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It’s during lunch that you get formalities out of the way. One of the things discussed is if buying the Seldom Sleepy trait for Julia would be a good idea. You also add the question if Anzu should have it, too, but the nurse refuses immediately, saying that, unlike the teachers, she doesn’t have to take work home very often so she shouldn’t be a priority.

Julia also says that, since she just got here, she shouldn’t be getting anything. But her colleagues tell her that it’ll make her more productive at work, since not only will she have more free time, but they tell her that they have yet to have a night of unrestful sleep since getting the trait.

“It beats 5 cups of coffee in the morning.” Mia affirms, nodding to herself.

And so, after coming to the conclusion that Friendship Points are easier to get and that this is a purchase you can afford, you give Julia the trait. That’s 110 Friendship Points less. 

Available points: 540 Friendship points / 300 Love points / 450 Lust points

“Sorry. I feel bad coming here and making you do this for me.” Julia says with a grimace.

“It’s not like we want to get married tomorrow, so it’s something an acceptable setback.” You tell her with a shrug. You then look at Anzu the rest of your schoolmates. “If we get any more surplus of Friendship Points, you girls are up next, okay?”

“You can put me last on the list.” Emily says with a heavy sigh. “I admit, I want something from the app, but I’m the one who pushed for buying something for Julia.”

“We’ll see how things go.” After saying something vague like that, the matter is settled for the moment.

And always being the one to get the ball rolling again, Megan asks. “So? What do you all want to do now?”

You think it’s impressive how she managed to keep that from sounding suggestive. You wonder if the girls are hoping for an orgy or just want to hang out and have a good time.

“I was thinking…” Julia starts, bringing all the attention to her. “I know you guys have played truth or dare before,”

After she says that, all sets of eyes in the room shift to Emily, who seems to sink in her chair at the pressure of the group’s gaze.

“Seriously, what DIDN’T you tell her?” Sophia asks.

“I’m sorry…” Emily says weakly.

You sigh heavily and try to bail her out of this one. “Well, it saves us having to tell Julia a lot of things, so let’s let it slide, okay?”

“Besides, she didn’t tell me any of your answers. Just that you’d played.” Julia adds with an apologetic smile.

“Very well.” Emma nods. “But I think she should do the dishes alone today as punishment.”

“Agreed!” Katherine agrees almost too eagerly, making her face blush like a tomato when her desire to escape her task makes the rest of you burst out in laughter.

When that naturally dies down, Julia continues.

“Well, I was thinking that we could play a similar game so that I can get to know you all better.” She says.

“I’m not against it.” You nod. “What do you have in mind?”

“Everyone writes a question in a piece of paper. We draw them randomly and everyone has to answer it honestly.”

There’s murmurs of agreement in the room.

“So basically we take the dares out of truth or dare?” Megan asks.

“And everyone has to answer every question.” Anzu points out.

“I’m okay with this.” Katherine nods, followed by Sophia.

With a unanimous agreement to play this game, each of you thinks of a question and writes it on a small piece of paper. You decide to keep them anonymous just for fun.

You think about your question and finally decide on what you want to hear the girls answer.

‘Name your favorite sexual act that's not penetration (foreplay of all kinds allowed).’

That should be okay. You only hope there aren’t many overlapping questions.

The nine of you sit around the bed in a circle with a bowl holding all the questions in the middle.

“We should try to keep answers brief to give everyone time to answer.” Emma suggests, sitting to your left.

After everyone agrees, you start by taking the first question. Everyone will answer starting with you then going to your left.


“Alright. First one is… ‘What’s your favorite sport to do or watch?’” You read. “Julia, Emily or Megan.” You say.

“Yeah, it was me.” Emily nods. “Now answer!”

“Mmm. To play it’s probably basketball. To watch is probably boxing.” You say.

“I didn’t know you liked boxing.” Emma says, raising an eyebrow. Some of the other girls hum in agreement.

“It never came up, I guess.” You shrug.

“Next is me.” Emma says. “You can’t consider it a sport, I guess, but I do yoga. I do pay attention to swimming competitions during the Olympics, however.”

Next is Mia. “I also do some yoga, but not as much as I used to.” She sighs. “I’m not a fan of watching sports.”

Next is Julia. “If it’s sports, then I like to watch soccer. But to do it myself, I like swimming more.” She nods.

“I guess that’s why you’re a soccer coach?” You ask.

“Exactly! If I liked playing as much as I like swimming, then I would.” She laughs.

Anzu comes after Julia. “I don’t do sports, but I do go out for a light jog every morning.” She says. “I don’t watch them a lot, either.”

“Mine’s not a surprise.” Megan grins. “I love playing AND watching soccer.”

“Same with me.” Emily nods after her best friend. “Loved it since I was a kid.”

Sophia groans. “Sorry, sports and I don’t mix well. I don’t want to get fat, though, so I watch what I eat.”

