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“What do you think is your greatest quality?” You read the next question to everyone and frown. “I don’t like this question.”

“Yeah…” You hear Emily, Katherine and Mia agree with you.

“What? Why?” Sophia asked, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s easy to know what you lack. It’s harder to know your own qualities.” You tell her.

“That’s the point, though.” Julia tells you.

“So it was you?”

“Yes.” She nods firmly, grinning. “I want to hear it from your own mouths.”

“Alright, fine.” You sigh. “This will take me a moment, though.”

What’s your greatest quality? It’s hard to say. You can think of many defects, but good qualities are always harder. It’s always felt arrogant to say something good about yourself. But if you really have to, then…

“I think I’m good at keeping a cool head. It’s difficult, but I always try to see things clearly in every situation.”

“Huh. I would’ve said the same about you.” Mia nods.

“Yeah, that’s definitely one of your strongest points.” Emma nods. “Me, well… Urgh, now I get what you guys meant.” She groans, looking at you and the other girls. “This is hard. But… I think I’m a good listener?”

Yeah, she is. The others also agree.

“I’m very organized. I’m able to make and keep to a schedule perfectly.” Mia says.

While it’s true, you wouldn’t say that’s her BEST quality. But if you start arguing what everyone says you’ll never finish.

“I like to believe I’m very social.” Julia says. “I try to get along with everyone.”

“Could’ve fooled me…” Sophia says, prompting more laughter from you all.

“I think I have an eye for detail.” Anzu says. “I can usually notice when someone’s done something new with their hair, their clothes or when they’re acting different.”

“I have a lot of energy.” Megan admits with a shy smile as she scratches her cheek. “I might not be great at many things, but I’m always willing to put effort into it.”

“I’m… direct, I guess.” Emily mutters. “I don’t like beating around the bush, so I prefer to say things straight out.”

Yeah, you and Emily are very similar in that regard.

“I also think I’m very social. I like to meet many different kinds of people and I’m able to get along well with them.” Sophia says. And considering she has spoken at least once with about half the school, that’s obviously true. “I’m also proud it’s something I consciously tried to get better at.”

No kidding. Who else just says ‘You know what? I’ll stop being shy now.’ And actually does it.

“…I have a good memory.” Katherine says. “I don’t have problems remembering dates and memorizing texts.”

“See? It wasn’t so hard, was it?” Julia says with a satisfied smile.


“What’s the weirdest place you’ve had sex?” You groan right after you read the question. You don’t even need to think about it.

“Oooh. Someone has an idea.” Julia teases.

“Yes. No other place beats a weird, fluffy and extremely pink love hotel room in Japan.” You say, looking at Anzu who immediately starts laughing.

“Not fair! That was going to be my answer as well!” She says.

“C-Context?” Katherine asks. Her face reddening again.

“In Christmas Eve, it was the only room available in the entirety of Tokyo’s red light district.” You tell her.

“It was either that or going back to my hotel room. Right next to my parent’s room.” Anzu adds, still giggling.

It’s Emma’s turn to answer. “I’m going to be boring, but it was technically this place. I mean, it looks like this now, but it used to be a storage shed.”

“Well, yes, but I stand by my choice. That room was weirder than this. Especially since the remodeling.” You say.

“I’ll have to say the same.” Mia says. “It’s the school’s storage shed. I’d say it’s weirder than any other place. Not that I have that many instances to speak of before being with David.” Despite her words, Mia still giggles cheerfully.

“My turn, huh? Well, I also don’t have weird places. Shocking, right?” Julia laughs. “But… Yeah, it would have to be my mom’s bedroom.”

Emily’s head snaps to look at her sister. “What!?”

“High school senior year. I was pissed at her and brought my boyfriend there to get back at her.” Julia shrugs.

“I already said which was mine.” Anzu says. “What gets me the most is that there were much cooler rooms in that same hotel! There was one that supposedly looked like an aquarium.” She pouts.

“…” Megan purses her lips, her eyes looking from you to her schoolmates. No, she’s actually avoiding the nurse and the teachers specifically.

“Megan?” Emma asks. “What’s wrong?”

Uh-oh. You have an idea of why she doesn’t want to answer.

“Just say it, Meg.” Emily sighs. “We’re screwed.”

“…The locker room next to the soccer field at Hayes.” Megan admits, looking down at the bed. You find yourself doing the same, not wanting to meet your teacher’s eyes.

“You did what!?” Julia asks with a loud voice.

“Emily was there too!” Megan says immediately, bringing down her best friend with her.

