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Chapter 410: Free afternoon.

It had been a long time since something like this happened. For the first time in long months, after spending nearly every day in the company of at least one woman, I was surrounded by nothing but dudes.

It happened when classes were over. Outside my classroom, I said goodbye to the girls who were going to meet with Diana at the coffee shop, and just some time after they left, Thomas and Ben approached me.

“What’s this? Got dumped?” Thomas teased.

“They’re going to talk to Diana,” I told him. “And since I’m not working or going to the gym today, I have the rest of the day free to lose my mind thinking about how that’s going.”

“Wait, you’re free, Oliver?” Ben asked. “If so, mind if I bother you for an hour or two? I… need advice.”

I blinked. “Advice?”

Ben nodded. “It’s… a delicate subject. Kind of. I’ll treat you to a burger. Two burgers.”

“I’ll help if I can, but are you sure it’s me you want advice from?”

“I know no one better to ask,” he told me.

Thomas grinned. “Ben got a girlfriend. He needs advice about women.”

“Ah. Well, that’s awesome, Ben. Congrats. And I can see why you’d come to me for advice, but I’ll give it to you straight. I have NO idea what I’m doing.”

“Says the guy who JUST got one more girlfriend,” Thomas said, crossing his arms.

“Wait, what? You serious?” The one to speak was Mark. He had just thrown his backpack over his shoulder and was getting ready to leave. He walked up to us, grinning and saying, “Dude, one woman is exhausting enough to deal with. Why do you subject yourself to more suffering?”

“Because it’s worth it,” I answered, playing along. “REALLY worth it.”

Mark laughed. “Oh, fuck off. Now you’re just bragging.”

“See? I’m sure you have a hint or two to share,” Ben said, giving me a light punch on the shoulder. “Come on, Oliver. Help a brother out!”

“Let me join in,” Kevin said, approaching from behind Ben, walking past him and wrapping an arm around my shoulders to lean on me. Considering he was even taller than Thomas, the position was really awkward. He then spoke in hushed tones. “I need help too, man. Lena and I… I’ll go into details later, but yeah. I’ll treat you, too. What do you want?”

“If we’re doing this, we might as well have privacy. Let’s go to my house,” Thomas said. “Wanna come along, Mark? You might learn something.”

Mark groaned. “I’d scoff, but with this guy I just might. I’ll go. If Oliver doesn’t mind, that is.”

That he was polite enough to think of that gave me just enough reason to not object. “Alright, fine, I’ll go. But I don’t guarantee anything I say will actually work for any of you. Take my advice at your own risk.”

Ben smirked. “Thanks, man.”

Oh, and it didn’t escape me that Thomas stealthily invited himself into this whole affair. Crafty ass. And that was the reason we were in his backyard, the five of us sitting around a round, glass patio table. We stopped by a fast food place and ordered to go. Kevin and Ben insisted, so I ordered two really burgers and a ton of fries.

“So you really got a new girlfriend, Oliver?” Kevin asked as we ate. “Who? Is she from our school?”

“No, she’s not,” I told him. “She’s… older.”

“She’s my girlfriend’s best friend,” Thomas said after swallowing a big bite. He downed it with soda and continued. “She hooked them up. Apparently she had her eyes on Oliver for a while.”

“Oh shit, I was thinking university-older,” Ben said. “So she’s like… what, 25?”


“Is she hot?” Kevin asked.

Mark flinched at the question. It almost made me feel bad. The guy seemed to have the impression I’d get upset over anything. But then again, I had already gotten quite upset with Kevin and Ben once before.

Eh. Water under the bridge.

“You be the judge,” I told them, bringing out my phone and sliding it over the table with a picture of Diana on it. A decent picture of her, if you were wondering. Fully clothed. Even so…

“Oh, holy shit…” Mark gasped. “Dude, she’s even hotter than Mila and the others.”

“In some ways,” I told him. “She definitely has a whole different vibe.”

“Yeah, she looks a lot more mature,” Ben said, nodding.

“Is it just me or she’s kinda tall?” Kevin asked.

“She’s about as tall as me,” Thomas said. 

“Woah, seriously?” Kevin raised an eyebrow. “Doesn’t that bother you?” he asked me.

