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'Due to recent events in your life, The Affection Multiplier App has decided to make you aware of certain details of interacting with other users of the App in order to avoid complications and the waste of your hard-earned points.’

Oh. So it IS recent.

‘When meeting another user of the AMA, their profile will be unavailable to you. What’s more, the multiplier and trait functions will not work on them. This is a safety measure to prevent a single user gaining control of others.’

Yeah, that’s what you thought. If a person with the app were to make another person with it somehow submit to them, then they could become extremely powerful. They could create a vast network of loyalty and even taking over a country wouldn’t be difficult.

Why was that your first thought?

Never mind. Keep reading.

‘In the case of multiple users buying traits for the same person, every user of the App with access to this person’s profile will be able to see the list of traits added to them. A user of the AMA can pay a slightly higher price [See the ‘Friendship, Love and Lust Points’ section to understand how points work] than the original to remove an undesired trait in a person, if said user was not the one to buy it in the first place [See the ‘Traits’ section for more information on how to cancel traits you’ve bought].’

There it is.

So if Mrs. Miller were to buy a trait for Emily, you could pay a slightly higher price in points to remove it. It’s not ideal, but there is a way to defend in case something happens. You have to wonder if these systems have always been in place or if the AMA is changing as it sees its users, well… using it.

Well, it’s a good thing you have a lot of points saved. And speaking of, it wouldn’t hurt to check some things.

-Miller, Julia-  
Affection Score: 100 (+19)
Love Score: 75 (+35)
Lust Score: 72 (+29) (-37) (+10)

Available points: 650 Friendship points / 300 Love points / 450 Lust points

Oh wow. Julia’s scores really shot up (and down) after last night. It’s impressive that her lust score is still so high after last night. Or maybe it’s still high BECAUSE of last night and what you did in the shower just a while ago. You know you wouldn’t say no to another go, at least.

But you decide to focus on those 300 love points. Some quick digging and you realize what happened.

-Fujiwara, Anzu-
Affection Score: 100
Love Score: 100 (+10)
Lust Score: 88

Anzu’s love score hit 100 already. Maybe it happened during one of the orgies during the week? It’s true that you forget to check to scores with the girls you’re already dating since it doesn’t seem as important anymore. Talking to them is better than trying to guess what the numbers represent.

However, you don’t really have to guess what that 88 in lust means. She’s probably wondering what kind of things you and Julia did last night and that got her very much in the mood. You’ll need to take responsibility for that soon.

“So? Find anything?” Emily’s impatient voice bring you back to the real world. You give the two sisters a reassuring smile and nod.

“I did.”

You explain to them what you found in the app, what you read and how it works. You want to believe that their relieved sighs are a sign of how much they trust you. Sure, their scores say 100 but you’ll take real expression of love and trust any day before numbers.

“So if mom gets good at using the app and starts doing nasty things, you can just fix them right?” Emily asks.

“At the cost of points, but yes.” You grimace. “I hope she doesn’t do anything, though. Like I said, we’re saving for the you-know-what.”

“You have a lot of points though, and friendship points are even easier to get, right? So you can afford to buy Julia the sleeping trait.” Emily insist.

“Em, give it a rest.” Julia frowns at her sister. “If you already made a rule to vote on the use of these points, then that’s what we’ll do.”

Emily pouts, but backs off. “Fine. When are we meeting the others?”

“Any chance that can be today?” Julia says, surprising you.


“The sooner we get the awkward stuff out of the way, the sooner we can start the fun, right?” She winks at you.

“Sure, but I don’t know if the others are available.” You say and send a text message to the group chat. Only a minute later and, what do you know? Everyone’s free.

They totally knew this is what would happen, didn’t they?


Well, you expected things to go well, but not THIS well.

In very little time, Julia is already laughing and sharing stories with the rest of the girls almost as if she’d been doing it for months. You and Emily agreed she’d fit in, but this goes beyond your expectations.

Of course, Megan has no issues with her. She’s known Julia for years and she’s her coach. The moment they met at your place Megan ran to give Julia a hug and the teacher just laughed, lifted her off the ground and spun her around as she returned the hug.

When her eyes met Emma and Mia, the youngest of the three teachers simply asked, “Everything good?”

“Perfect.” Julia replied with a big smile.

Emma and Mia easily accepted that with relaxed smiles and gave her a welcoming hug.

And since Julia is kind of a universally loved teacher, Sophia and Katherine had no issues with her whatsoever. They Sophia knew this was going to happen, and is excited to have another girl in the harem. And Katherine has always had good grades in P.E. so she already got along with Julia.

The only one that’s a little apprehensive about this is Anzu, but you have an idea why. Therefore, while Julia is busy talking to the others, you take Anzu by the hand and sit with her on your bed.

“You’re thinking about what she and I did last night, aren’t you?” You ask carefully, whispering.

“…Is it that obvious?” She asks with an embarrassed smile.

“See? I can read you girls, too.” You tease, and she pushes you playfully by the shoulder.

“Yeah, I was thinking about it.” She eventually nods.

“Are you okay?”

“I am. It’s not like I don’t get along with Julia. I work with her more than I do with other teachers. It’s just… when I thought about her being with you, I got excited. But when I think of talking to her about it… I get a little scared. I’ve never spoken to her about things like this, so it’s awkward for me.”

“You’ll be fine.” You chuckle. “She won’t judge you. I know that without a shadow of a doubt.” You kiss her cheek and give her hand a gentle squeeze. “The last thing I want is for you to feel awkward in this group. So do what you think you have to do, okay? Remember, we’re all here to help.”

“Thank you. I think I’ll just wait for an opportunity and talk to her.” Anzu smiles at you.

“If that’s what you think is best, then it is.” You smile back before kissing her full on the lips this time.

But you little moment is interrupted by Megan throwing herself on your back and hugging you from behind.

“Hey, what’s with you two having a moment on your own?” She teases, grinning widely.

“He’s taking care of my emotional needs, okay?” Anzu replies with eyes closed, a dignified posture and a hand on her chest as she smiles.

Megan, however, is taken aback. “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”

“It’s fine.” Anzu laughs. “We were just done.”

“By the way,” Julia says from her seat on a chair as she looks around. “I noticed this before, but didn’t comment on it. This place looks amazing now. You guys put in some work.”

“This is all them” You say, raising your hands. “It happened when I was away. They went and turned this into a pretty awesome room.”

“Getting smaller by the minute, though.” Mia sighs with a regretful expression.

Yeah… With Julia here as well there’s even less space. Still enough that you can all BE here, at least. The huge bed, which at basically three mattresses put together, can easily fit all nine of you if you’re sitting on it in a circle, but can barely do it if you’re lying next to each other.

But despite that being the case, there are no more complaints. And since the day is only just starting, you and Mia get to work on lunch, with Sophia helping out again.

“Is that okay?” Julia asks. “I feel bad coming here and not helping.”

“Oh, you’re helping.” Emily tells her. “We’re bringing the tables in and setting them.”

“You can also do the dishes with Katherine.” Emma casually says.

“Oh right. Today is my turn.” Katherine says, pouting.

You chuckle to yourself. You’ve found that Katherine is not really fond of doing chores.

What's next?



Like I said before, this chapter is shorter. This is due to pacing, more than anything. Making it longer would've meant it either ending in an awkward place or artificially making it longer with nothing of substance. To compensate, the next two chapters will be longer. Especially ch. 206. Expect another group activity.