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The building was in a very bad spot in the commercial district of town, far from the main attractions like the shopping mall and department stores. About 30 minutes from their home by car or motorcycle, 45 by bus. Will was starting to consider getting a normal bike. It would make coming here easier.

Their office was the one at the very end of the hallway on the second floor. It wasn’t fancy and it barely passed basic quality tests like the rest of the building. It had two rooms plus a bathroom with a shower, so that was nice. Other than that, it was empty.

“We’ll need to paint the walls,” Amelia said, looking and scratching said walls, peeling off the old gray paint. “Preferably in something that doesn’t give such a depressing vibe.”

“And completely change the flooring,” Cynthia added with a nod and lightly stomping on the rotting wooden planks. “I’m thinking carpet. It’s more welcoming. Maybe a light violet, but perhaps that’s too gaudy.”

“Are we going for a bland, professional look or something with more personality? What do you think, Aoi?”

“I don’t care either way. I’m not good at this sort of stuff,” Aoi admitted.

“Come on, you’re the ones who’ll work here,” Cynthia said. “What about you, Nanami? What’s your opinion?”

“Umm… I think aiming for bland professionalism here could backfire. Coming to a supernatural consultation office, most people, the regular customers, except some level of… weirdness, let’s say. The real customers won’t care what the office looks like, so the important thing is to keep the facade strong. A-At least, that’s what I think…”

“No, that’s good,” Amelia said, grinning. “You’re smart, girl. Be confident.”

“And what do you think, Will?” Cynthia asked him.

“I think Nanami is right. Some magic-looking decorations here and there would at least set the mood. Something like a huge demon head somewhere in the office.”

“No demon heads!” Aoi and Nanami shouted at him in unison. Nanami shouted in fear and Aoi in a chiding tone, making Will flinch.


‘I agree, Will. Don’t mess with demons. They’re more trouble than they’re worth.’

“Wait, now you’ll also tell me demons are real?” Amelia asked, holding herself and shivering.

“They are, much in the same way incubi and succubi are,” Aoi said. “Think of them as a different kind of being altogether, though there’s a theory that said most supernatural beings are descendants from demons in some way or another. Cruel, self-centered and powerful, they’re the most likely to become a Spirit of Pride.”

“We’ve never seen one, but there are texts about them,” Nanami said. “They say demonic imagery tends to attract them. Goat skulls, pentagrams, the number 666… They say they sense when there’s an opportunity to gain something from exploiting the weak, which also makes them very likely to answer summoning spells.”

‘Lucifer, the King of Pride back in my mother’s time, was a demon.’

Will swallowed. “Okay, good to know. Let’s keep that stuff away from the office, then.”

“Agreed,” Cynthia said.

“Oh my. Should I leave, then?”

We all turned to the front door. It was open, and under the frame stood the familiar figure of Old Man Belphegor dressed in a white shirt, dressing pants and shiny black shoes. 

Aoi tensed up. She gripped her arm and bit her lip. “I didn’t even sense him…”

“I’m very sorry to intrude, but I heard from Cynthia you’d be here today, and I wanted to both congratulate you on the opening of your shop and take the opportunity to bring you important news.”

Cynthia sighed in something like a mix of exasperation and resignation. “I told you so you wouldn’t bother me, not so you’d follow me. Couldn’t you have texted me these ‘important news’?”

“I still don’t fully understand how these electronic devices work, and I don’t trust tools I don’t understand,” the old man explained. “Information could leak, and I won’t risk that.”

“Smart,” Will admitted. “Everything you text over the internet IS stored in some database or another.”

Belphegor smiled. “Thank you, boy. I had a feeling that was the case.”

“Well, then make it quick. What news do you have that are so important?”

Looking at Cynthia, Belphegor spoke again. “I spoke to some of the organizers of the black market auctions and vouched for you, Amelia and William. There’s a monthly party they throw happening tonight and they’re willing to add you to the list if they get an answer soon. If not, you’ll have to wait until next month.”

“Tonight!?” Will asked. “That’s…!”

“A pressure tactic,” Amelia said, unsurprised yet grinning. “They want us there.”

“And if they want us there, that means…”

Nanami’s eyes widened with glee. “Our potion worked!”

Belphegor smiled at her. “Like a charm, girl. There are improvements you can work on, and I’ll be sure to give you a report later, but it’s already a product you can sell. Nothing in the market reaches that level of effectiveness, I can guarantee that.”

Will and Nanami looked at each other. Will raised his hand up high and Nanami jumped to high-five him. “You’re the best,” he told her.

Nanami giggled cutely. She was too humble to answer, but she also didn’t deny it, either. She must’ve felt really proud of her work.

Cynthia groaned. “It still pisses me off that our gateway into these auctions are the contacts Jack made. We’ll need to be careful. I wouldn’t trust his friends more than I can throw them, and I have very weak arms.”

“That's what your boyfriend is there for, is it not?” Belphegor teased. “And don’t worry. At their official gatherings, at least, the members are strictly forbidden to use magic, particularly against each other. I watched a movie the other day where they did some awful things to people who broke the rules of a very similar organization. That’s also what they do here.”

“So… We’re going?” Will asked the two business women.

The blonde and the brunette shared a single glance and decided immediately.

“We’ll go. Even if we’re playing into their hands, I don’t want to miss this chance,” Amelia said.

“Heh. I bet they think we’re a group of amateurs well over our heads. We can make that work for us.”

Belphegor chuckled. “I promise you, very few of them have seen half of what you’ve seen. You’ll be fine, and I’ll be there, too.”

And so they made plans for a surprise underworld meeting. Will was equal parts anxious, excited and curious. He wondered what those meetings looked like, and hoped it wasn’t people wearing white wizard robes and pointy hats.

“Belphegor… A question, if I may?” Aoi spoke after being silent for a while.

“Hm? Yes, of course. What is it?”

“That… comment you made before. About leaving… Did you… Are you…?”

“Hm? Ah, yes. I’m a demon. Did I not tell you that?”


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