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Very technically speaking, this is the second time a girl asks you out, but the first doesn’t really count in your book. This so fucking weird. You had all these plans, thought so many things would go a certain way, then stuff happens and everything is out of control and unpredictable.

You wanted the ask Julia out, but then your bother stepped in. Then you were going to let her decide by letting her go out on dates with you two until she picked one, but then Mrs. Miller stepped in. How on earth did things come to the point where it was Julia who asked you out on a date? You don’t think you did much for her scores to improve so much.

-Miller, Julia-  
Affection Score: 81 (+30)
Love Score: 40 (+28)
Lust Score: 71 (+28)

Available points: 600 Friendship points / 200 Love points / 400 Lust points

Anyway, it’s how things are and you want it to go well. Both because you always want a date to go well and because she’s Emily’s sister. If you screw up, you risk disappointing not one but two girls!

There’s one thing that makes this more difficult than usual, and that’s the fact that Julia said to wear formal clothes. Thankfully, you do have a suit, but it’s the only one. You also only have one tie. Therefore, your options are limited to what shirt you’re going to wear. In the end you settle for a plain, white shirt over your dark suit and a red tie. Of course, your shoes match your suit and you polish them well. You have no idea what Julia is planning, but there’s nothing you can do but wait for her to pick you up. 

She arrives at the exact time she said she would, 08:00 pm.


If she’s going to do this, she’s going to go all out. There’s no use holding back or hesitating. She already decided to try for something serious with David. He’s managed to be discrete at school so nobody has even heard gossip of the possibility of him dating his teachers. That doesn’t worry her anymore, and she spoke at length with Emily about this, as well. She has her sister’s full approval.

Now she just wants to focus on impressing the man she’s chosen. He has many girlfriend already, but tonight, only tonight, she’s going to monopolize his attention. He won’t even want to look away from her.

She picked a simple but effective attire. A black dress that reaches just below her knees with spaghetti straps to give a generous view of her shoulders and, yes, her cleavage. Julia has worked hard for her figure, so she’s not afraid to show it. Her dress hugs all her curves perfectly, and she’s not ashamed to admit she looks sexy. She straightened her hair, mostly because it’s usually naturally wavy and she’s aiming for a different feel, something that really shows she’s serious about this.

David has seen her as his P.E. teacher and as his girlfriend’s sister. Now, Julia wants him to desire her as a woman. That’s why she picked a classic dinner date, because it lets her dress classy and sexily and because it will allow her to show David a different side of her.

She has seven other women as competition, her own sister included, so she can’t afford to play it slow and subtle. She hopes he’ll be the one to initiate things, but she’s taking him to bed tonight one way or the other. It’s not a thing she’s ever done on a first date, and even those threesomes she had in college were with extremely close friends. But she’s putting all her chips in this bet, because her sister has seen the house’s hand and told her this one’s a winner.

If there’s one thing that worries her is that all this will make David think she’s a slut. Other guys have said that before. They think that being sexually active and dressing to impress means you’ll fuck anyone who asks. It’s unnecessary to say how wrong they are. Every single one of her adventures were with people she truly cared about. But she doesn’t think David is the type of guy to think like that. If anything, her worries lie more in that small chance that he is, because that would be a huge disappointment.

She arrives at the shed, and she stops her car in front of it. She takes a few moments to breathe deeply and calm her wildly pounding heart. She hasn’t been this nervous about a date in years. Because even if this is just the start, even if it’s way too soon to tell… there’s a big chance that this might be The One.

When she calls his phone and he enters her car, his stunned reaction does not disappoint her one bit.

His own attire doesn’t disappoint her either.


She takes you to an extremely fancy restaurant, with reservations and all. You sit at a table for two next to a window that overlooks most of the town, the dark sky above and the lights below make for a beautiful view, and you say as much to Julia.

“Isn’t it?” She agrees is with a smile that’s just as, if not more beautiful than the view. “Mrs. Hayes took us here once for a teacher’s day celebration. I really liked it and I’ve been looking for an excuse to come again.”

As you look at her, you have to suppress your grimace of shame. Julia looks absolutely stunning, and while you were interested in her before, seeing her like this cements that without room for doubt. She’s perfectly managed to find the balance between incredibly sexy and outright classy.

It’s hard to admit, but you’ve always known there’s a superficial part of you that just easily falls for sexy, beautiful women. It’s happened with every single one of your girlfriends. Your interest starts because of how sexy they are and it stays because of how incredible people they are.

And this is just a hunch, but you believe Julia is exploiting that. Emily must have told her things about you, something you don’t really mind, but the way she’s dressed, how she’s acting… it’s like she’s wordlessly demanding your attention, and being really successful at it.

When a waitress comes to you with the menu, you wince at the prices. No wonder Julia’s been looking for an excuse to come. This is NOT the kind of place you come to for a light, casual dinner.

“Don’t worry, I’m paying, of course.” She chuckles when seeing your reaction. “Unless that bothers you?”

“My ego will take the blow instead of my, poor, unemployed wallet, thank you.” You say with a wry smile.

“Good.” Julia nods in satisfaction and laughs. “But don’t you get an allowance from your father every month?”

You can’t help but raise an eyebrow. “Just how much has Emily told you?”

“Change the question to ‘how much I’ve gotten out of her’.” She grins teasingly. “The answer: a lot.”

“I feel at a disadvantage.” You smile wryly.