“I also really like swimming.” Katherine says. “I have a pool at home, so I do it at least 3 times a week. To watch, though… I’d say I like tennis.” She nods to herself.

Huh… this is actually very interesting. This kind of general questions are good because it’s the kind of thing you don’t really think to ask because, well, it’s so generic. But even so they let you learn more about a person. This might be a very enlightening game, after all.


“What’s your favorite part of your body to have touched?” You read the next question out loud. Then, you answer. “Well…” You cough to clear your throat. “If we exclude the obvious… then I guess I like it when you girls kiss my neck.” You admit with some shyness. It just feels a little weird to admit those things.

“Ohoho.” Mia chuckles while giving you a sultry look. “Now that’s good information to have.”

“We already do that a lot, though.” Emma tells her. Then goes to answer the question. “It’s the same for me, oddly enough. Mmm. I hadn’t thought about it until now, but when you kiss the back of my neck it really makes me shiver.” Emma tells you with a giggle and a little shiver caused by the memories.

“Mmm. Nothing specific comes to mind.” Mia answers. “I guess I like it everywhere. David has nice hands.”

Your face starts getting a bit hot when you hear the murmurs of agreement from the rest. Boy, this is weird.

“I think for me it’s my legs.” Julia answers, looking down at her legs and giving her thighs a playful rub. “Especially when it’s those strong, yet gentle hands.” She says, giving you a sexy wink.

You sigh softly and simply smile. She’s completely settled in already.

“I have a hard time deciding if I like having my breasts or my butt played with better.” Anzu admits, giggling and with blushing cheeks. “For now, I’ll just say my butt.”

“We can experiment whenever you want.” You offer casually, eliciting a few laughs.

“I’m on the same boat as Mia.” Megan says. “I just like it everywhere! But I guess I do like having my nipples sucked.” She hums.

“Just to make sure,” Emily says before answering. “Vagina is the boring answer, right?”

“Well, duh.” Sophia answers. “That’s the obvious one. We all like it. You have to go for something other than that.”

“I knew that.” Emily pouts. “I was just making sure. If so, then… My back, I think.”

“Your back?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Is that weird?” Emily asks, mirroring your expression. “It’s like… I like it when we’re having sex and you rub my back. If that answer doesn’t work, then I like having my butt groped.”

“No, your first answer is fine.” You nod. “I just hadn’t noticed.” You admit.

“It’s the most interesting answer so far, to be sure.” Mia giggles.

Julia chuckles softly. “My, you let yourself be surprisingly vulnerable in this group, Em. I didn’t expect it.”

“S-Shut up.” It’s Emily’s turn to blush. “Sophia, your turn.” She urges.

“Alright. Let’s see. My favorite body part…” Sophia gives it some thought before she answers. “Well, you already know I’m sensitive in general. I do like it everywhere, especially having my tits sucked on. But I think I’m starting to like having my butt spanked even more.”

“Oooh. Kinky.” Julia giggles. “Very nice.”

“Yeah, Sophia is our resident BDSM enthusiast.” Megan tells her.

“It’s just the tamest side of it, though.” Sophia clarifies. “I don’t even know if it counts as BDSM. Anyway, Kathernie!” She urges her friend to answer.

“…” Katherine lets out a deep, heavy breath before she starts. “My breasts. Without a doubt. So much so that, well…” She swallows. “Doing it with David, I learned that I can come from just having them played with.”

A few “oooohs” go around the room.

“I’m kind of jealous.” Megan admits.

“It’s also a perfect match for David because he loves tits so much.” Emma pouts.

You raise your hands defensively. You haven’t said anything. You do agree, though. Playing with Katherine’s tits is a special kind of pleasure because you do what you love and she enjoys it even more.

“Who made this question, by the way?” Mia asks.

“I did.” Anzu says, raising her hand. “I’m glad everyone answered something other than the obvious.” She laughs.


“Rate from 1 to 10 how much you like to give a blowjob” You read the next question. “Let me answer that immediately with a fat zero.” You nod to yourself.

“Oh, come on. Just change it and rate how much you enjoy going down on us.” Sophia tells you, crossing her arms.

“…Fine.” As you give it some thought, Emma adds something.

“Just to be clear. I don’t think anyone should be afraid to give a low score.” She nods firmly. “Everyone here has given oral sex at some point, right?” She looks around the room and everyone nods, including you since she used the term ‘oral sex’. “I think that proves that everyone is willing to do it, even if they don’t enjoy it as much.”

“Oh, I get you.” Julia nods. “Yeah, you could say oral sex is boring for the one giving it, but they still do it because it makes their partner feel good.”

“Right.” Emma nods.

“Alright then,” You say. “Then now I’m not afraid to give it a 6.”

“Can you at least elaborate?” Mia asks, her curiosity piqued.

“Don’t get me wrong, I like doing it. It’s just…” You say and look at the nine girls here. “When we do it as a group… my mouth gets really tired.” You sigh.

