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Chapter 412: Giving advice (Part 2)

“You know, I’ll ask just in case so we’re all on the same page,” Kevin said and turned to me again. “When you say foreplay, you mean kissing and fondling, right?”

“Ah? I mean, yeah, of course there’s that. But also… You know, fingering, cunnilingus, dirty talk, role play and anything that builds up pleasure for the girl. Women don’t have a refractory period like we do, so it’s not like it’s over if she orgasms before you do.”

“Even better, make her come twice in one night and you’re a goddamn king,” Thomas added. 

“And that’s why foreplay is so important. Build up her pleasure without tiring yourself out. And… Well, not all women are the same, but in my experience, the better you make a girl feel, the more inclined she is to return the favor. To be selfish you first need to be selfless.”

“Um… Dumb question, but what’s a refractory period?” Mark asked hesitantly.

I answered without judging. I didn’t know the name of it until Sarah explained it to me. “It’s just the name of that period after a guy orgasms. Muscles relax, blood pressure and heart rate go down and sexual stimulation is less effective, meaning you don’t get an erection immediately after.”

“Aaah, so that’s what that is…” Ben nodded, then smiled at me. “See, Oliver? I knew you had wisdom to share. This is already eye opening.”

Thomas looked at me and opened his mouth like he was going to say or ask something, but refrained. Instead, he just let out a soft sigh.

“Yeah, and I want to hear more,” Kevin said. “Almost feel like I should be taking notes.”

“Dude, you don’t even take notes in school,” Thomas told him.

“Yeah, but school isn’t half as interesting or educational as this.”

“I’m going to agree with him, Thomas,” Mark said. “Though I can’t express how bizarre it is to be hearing this from Oliver of all people. No offense, dude.”

“None taken. I can hardly believe the words coming out of my mouth.”

“My guy got more experience in eight months than all of us together in years,” Thomas said, laughing and throwing his head back.

“I’ve been… lucky, yeah.” It felt unfair, yeah. If not for Frey, none of this would be happening. I’d probably still be losing my vocal chords from disuse, all alone and being the best guitar player nobody ever heard. But you know… opportunities present themselves all the time. We just need to see them, recognize them and grab hold of them. This one may be an extreme case, but  it could’ve easily gone nowhere if I hadn’t taken my chances.

“Then? After foreplay, Oliver,” Kevin said. “Anything you can share about the main act?”

I groaned softly and rubbed the back of my neck. “Like I said, all women are different, but… I’d say learn to use angles.”

Ben blinked. “Angles?”

“Do you know what the clitoris is?” I asked them.

“The little nub at the top of the vagina… r-right?” Mark said, almost unsure of his own answer.

“Yes and no,” I told him. “It is, but the thing is, that nub is the outer part of a huge network of nerves that’s both outside and inside the body. Which means…”

“You can stimulate it from inside,” Ben realized.

“Correct. I don’t like perpetuating the idea that big is always better. You don’t need to hit deep to make a woman orgasm. That I can promise you.”

“So… angles?” Kevin asked.

I nodded. “Change positions and try to hit different spots. Ask her to tell you where it feels good. Don’t think you know better than her. Be a good boy and follow instructions, she’ll guide you. And if she says ‘there’, by god you fucking stay there.”

Thomas cleared his throat. “When you say change positions…”

“I don’t mean just doggy or missionary or cowgirl. I don’t mean weird kamasutra positions, either. I mean change your angle of entrance. If you’re doing missionary, try putting a pillow under her waist. If you’re doing doggy on the bed, try leaning back a bit or ask her to raise her butt more. If you’re doing it standing and from behind, bend your knees a little. Stuff like that.”

“Shit, I might really need a notebook…” Ben said, grinning. “This is good stuff…”

“Someone’s getting ideas…” Thomas said, wincing. “You’re not using my bathroom.”

Mark and Kevin burst out laughing while I shook my head. Ben just shrugged. After the laughter died down, Kevin sighed and chuckled softly.

“Man, this really is bizarre,” he said. “I’ve never talked about this kind of stuff with other guys. Hell, I’ve never talked about this stuff with a girlfriend, either. I suppose that’s why some of this stuff never occurred to me.”