“You can ask whatever you want, you know. I’m not ashamed to answer.” She grins.

“Oh yeah?” Getting daring, you decide to tease her a bit. “What color is your underwear?”

“Bottom matches my dress.” She answers bluntly, her grin only widening. “I’m not wearing a bra.”


That expression of his? She loves it. He asked that to tease her, but he underestimated how bold she can be. Now he can’t seem to close his mouth. He really is cute. And yeah, she’s not wearing a bra because her dress has built-in support, but he doesn’t need to know that, does he? She’ll let his mind run wild.

The waitress comes back and they make their order. They wait while they have a drink of something she’s come to enjoy lately: Pisco Sour. It’s made with lime juice, egg whites, sugar and, of course, pisco. She drinks slowly as she enjoys David’s hilarious silence. It’s been about a full minute now.

Eventually, he lets out a sigh and smiles sheepishly at her. “I’m often told I’m easy to read.”

“Only when it comes to certain topics.” She decides to be merciful and gives him a reassuring smile. “To be fair, everyone’s like that. And I do mean everyone. Men and women alike.”

“I can agree to that.” He nods, taking the first sip of his drink and raising his eyebrows when he realizes it’s good.

“What bothers me is how people seem to be ashamed of it.” Julia tells him, and she sees his eyes fixated on hers. He’s listening intently. He always does so in class, but having his full attention here instead of school leaves her with a warm sensation in her chest. “Sure, I don’t think people should be shouting to the world how much they love sex, but I don’t think it’s something to be ashamed of.”

“I want to agree, but it’s difficult.” He says with a serious nod. “I do agree that it’s not something to be ashamed of, but talking about it is also talking about something… private. It’s something you share only with people you trust, because it’s so personal.”

“So you’re uncomfortable talking about it with me?”

“I said it before. Emily trusts you, so I do too. I don’t mind at all.” She nods casually.

“…” That reminds her. She should apologize and thank him properly, should she? “Right. You said that when I stormed into your place like a total maniac.”

“You’re exaggerating. You were understandably upset.”

“Yes, but I still feel bad about it. I lash out at you and you end up making my mother have a change of heart. I’m really sorry about that. And thank you. It really means a lot to Emily and me.” She smiles at him apologetic.

“It concerned me as well, and I honestly didn’t expect her to turn around so quickly.” He says with a tired sigh. “How did your talk with her go? Emily wouldn’t tell me, saying it would give us something to talk about.”

Julia has to laugh at that. Her little sister worrying about her date? What’s the world coming to?

“Well, you already know she broke up with Jonathan, right? By the way, how did he take it?”

“The poor man is devastated. So much so that he had to find himself another girlfriend to cope with the heartbreak.” David says in a very dry and sarcastic tone.

Julia grimaces. She’s disappointed that she figured him out so accurately. David doesn’t need to know that, though. He’s hasn’t said one bad thing about her mother, so saying anything about his brother would be beyond rude.

“Anyway, mom promised she wouldn’t get any boyfriends for a while, just to prove she’s serious about trying to make it up to us.” She looks at David with curious eyes. “Do you have any theories?”

“…I want to believe she’s being honest.” Here comes the ‘but’. “But… I can’t shake the feeling that she saw your and Emily’s score had dropped over time and got scared.”

“So we should expect her to start acting friendlier out of nowhere?”

“Maybe.” He answers with a wry smile, and that makes her stop her questions. She’s being too pushy again, demanding answers from David as if he knew her mother better than Julia herself. It’s true that it feels like she doesn’t know her anymore, but it’s unfair to keep asking David to answer her doubts.

“It’ll be a weird process, but I admit I’m looking forward to it.” Julia nods.

“I hope it goes well.”

Damn. The sincerity of that smile makes her heart skip a beat.


When your food arrives, the conversation goes from her mother to the two of you. Her questions are mostly her asking for more detailed stories of things Emily has told her about you and your family. For example, it seems that Julia has this idea of your dad as this evil mastermind, which you’re not sure you can and/or want to clarify since it fits him pretty well.

On your part, you’re more interested about why she became a P.E. teacher.

“I’ve always had a lot of energy. Plus, I’m pretty outgoing.” She says with a confident smile. “If I wasn’t teaching, I’d probably be a personal trainer or something sport related. I love it. But my own P.E. teacher in middle school was kind of an inspiration, so I went for it.”

“How so?”

“Would you believe me if I told you I used to be sort of a rebel when I was a kid?” She asks with a grin.

You look at her for a bit and decide. “Yeah, I think I would.”

Her grin falls and settles into an unamused expression. “What? Do I really look like I was a troublemaker?”

“No, but I can believe you were.” You shrug.

“Well, anyway.” She continues, shrugging that aside. “I used to be a troublemaker that didn’t pay attention in class and had bad grades. But my P.E. teacher basically took me under her wing. She had me help her during her classes as her assistant and participate in other sport-related activities in the school. I guess that made me appreciate more everything a school does for its students.”

You nod, seeing how that would be an inspiration to someone.

You keep asking questions back and forth. Conversation is calm, but very entertaining. Getting to know more about a person is always a pleasure.

What's next?


Kiro Haas

I like it, it's an interesting change of pace, and it's a cool thing to see it from both perspectives! Keep up the good work!


I like the back-and-forth. ...I meant that about the banter, but I suppose the shifting perspective fits too.