“David!” Emma says in a scolding tone.

“…their idea.” You say.

“When was this?” Mia asks, sounding more curious than angry.

“Right after we won the inter-school tournament.”

“My god!” Julia groans. “You could’ve been caught!”

“…That made it more thrilling though.” Emily mutters.

“…This is my fault, isn’t it?” Emma sighs. “The three of them also did it once in my office’s restroom. I encouraged it.”

“Seriously?” Mia raises an eyebrow.

“Yeah. You even went to talk to me while they did it. I’m surprised you didn’t hear them.”

“Are you serious?” Again, Mia sounds more impressed than angry.

“I thought you be angrier.” Anzu tells Mia.

On her part, the older teacher just shrugs. “They already did it and didn’t get caught. No use getting upset now. Just don’t do it again. Remember that you could put this whole relationship at risk if you do.”

The weight of her words sets heavily on your and the jocks’ shoulders.

“We promise.” The three of you apologize with dropped shoulders.

“…Anyway.” Sophia chuckles nervously. “I’m next, but… this is actually the ONLY place I’ve had sex in.” She says. “It’s why I wrote the question. I wanted to see if any of you had better stories.”

“Same for me.” Katherine says. “I was a virgin until not long ago, so… yeah.”

“Is there some place you’d like me to take you?” You ask them with a smile, trying to forget what just happened.

“No place come to mind now. But when it does, I’ll be sure to tell you.” Sophia says.

“Well,” Katherine swallows. “I’d like to invite you all to my house one day. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able, though.”

“Summer is slowly closing in and you’re the only one with a pool.” Megan says. “Any way we can convince your family we’re good people?”

“David has to go meet them eventually.” Mia says with an evil grin.

“Don’t remind me.” You groan.

Everyone says how stressful it is to meet your girlfriend’s parents. Yeah, let them get back to you after they’ve had to meet the parents of 9 girls and having to tell them ‘Your daughter is only ONE of my SEVERAL girlfriends.’

You can’t help but sigh. To be fair, Megan’s dad was the only one who had an issue with that… so far.


“If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up?” You read. “Wow. That’s a really good question.” You nod in approval. It’s certainly a good change of pace.

“Let’s see…” You think. “I always think I want to be alone, but then you girls just burst in and make me feel better anyway. Shows how much I know myself.” You chuckle.

“I like having someone to cheer me up.” Emma says, giving Mia a big smile. “For the longest time, that was Mia. Now I also have all of you, so it’s even better.” She chuckles.

“I feel bad being included in that ‘All of you’. I haven’t done anything yet.” Julia laughs softly.

“That’s not true. You cheer me up when I’m tired at work. I’ve always been thankful for that.” Emma tells her.

“For me, it’s more like Emma is such a busybody that I’m not left with much of a choice in the matter.” Mia says, but she has a nostalgic smile on her face. “She’s always there, whether you want her or not.”

Cheers to that, you think.

“I think some time alone can help.” Julia says. “But if you have people who truly understand you, I don’t think it’s a contest.”

“I agree.” Anzu says. “I don’t like having to burden things on my own.”

“I turn into a baby when I’m feeling down.” Megan chuckles in embarrassment. “I just want to be pampered.”

“You barely ever feel down, though.” Emily tells her. “Seriously. How do you do it? But it’s similar for me. Julia has been the person I go to complain about everything for the longest time.”

“But I was recently replaced by the man of her dreams.” Julia sighs dramatically. She then turns to you and grins. “Your turn to take care of us, big boy.”

“I-I’ll do my best.” You smile nervously.

“So… we all prefer to have someone cheer us up? It’s kind of surprising, but it makes sense, I guess.” Sophia nods, as if understanding something.

“…It really is surprising to hear.” Katherine says, her voice barely loud enough for everyone to hear.

You grimace internally. She’s been getting better at being around everyone else, but she still tends to let others do the talking while she retreats to the background. She answers questions when it’s her turn, but that’s about it. So now that she said something, you want to encourage it.

“Why’s that?” You ask, sounding curious.

“Well… The way I see it, every single one of you is so composed and in control of yourselves.” Katherine says in a low voice, looking at everyone around her. “So, I don’t know… I thought you just pushed through that kind of stuff.”

You see Anzu smile wryly at the redhead. “That couldn’t be farthest from the truth.” She chuckles. “I think people are very fragile. Everyone without exceptions. That’s just the way we humans are.”

“Some are tougher than others, though.” Sophia argues.

