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You let out a sigh and rub the back of your neck to try to get rid of some of the annoyance you feel. Just a while ago, right after the last bell, you’d been talking to Sophia and Katherine. Things were getting fun and the idea to go back to your place for even more fun was put on the table. But then you get called to the headmistress’ office and all plans are thrown away.

She called you to ask you (read: order you) to go to the student council room and meet up with its members for a meeting. You’d have no issues if it hadn’t been completely out of the blue. You agreed to help, but Mrs. Hayes never mentioned anything else until just now. Dammit all.

Oh, and you offered Sophia and Katherine to recommend their names to help the student council, but they both refused, much to your relief. They said they had enough going on with the debate team.

And so, after one last deep breath, you knock on the door to the student council room.

“Come in.” You hear from inside.

You open the door into the large room. It’s longer than any classroom, and the tables are arranged in such a way that they form a long U. Yet despite that, there’s only 4 people inside. All of them girls, obviously

“Good afternoon.” You say with a nod. “I’m David Walker. The headmistress asked me to meet with you to help with student council matters.”

“You of all people though?” One of them asks with a sigh.

“I can leave if you want.” Is what you want to say, but you refrain from doing it. Instead, you decide to remain quiet.

“The headmistress recommended him, so we’ll have to accept.” Another girls says. She’s the one sitting at the head of the table. She’s slim and has long, platinum blonde hair. “I’m Monica Roberts. I’m the student council president.” She introduces herself.

You nod in acknowledgement.

She also introduces you to the vice-president, secretary and treasurer. And truth be told, none of the four seem very happy to have you here. You guess that, even if your reputation around school has gotten a hell of a lot better, you’re still that one dude in a school full of women. Maybe keeping yourself to your girlfriends has twisted your perspective. Not everyone is going to be happy that you’re here, but that’s fine. Besides, all these girls are second years. Not only do you interact very little with your senior students, but they’ll be leaving this school in just a few months. You just need to do what’s asked of you while making sure they’re not throwing all the workload on your back.

At least they treat you with enough politeness. Monica offers you a seat next to the secretary, a short Asian girl with long, straight back hair. She then asks you, “You’re aware of what you’re here for, correct?”

“Yes. I’m here to help as an extra secretary.”

“Yes. Let’s see if you’re good enough. You’re keeping the minute of this meeting.”

The secretary, Mandy, hands you a folder with several pages inside. These are the minutes of previous meetings, so after giving them a quick glance you understand how they like to keep these.

“Very well.” You nod.

“Alright. Then let’s begin.” Monica says with a firm nod. “Alice, how are we on funds for the next event?”

“The raffle went a lot better than expected.” The treasure said. “The school is taking care of the bigger expenditures, of course, but with this we can have all the extras we wanted.”

“Excuse me,” You interrupt. “What’s this event you’re talking about?”

“It’ll be officially announced tomorrow.” Monica answers, looking as if it was an annoyance to do so but understands that you have to be on the same page as everyone. “All the first years will be going on a camping trip to the beach next week as part of the P.E. curriculum.”

You blink a few times and mindlessly add that to the minute. And as you read what you just wrote, it starts to settle in.

A camping trip!? Seriously? And all first years are going? Would Julia be willing to tell you more? Though they said details would be revealed tomorrow, so there’s little point in asking.

“Ms. Miller asked us to make posters with the necessary information and put them in key points around the school.” Monica continues, speaking to everyone. “We’ll need to have them ready by the day after tomorrow at the latest. Does our printer still have color ink?”

“Yes. I checked that yesterday.” The secretary answers.

“Can you and David take care of that?” The president asks.

“Yes. No problem.” Mandy nods.

“Thank you. Next…”

The meeting goes on, with you writing everything that’s important. Turns out the student council is a lot more involved in school activities than you thought. They oversee the general management of clubs, student requests and work closely with the teachers. Not to mention they seem well organized.

A few minutes before the meeting is done and after having spoken about the budget some of the clubs are getting, Monica realizes something. “You’re gonna have to help Alice with this.” She tells Mandy.

“Yeah. It would be too much for just her.”

“I’ll take care of the posters on my own, then.” You say. “If you have a list of the necessary information that needs to be in it, I can finish it today at home, have you look at it tomorrow and I can print and post them around school. This is why I’m here for, after all, right?”

There’s a silence that doesn’t last more than two seconds as Monica and Mandy share a quick look and a silent nod.

“Very well. But email it to me as well when you’re done.” Monica says and takes out a sheet of paper from a folder. She passes it to you and on it you read everything the poster needs to have.

The meeting ends and everyone leaves, sparing only short goodbyes for you.

But despite the distant treatment, you feel satisfied. It’s a far cry from the beginning of the year, and even if they have their reasons for not wanting YOU here, they can at least recognize that you have something to offer.

When you exit the school through the main gate, you see Emily and Megan waiting for you. That’s right. They had soccer practice today and it seems to just be over as well.

“How was it?” Megan asks.

“Boring.” You say. “But considering it could’ve gone worse, I’m very okay with that.” You then turn to Emily. “By the way, has Julia said anything to you?” You ask as you walk with them.