“Oh.” Mia exclaims, but the younger girls share a laugh. “It makes sense.”

“Emma?” You ask.

“Mmm. You know what? Sign me up for the full 10.” She nods firmly.

“Oh wow.” Sophia exclaims. “No wonder David picked you as the best in that category.” She laughs.

“What can I say? It’s fun and I love making him feel good.” Emma giggles and kisses your cheek. “So feel free to ask for one any time you want.”

“Will do.”

“I think it’s a 5 for me.” Mia says with a tired sigh. “I love doing it for David, but… When I remember why I learned to give them, it’s just frustrating.”

“…Can I ask?” Julia asks carefully.

“I used to practice on dildos to try to save my marriage.” Mia answers with a wry smile. “It didn’t work. David likes them, though, so I guess it was worth it in the end.” She chuckles.

“I see. Thank you for telling me.” Julia gives Mia an honest smile. “On my part, I’d give it a solid 6. It’s fun. I like doing it. It helps get things going. Not crazy about it though. I had a friend who claimed she could orgasm giving a blowjob, so I guess that’s what I see as a 10.”

“A think it’s a 5 for me as well.” Anzu says. “I’m also not crazy about it, but if David likes it, I’m more than willing to do it. Besides, he says I give better handjobs.” She giggles.

“You just have really nice hands.” You smile sheepishly.

“For me it’s a 4 if I do it alone, and jumps to a big 9 if there’s someone else.” Megan says. “I have more fun with double blowjobs.”

“We’ve noticed.” Emma says, laughing.

Megan just sticks her tongue out to the teacher in mock offence.

“I’m kind of the same, but I’d say a 5 on my own and an 8 with others.” Emily says. “Though I’ve bumped my head against Sophia’s a couple of times, and that’s not fun.”

“Your fault for getting too competitive.” Sophia argues. “Alright. For me… I think it depends.”

“On what?” Katherine asks.

“On the situation. If it’s a casual blowjob, then yeah, it’s a 4. If we’re doing some light S&M play… it shoots to a 9.”

“I’m sorry Sophia, but you’re getting me more and more curious.” Julia tells her, grinning.

“You’ll… see me eventually, I suppose.” Sophia sighs in resignation, so you try to give her a reassuring smile. She smiles back, apparently feeling a bit better.

“I think I have to give it a 2, myself.” Katherine admits, looking down. “But only because I’m not good at it.”

“It’s not about whether you’re good or not.” You tell her calmly. “It’s about whether you like it or not.”

“I don’t like being bad at things.” Katherine pouts. “Just… give me more chances to practice.”

“Sure.” You laugh along with the others.

“So… who was this? It’s hard to tell.” Emily asks.

“Me.” Emma nods. “I’m glad to see everyone was honest about it.”


You take the next paper and the moment you see the handwriting, you notice it’s your question.

“Name your favorite sexual act that's not penetration (foreplay of all kinds allowed).” You read aloud. Then, you frown. You wrote this question wanting to hear the girls’ responses but didn’t consider you’d need to answer it as well. “I have a hard time deciding between making out and playing with your tits.” You start pondering. “I guess I like kissing you girls more.” You end up deciding.

When you look up from the piece of paper, you get a glimpse of an odd sight. The 8 girls sitting around you are sharing a silent look, then all of them laugh at something unsaid. Then, Emma answers.

“Kissing for me, as well.”

“Without a doubt. Kissing.” Mia nods firmly as she smiles.

“Before last night I would’ve said dirty talk, but after it? Kissing!” Julia says, laughing.

“Kissing.” Anzu also laughs as she answers.

“Same!” Megan says, grinning widely.

“Yup. No contest.” Emily agrees.

“I thought this would happen when I heard the question.” Sophia laughs. “Kissing for me, as well.”

“I’m glad to see I’m not the only one!” Katherine joins the laughter. “It feels so good, right?”

“Yeah.” Emma nods fervently. Then she looks at you. “I know you have a trait that makes you a better kisser, but I swear to god it can’t be just that.”

“Agreed.” Mia says. “It’s difficult to get into specifics, but I refuse to believe that’s just magic. It feels to… natural.”

“…It’s good we’re on the same page, at least.” You laugh nervously, taken back by the unanimous answers.

“Well, it’s like Mia said, but there’s more to it.” Emma continues. “I’ve been with you since before you had the trait. And even after you got it, I can still tell you’ve gotten even better.” She nods to herself, confident in her own assessment.

Huh. That’s both reassuring and very interesting data you never even considered. Is it possible that the traits become more powerful with use? Or to put it another way, does that mean that the traits give you a skill YOU can get better at? It seems that way.

“So… who wrote this question?” Katherine asks.

“I did.” You say. “I seriously didn’t expect those answers, though.”

“Well, that was an easy one.” Mia chuckles. “Next question?”

Next question?


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