“Maybe, but no one can shoulder everything on their own. No matter how intelligent or resilient, everyone has a breaking point, and it’s not as high as you’d think.”

When she says that, the first person that comes to mind is your father. He’s the most intelligent and resilient person you can imagine. But then again… even he got married, and as far as you know it wasn’t for business. Maybe Anzu is right, and even someone like your dad needs the support of loved ones.

“Heehee. It makes me feel better to hear that.” Katherine giggles. “I like to have someone cheer me up as well. I wasn’t trying to avoid the question. I’m the one who made it.”


“It really was a good question.” You tell her.


“Only two questions left, huh?” You notice. “Alright then.” You pick one at random and read it. “What’s your dirtiest sexual fantasy?”

“Oh. That’s was another question I wanted to ask.” Sophia admits, sounding surprised. “I’m glad someone else wrote it.”

“You’re just looking for writing material, aren’t you?” Katherine asks her, to which Sophia simply shrugs in admittance.

“Dirtiest sexual fantasy?” You ponder. “I mean, I have a lot of fantasies, most of which we’ve already made happen.” You admit. “I don’t know about dirtiest, though.” Your eyes then travel to Emily and Julia. “I guess… A threesome with a couple of sisters?” You admit with a sheepish smile.

“Oh, that’s happening soon. Don’t worry.” Julia grins excitedly while Emily’s face starts getting red.

“Mine might have… complicated origins, but it already happened and it just keeps happening.” Emma giggles. “Watching David have sex with you all just NEVER gets old.”

“Urgh, that’s right. I have to answer the question too.” Mia groans.

“So it was YOU!” Megan laughs.

“Yes. I wrote it because I was curious but… urgh. Fine.” Mia takes a deep breath and looks at you with narrowed eyes in an intensely serious expression. “Okay, this was something I wanted back when I was married okay? I no longer want this. I need to makes this very clear.”

“…Okay.” You feel a mix of curiosity and apprehension in your chest.

“I wanted to have an affair.” Mia admits, sighing. “I wanted to cheat on my husband simply because I was sexually frustrated. I never did, though, and I that’s no longer a fantasy. I don’t even feel like wanting a partner that’s not you. Is that clear?”

“Y-Yes ma’am!” You answer, you back straightening as you do. Her eyes pierce through you, almost implying that you’ll be in trouble if you misunderstand her. It’s weird.

“Okay, but what about now?” Julia asks.

Mia sighs again, her icy look gone as she answers. “…Doing it with David, who is so much younger than me, really gets me going, so I guess that.”

“Alright.” Julia nods. “For me, it’s something that I’ve always found hot, but also always thought I’ll refuse even if given the chance.” She says. “An orgy. As in, many men and women orgy. It sounds hot on paper, but I can’t see myself having sex with people I don’t care about. Every time I think about it it feels awkward.”

“What about a one-guy-eight-girls orgy?” Emma asks neutrally.

“Oh, I’m totally up for that.” She nods. “This is different. I know it won’t be mindless sex. I can tell just by sitting here talking to you all.”

Anzu lets out a heavy breath as she psyches herself up to answer. “I’m on the same boat as Emma, though mine is 100% natural. I wanted to watch my lover have sex with another woman, but… it also always made me feel pathetic. Here, though, I don’t feel that way at all, so I can indulge as much as I want.”

The easy smile on Anzu’s face as she says that calms your heart. She’s already over her issues and can bring herself to enjoy what she likes because she trusts you won’t hurt her. You have to do your absolute best to answer that trust, of course.

“I didn’t realize what my dirtiest fantasy was until it happened.” Megan says, giggling. “An orgy with one guy several women. For the longest time I thought I was a lesbian, but turns out that being bi lets me enjoy everything, so it’s even better.”

“Yeah, it’s great.” Emily nods in fervent agreement. “But I think mine is doing it in public spaces.”

There’s a few “ooooh”s and raised eyebrows at that.

“It’s not like I want to be caught!” Emily clarifies. “It’s just… thrilling to think it might happen. I know it would be terrible if it did, though.”

Truth be told, you’re not particularly a fan of that feeling, yourself. But if Emily is, you might have to accommodate every once in a while. Very sporadically.

“Mine is simple.” Sophia says, crossing her arms right under her chest. “I like to be manhandled. I love it when David gets rough, I love to get spanked and love to feel like I’m being used.” Although she admits it with a straight face, her cheeks are beet red. “But to a limit.” She adds. “Anything too painful or humiliating is a big ‘no’ from me. David keeps getting better at threading that line.”