“About what?” The blonde asks, raising an eyebrow.

“A school event.”

“Huh? No, she hasn’t said anything.”

“Emma and Mia haven’t said anything either.” Megan points out. “Why?”

“Because I just found out we’re going on a camping trip.”

“Eh!?” They both gasp in unison.

“I’ll tell you more back at my place.” You tell them. “Want to buy something on the way?”

“No need.” Megan tells you and grabs your left arm, nuzzling against it. “Let’s just go.”

“Sure.” You nod. And without saying a word, you feel Emily’s fingers intertwine with yours as she keeps her eyes on the road.

Seriously. Life doesn’t get much better than this.

They only release you when you go to open the door to your humble abode. Inside, Sophia and Katherine are already sitting by a table playing chess.

“We made ourselves comfortable.” Sophia says, grinning as she looks back at you.

“I hope that’s okay.” Katherine smiles wryly.

“It’s why I gave you keys.” You shrug. Yeah, you gave Katherine, Anzu and Julia spare keys already. They all seemed to appreciate it as much as the others.

“Checkmate.” Katherine says as she performs her final move with a satisfied smile.

“How many times have you lost?” You ask Sophia with a teasing grin as you walk up to your desk and grab your laptop.

“We’re 3-0.” Sophia sighs. “This girl is good.”

“Sorry. Give me a few minutes to take care of something and I’ll be right with you.” You tell them as you get the stuff you need out of your backpack. You sit on your bed, open your laptop and get to work on the poster. It wouldn’t do to slack on your first council assignment.

“The student council’s already giving you work on your first day?” Sophia asks with a raised eyebrow and an annoyed tone.

“I volunteered.” You clarify. “But yes.”

“Do you need help?” Katherine asks.

“You know what? Sure.” You nod and pat the space on the bed to your right. “Come here.”

Katherine stands from her chair and goes to sit next to you. But having her so close, you can’t quite resist so you hold her close to you and kiss her without warning. She lets out a surprised yelp but soon melts into you, returning the kiss and letting you slip your tongue inside her mouth.

“How come we don’t get a greeting kiss?” Sophia pouts, crossing her arms.

“Because she’s the only one who offered to help.” You answer nonchalantly while Katherine jokingly stick out her tongue to her three, pouting friends. She’s soon back in business mode, though.

“What do you need to do?” The redhead asks, leaning on you.

“An informational poster.” You tell her. “Turns out we’re going on a camping trip next week.”

“What!?” The debate girls also gasp in surprise.

“They’re supposed to tell us officially tomorrow, but these are the details.” You say and start reading the info you were given earlier.

“All first year students are going to a beach to camp for four days and three nights as part of the new P.E. curriculum. Most the necessary equipment will be provided by the school, but we’ll still need to bring some stuff ourselves, like sleeping bags.” You groan. You don’t have anything, which means you’ll have to go shopping. “We’ll be doing activities at the beach, such as volleyball, handball and swimming. Teachers are coming with us, of course, though it doesn’t say who.”

Katherine thinks for a moment. “I guess Anzu will be coming, as well. With her being the nurse and all.” She says.

“Julia’s a given.” Emily adds.

“If Emma and Mia can come, it’d be all of us.” Megan giggles.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Sophia sighs. “Sure, I’d love to sneak around at night to David’s tent, but will that even be possible?”

“You won’t know until you try!” Megan says, fist pumping excitedly.

“Honestly, I don’t know how this is going to work for me.” You say, though you’re still working on your laptop. “P.E. classes are already awkward because Julia has me do most exercises on my own.” 

“That’s right” Katherine remembers. “She says that the headmistress doesn’t allow her to fully include you. Wait, you might not even be able to go to camping!” she realizes.

“Whaaat!? Come on! That’d be so unfair!” Emily argues.

“It’s possible though.” You agree with Katherine. “We’ll just have to wait and see.”

With Katherine’s help, you design a poster with the image of a beach, focusing on keeping the information clear and concise even for those who hate reading. Having done that no more than 20 minutes, you email it to the president and close your laptop.

“Done.” You nod to yourself. “Thanks, Katherine.”

“Do I get a reward?” She asks, giggling giddily.

“Oh? Anything you have in mind?”

Your question makes her groan and her cheeks blush. “You’re gonna make me say it, aren’t you?”

“Out with it, girl!” Emily encourages with and teasing grin.

“Fine! Just fuck me already! You left us hanging before…”

“She’s right.” Sophia laughs as she throws away her blazer and takes her place to your left. “We’ve waited long enough.”

You let out a soft breath as you chuckle, the turn to Megan. “Can you get the cuffs, Megan?”

“Sure!” Megan hops off her chair and goes to your desk to get the requested items.

Alright. With work done for the day, it’s time to relax. There’s stuff to do tomorrow.

What’s next? 



I am curious about what you have in mind for Monica as well. I just caught up to the story last week and I'm very excited to see what happens in this camping trip. Good work on all this!


Ah, Eva Elfie. You've hit one of my weaknesses Fantasy. Though I'll admit your comments have me a bit worried about what you have in mind...