“Yeah, same here. Thanks for sharing, Oliver. We promise we won’t tell anyone,” Ben said.

I shrugged. “Hey, if it works for you, I don’t mind if you share the tips.”

“Hey, do you think the girls talk about us this way, too?” Kevin asked.

“Yes,” Mark and I answered immediately. 

“And far more often than men do,” Mark added. “It’s something Amanda often tells me. She says it must suck that men don’t share this sort of stuff.”

“I mean, I see her point,” Thomas said. “But for guys… We might brag that we scored with a girl, but we want to keep that experience to ourselves. Girls, on the other hand, seem to enjoy telling each other everything.”

And that led me to let out a loud, drawn out groan as I sank in my chair in despair.

“What? What happened?” Mark asked me.

“Mila, Grace, Sarah, Alice and Noelle are talking to Diana right now, most assuredly about me,” I told them. “Just thinking that things might go badly makes my stomach churn.”

There was an awkward silence. I could tell the guys wanted to reassure me that things would be alright, but none of them could know for sure. 

“...Thomas, do you have beer?” I asked him.

“Wanna get drunk?” Thomas asked with a raised eyebrow.

“No, I just want to drink one. I need something bitter to hit me like a slap in the face.”

“Then yes, I do. I’m not letting you drink more than one, you hear?”

I laughed. “Thanks.” I meant it.


Chapter 413: Home, comments, texting.

I went back home some time after really having a single beer with the guys, and you know? I think I might be starting to understand the appeal a bit. Beer is still bitter and all, but it hits a certain spot that sugary drinks don’t. I still don’t see myself drinking it often, though.

I had planned on having a quick chat with mom, but I found her busy in the kitchen, talking on the phone and going over some documents in her laptop. It seemed urgent, so I just announced my presence and left. It’s not often that mom brings work home, but it does happen. Most of the time, though, it’s her fixing other people’s screwups.

Cake had been following me since I arrived, so I decided to be nice to her for a change and picked her up as we went up the stairs. She pushed her head against my face while purring.

“...How would you react if I took you to meet a huge dog, I wonder.”

Cake sometimes looked like she understood what we said, so I half expected her to slap me across the face. She didn’t and neither did she look like she understood.

I walked by Isabelle’s room, and with her door open I saw that she was there on her computer, reading something. At least the lights were on. “Hey sis, how do you think Cake would react to a dog?”

Isabelle turned to me and squinted her eyes before giving them a serious rub. “Crap, I don’t think I’ve blinked in the last five minutes…”

“Are you editing?”

“Just finished. It’s rendering now. No, I was reading comments.” She grinned. “Did you notice we have regular commenters now?”

“Ah, yeah, I did. Most of them are Cake’s fans, though.”

“Yeah. They’re asking us to open a donation page so they can buy her toys.”

“I don’t know how to feel about that.”

“Me neither. If anything, I say we wait until our channel is big enough to open memberships.”

“If it ever happens, sure.”

“Hah. Just give it time, brother. Most of the people watching are there for Cake, but they stay because of you.”

“Not sure I believe it, but thanks.”

“By the way, I saw you leaving with Thomas and the guys today. Where did you go?”

“His house. We talked about… stuff.”

“Can’t tell your sister about it?”

“Believe me, you don’t want me to tell you.”

“Women. Got it.”

I flinched. I didn’t know if it was obvious or if Isabelle just had a nose for this stuff. Probably both.

I went back to my rook with Cake. I threw myself on my bed and the cat sat on my chest and curled on itself. Curious, I grabbed my phone and began to browse our list of videos.

At this point, we had about 33 videos. 15 of those were just Cake doing cat stuff, 10 were short 1-minute videos of me playing the main part of some known songs with Cake by my side, 4 were full guitar covers of known songs I liked, 3 were full guitar covers of lesser known songs I liked and the last video… was an original melody.

When it came to views, it was as you’d expect. Cake’s videos had the most, with the most popular at 20K views, but that one was an outlier. Then came the short music videos with an average of 3K. Then there was a huge drop for my covers that didn’t even reach 1K. My original melody came last with barely 150 views.

