia then ponders for a second. “I take that back. I guess some of these things are made to let people with difficulties enjoy themselves.”

“Yeah. That’s why there’s things like lube and stimulants.” Emma nods.

“But back on topic.” Mia says. “Why don’t we take a few of these?” She picks up three sets of pink fuzzy handcuffs. “Do you think you’d be okay with these?”

“…Yeah, I think I can do that.” Sophia nods. “Oh wow. I’m getting a little excited.” She giggles nervously.

“Good.” Mia tells her with a kind smile. “We’ll take them, then.” She then adds them to their basket.

The next aisle is mostly toys of the classic variety. Dildos, vibrators, butt plugs and the like.

However, the first thing Emily picks up is a box that’s not meant for women. She looks at it with a scowl on her face.

“What’s wrong?” Emma asks her.

“This is something for men to masturbate with, right?” She asks.

“Huh? Well, yeah.” Emma nods, looking at it. It’s basically a penis sleeve. “Why are you angry at it?”

“I’m not angry.” Emily shakes her head. “I just… it’s weird. When I think of… Him doing it with one of you, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest. But when I of Him using one of these… I don’t know. It bothers me.”

Emma can’t help but laugh at that. She feels bad, but it’s just funny. Still, “I get what you mean.” Emma says, whispering. “He has us, so why would he need this thing, right?”

“Yeah.” Emily nods.

“Why don’t you tell him about it?”

“It doesn’t bother me THAT much.” Emily sighs and leaves the box where she found it.

On their part, the others are looking at other toys.

“But why would we want any of these?” Sophia asks, looking at the different dildos and vibrators. “I mean, He already…” She trails off.

“Well, I know some of you really enjoy playing with each other.” Mia says, giving Emily and Megan a teasing look. “So why not get one of these.”

She shows them a box with a double dildo, and the two girls swallow nervously.

“I don’t know.” Emily says, biting her lip. “I was just telling Emma how I didn’t like the idea of Him using a sleeve, so I’d feel like a hypocrite.”

“Please, He’s okay with you two enjoying yourselves, isn’t he? He gave you a key to his place and explicit permission to use it for your pleasure.” Mia tells them.

“I agree. I don’t think he’ll feel offended if you two use a dildo.” Emma nods.

“Yeah. His ego’s not that fragile.” Megan nods, as well.

“Well, now I feel stupid.” Emily says, unamused. “…I guess we can try it out.”

“Into the basket, then.” Mia smiles, satisfied.

“What about a vibrator?” Sophia asks.

“These are more expensive.” Emma hums. “You know what? This one’s on me. You girls deserve to at least feel what it’s like and decide for yourselves if you like it. Pick whichever you fancy.”

Emily leaves the decision to her schoolmates, but while Megan likes a purple one that looks like an antenna, Sophia wants a remote controlled one.

“I’m curious about the one with the remote, too, so I’ll pay for that one.” Mia says.

“I’ll take these dice, too.” Megan says with a shy smile, adding a small black box to the basket. “They seem fun.”

Emma gives them a quick look. They’re different type of dice, from 6 to 12 sides. But instead of numbers they have drawings of sex position and words like ‘lips’, ‘ear’, ‘pussy’ and so on.

Before finishing, they move to another room in the store that’s fully reserved for costumes. Every aisle has different kinds of costumes, from beloved classics like nurse and police officer to other catering to more specific audiences with succubus costumes and golden bikinis.

“What do you think His favorites are?” Megan asks.

“My bet would be on the golden bikini.” Sophia says confidently.

“I’ve seen His porn collection.” Emma says, grinning. “It seems he likes them sexy, but conservative.”

“…How does that work?” Emily asks.

“Sexy without looking slutty, I’d imagine.” Mia says, looking through some costumes for men. “I’m also curious about what he’d be willing to wear.”

And as Emma glances at her friends, a brilliant idea strikes her. “Hey, he’s coming back after Christmas, right?”

“Supposedly.” Sophia nods.

“Why don’t we get sexy Santa costumes for when he gets back?” Emma suggests with an excited grin.