“How can you all say all those things with straight faces?” Katherine asks. Her face is just as red as Sophia’s from having heard everyone.

“It’s good to get these things off your chest.” Emma says. “And if you won’t tell us, who will you tell?”

“I guess.” The redhead sighs. “For me, it’s something I only discovered recently. It… really turns me on to have people watch me having sex.”

“Oh yeah, you said that the other day.” Anzu nods, remembering.

“It’s not like I want to have sex in public or in front of strangers. But… if it’s you all, then I think I’m fine. No, more than fine. I like it.”

There’s a silence after Katherine answers. A comfortable silence. You see the girls smiling at her and nodding in approval.

Yeah, Katherine is also getting better at allowing herself to, well, be herself.


You pick the last question which, simply by process of elimination, is Megan’s question. You read it silently first, then open your mouth to read it again aloud, but you stop yourself.

You look at Megan, who’s fidgeting in place with an embarrassed look.

“Megan…” You let out a slow breath and give her a small smile. Then read the question. “Do you think we’ll be good parents?”

“Oh.” Emma exclaims softly while the rest keep quiet for a moment to contemplate the question.

“Sorry. Recent… events got me thinking.” Megan admits in a low voice, still fidgeting.

“No. It’s… a good question.” Mia sighs. “Difficult, yes. But good.”


Nobody answers, and then you notice that it’s you who has to answer first.

“I don’t know.” You say. “I sincerely don’t know. I’m scared I’ll end up following my dad’s example to the extreme.” You admit, looking down. “I know in my head that he does things because he cares about me, but…” You sigh heavily.

“I don’t think any of us would let you go that far, even if you wanted to.” Emma tells you, gently rubbing your back. “I think we’ll do fine. With so many of us, we’ll have a lot of eyes and ears on them.”

“That’s what worries me.” Mia says. “Even if we all want the best for them, what’s to say we’ll agree on what the best IS?” Mia grimaces. “I think that will be our biggest issue.”

Julia bites her lip. “I don’t feel qualified to answer.” She says. “I’ve given the idea of kids some thought, yes, but… never is this situation.”

“I don’t think any of us is qualified to answer.” Anzu sighs. “Everything we might know about parenting comes from how we were raised. Maybe it even shows what things we might want to avoid, but how will we know if the things we hated when we were young were actually good for us?”

“Sorry. My question totally brought the mood down.” Megan grimaces. “I just want to believe we’ll find a way.”

“I want to be a good example for them.” Emily nods firmly. Her eyes seem resolute, much to everyone’s surprise. “I don’t want to be a mother who’s all ‘do as I say, not as I do’. I want…” She clears her throat. “…our children to look up to us. To feel proud that WE are their parents.”

“Emily.” Julia mutters, a smile on her face and teary eyes.

“You’ve been thinking about this a lot, haven’t you?” Sophia says, taking Emily’s hand in hers.

“I have.” The blonde nods.

“Well, I agree with that.” Sophia says. “More than trying to decide which school they should go to or which clothes they should wear, I think we have to focus on being good role models for them.”

“Mia,” Katherine says, calling attention to the English teacher. “I want to look at what you said from another perspective. With so many of us, wouldn’t it be good to have so many different opinions so we can find the best answers? I know it won’t be easy, but just how we should be aware of the negatives, we shouldn’t overlook the positives.”

“Oh my.” Emma laughs. “To think the younger girls would be more optimistic about this than us.”

“Maybe we’re just being naïve.” Megan smiles wryly.

“Perhaps.” Mia chuckles. “But it’s just like Katherine said. Different perspectives are indeed helpful. It could also be that we’re a bit more jaded due to our age.”

You sigh.

Honestly, with how things are going, it’s hard to tell how far away parenthood is for all of you. How will you deal with it? How will you make sure to give those children the absolute best of yourselves?

Those are question you won’t be able to answer until the given time. Pondering on them too deeply will only lead to even more uncertainty.

So with the game done, you all spread around the room to relax. Talking about trivial topics, playing games and letting the hands roam just a little bit.

What's next?



Longest chapter yet with 3.5K words. I told you I'd make up for the previous short one. It was very fun to write, and the truth is that, when I started writing these two chapters, I had 18 questions in mind. One sexual and one non-sexual for each member participating. But I realized that would've been WAAAAAY too long, so I decided to just keep them at 9 and save the other questions for another time, maybe. I hope you guys like the chapter. I really liked writing it.