I was happy that 150 people would even give the time of day to listen to a thing I made, but I admit it was just a little depressing to see the number 150 so close to the 20K views of Cake getting scared by an aluminum foil in the kitchen. Still, that’s just how things work and I’d always known that. It’s not gonna stop me from playing music.

I clicked on my original video. This is the only one to not feature Cake, which might explain the low views, too. I don’t know, I just wanted to keep it… mine, somehow. To know that people didn’t just watch it for the cat. In that sense, I was satisfied with the results.

I scrolled down and saw three new comments, which were also the only three comments on the video. My chest tightened as I nervously read them.

NightRider226: This has been stuck in my head for days. I’ve been humming it and people ask me what it is. I feel so underground knowing a song no one else does. lol.

TheBlackSwordsmanXX: Is this your first original? It’s good, but I’d like to see better in the future.

JustColors: I like it. I hope you post more originals.

Encouragement. Just from three people and in different ways, but… It felt good. I set my phone aside, grabbed Cake and sat her on the bed then went and picked up my guitar. 

I played whatever came to mind, not looking for anything in particular. When I heard a short string of notes that felt good, though, I kept them and started from there. I ended up turning on the recording on my phone just so I wouldn’t forget it. And so about 30 minutes went by until my phone buzzed with the sound of a text.

I winced and… was surprised to find myself a little pissed that it broke my concentration. After a groan, I shook it off and checked the text. It was… five pictures from Mila.

One of Grace, Sarah, Alice and Diana checking out bras at a lingerie store, a selfie showing the six of them eating ice cream, one of Alice checking the engine of Diana’s car with her standing next to her, one of Noelle and Diana lively talking about… something, and the last one of six bags from that same lingerie store.

-Mila: You’ll have to wait to learn what’s inside those bags.

My heart was pounding rapidly and a small, hopeful smile crossed my lips.

-Oliver: So… Things went well?

-Mila: Yes, so you can go to sleep at ease tonight. This is just a start, but it was a good one. She reminds us of you, actually. She’s cute.

Oh thank GOD. I don’t know if I can express the relief I felt at that moment. My eyes even felt itchy. I didn’t cry, but I felt like tears would’ve fallen if I hadn’t rubbed my eyes.

-Oliver: Thank you. I love you girls.

-Mila: We know. We love you too. Also, sorry but we already made plans to steal her again this Saturday.

-Oliver: Seriously?

-Mila: Actually, it’s more like she’s stealing us. We’re going to her house while you work. You can join us when you get off.

-Oliver: Yes, of course.

-Mila: Awesome.

Just then I got another text, this time from Diana herself.

-Diana: Hey. Are you busy?

-Oliver: No, I can talk. How are you?

-Diana: Relieved. The girls were very welcoming, maybe more than I deserved.

-Oliver: Was it hard for you?

-Diana: At first, but we were able to bond over something we have in common.

-Oliver: Oh? And that is?

-Diana: You, obviously. Sorry, but I learned a few embarrassing stories about you.

-Oliver: Only a few? Less than I expected.

-Diana: Hahaha. Only because we ran out of time.

-Diana: Oliver… I want to see you again soon.

-Oliver: Me too.

-Diana: We want to get together again at my place this Saturday, but… could we meet again before then? Even if just for an hour or two?

-Oliver: Yes, let’s. Does Wednesday work for you?

-Diana: Yes, it does. Thank you.

-Oliver: Don’t thank me. I want to see you just as much.

-Diana: Alright. Just… don’t forget about the others, okay?

-Oliver: Oh, don’t worry. They won’t let me.

-Diana: Hahaha. Goodnight, Oliver. Sleep well.

-Oliver: You too. Goodnight.

Well, it was good to hear the same story from both sides. It seemed like the girls had a good time, and I hoped I got to hear some more tomorrow. I texted Mila goodnight, too, and went back to playing guitar for one more hour before getting ready for bed.



So fucking good, Seeing a Confident Oliver talking to the guys and then also seeing his relief for how well the girl's meeting went feels great to read. Can't wait for the next chapter.