“Oh! I’m in!” Megan jumps immediately.

“Sure.” Mia nods. “I was thinking that I’d like to do something special.”

“I’m not against it.” Emily says. “But I’m not sure I’d look good.”

“You’ll look great!” Megan assures her.

“They don’t seem to have Santa costumes here, though.”

“Well, they’ve probably already been bought or rented.” Mia says. “Since he’s coming back after Christmas, we’ll be able to get them cheaper, so that nice.”

Emma and the others laugh at Mia’s frugal mentality and go to pay for their stuff. The cashier only gives them a polite smile and thanks them for choosing their store. Emma guesses they’re used to weird groups or are just told not to give customers a judging look.

“So… lunch now?” Emma asks.

“Yes. We can leave this stuff in my car.” Mia nods.

“Hey, so I was thinking…” Emma starts, and Mia is already shaking her head with a knowing smile. That’s not gonna stop her, though. “Why don’t we go to His place and… you know, test these out?”

Megan audibly swallows. Everyone looks at each other, wordlessly asking the question. When no objections are raised, Mia simply sighs and smiles.

“I guess that’s what we’re doing after this.”


Being here, in his house, without him is… enlightening in its own way.

Nobody says it, but it’s like everyone understands that doing this without him is awkward. Not wrong, because they understand he’s okay with sharing them among this immediate group. It’s just, for Emma, Mia and Sophia, fooling around with another girl is something they did to please David. What’s more, Megan and Emily understand that, so they don’t want to be the ones to push things.

But Emma already set her resolve. She’s making sure this harem works. She’ll make sure this odd, but exciting relationship is healthy and fun for everyone. And just the fact that everyone is here means that they want the same thing. They already did things that can be considered normal. They can hang out and have fun without anything sexual needing to happen, so now it’s time to finally understand where they stand on the full girl-on-girl side to this.

And Emma says as much to the others.

“If we try this and we don’t like it, that’s fine.” Emma nods firmly. “But what’s important is that we try and that we understand how we feel about it.”

“Agreed.” Sophia nods. “With that in mind…” With a final deep breath, the young, busty brunette opens her arms and turns to the literature teacher. “Emma.”

With a smile, Emma crawls towards Sophia on the bed and their lips waste no time in meeting. Emma tackles Sophia into the bed and they both laugh before they resume their exploration. Touching and kissing with a gentle approach, testing everything and looking at their partner for confirmation.

“Mia…” Emily calls, looking a bit nervous. “Can we?”

Mia lets out a soft chuckle before she, too, opens her arms and embraces the blonde. Instead of immediately going at it, however, Mia holds Emily close and brushes her hair with her fingers for a while, getting used to having another woman in her arms.

Megan, who pouts at being the only one without a partner, goes to the bag with their sex shop items and opens every single one. Slowly, clothes start coming off until everyone’s in their underwear. Megan decides to try out the big vibrator and use her friends as visual stimulus. She sits down on David’s desk chair, spreads her legs and sets the vibrator on her pussy in the lowest intensity.

She lets out a soft moan with her lips pursed. She explores her own body with an item she’s never used before, but clearly has an idea of how it works.

And so, for the next few hours, the five women explore the girl-on-girl side to their relationship. They touch each other, swap partners, kiss and lick to their heart’s content. They begin to understand where each of them stands on the topic. And no matter WHERE they stand, the fact that they’re starting to understand it is what really matters.

Late that night, after Emma and Megan stopped their exploration, the younger brunette suggests to send David a picture. And after running that idea by the others and deciding that he wouldn’t mind, and might even in fact enjoy it, Emma takes a selfie with every other girl in the frame and sends it.

The night was both fun and enlightening, and Emma hopes she can share some of what she’s learned about herself with her boyfriend as soon as he returns.


Kiro Haas

Hey, don't worry about the girl-on-girl stuff. It was still a good read, and everyone has their own shortcomings and pitfalls. It's easier to write about what you know, so it's clearly easier to write straight sex for you. No harm in that.


I would have certainly liked a bit more on the evening, but it was great as-is. Thanks a lot!