I tilted my head. “Why would it?”

“I mean… You’re short, she’s tall. Must be awkward.”

I sighed and shook my head dramatically. “Kevin, if you can’t appreciate the nuance in the differences in size, then you really do have a lot to learn. For example, me being shorter means my head is closer to chest-height.”

“...” Kevin’s eyes slowly widened more and more and his jaw began to fall. “Oh. Ooooooh. Dude, that’s… Ahaha! That’s genius.” 

“Alright, that’s it!” Ben smacked the table as he laughed. “If I wasn’t convinced before, I am now. Teach me your ways, master.”

“What about Noelle?” Mark asked, his lips slowly curling into a smirk. “SHE’s shorter than you.”

I nodded. “And therefore easier to carry. She’s as light as a feather.”

Thomas and Mark snickered loudly before they broke into laughter.

“You really live in a whole different world than us, don’t you?” Thomas said.

“You’re exaggerating. I’ve just learned to love things as they are. I’m short, nothing to do about it. Besides, wishing Noelle was taller or that Diana was shorter is a waste. It’s part of what makes them special.”

“You definitely have a type, though,” Thomas insisted. “Sure, they’re different, but all your girls are sexy in similar ways.”

“Can’t deny that. But I thought we came here to talk about Ben and Kevin. Don’t think I don’t see what you’re pulling.”

“Damn, lasted less than I thought,” Thomas said, grinning. “Still more than we could’ve gotten out of you three months ago.”

That was true. I was no longer overcome by anxiety and a desire to be accepted. Instead, with these guys I just wanted to… BE. It felt different than being with the girls. Freeing in some ways, more restraining in others. 

It wasn’t bad. 


Chapter 411: Giving advice (Part 1)

“I’m fine with you asking me questions since that’s basically what I signed up for, but you guys better start coughing up some dirt, too,” I told them, eyeing Ben and Kevin in particular. “So you got a girlfriend, Ben?”

“So much for it not being the right time, huh?” Thomas teased.

Ben shrugged. “It just sort of happened? She’s a university student, two years older than me. She’s studying journalism and had an assignment to write a piece on the local sports scene.” It was his time to bring out his phone to show us a picture. He slid the phone over the table and we looked.

Asian. Japanese, I think. Slender, cute, long straight black hair and with a very small chest. Considering that what Thomas said before about me having a type was still in my head, I thought to myself that this girl was definitely not my type, even if she was pretty cute. And considering all the teasing these guys put me through, I thought it was fair that I do the same.

“Huh. So you’re into flat chests, Ben,” I mused.

The guy smirked. “What can I say? I like it.”

“My brother,” Mark said, nodding solemnly and with arms crossed. He then turned to me. “You’re the one who can’t appreciate the nuance of small tits, Oliver.”

“Guilty,” I admitted.

“Anyway,” Ben continued, “she came into our gym to interview someone about the local boxing scene. She ended up picking me. I answered some of her questions, we hit it off, she asked me if we could eat dinner together so she could ask me more questions and then a week passed and now we’re dating.”

“Did you two do it already?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah. It was… good. For me. She didn’t complain, but I got the feeling she wasn’t satisfied. Which is why I decided to turn to the master. I need tips, Oliver. Anything you can give me.”

“And what about you, Kevin?” I asked him. “If you and Lena are having issues, your life is in danger.”

“You think I don’t know that? Grace doesn’t threaten people, she warns them. No, no issues between us, but… Yeah, the sex is… fine. Just fine. It’s good and we do it about three times a month. Sometimes she orgasms, sometimes she doesn’t. I’m getting really serious about Lena, so I’ll swallow my pride and ask for advice.”

“And just because sex with Maria is the best I’ve ever had doesn’t mean I’m not willing to listen to what you have to say,” Thomas said. “I’d love to learn a thing or two.”

“Shit, so I’m the odd one out here for being single? I shouldn’t have come,” Mark said. “But maybe I’ll learn something, too. Teach me how to get a girlfriend, Oliver.”

“You’ve gotten better at controlling those anger outbursts, so you’re already well on your way,” I told him. I admit, a part of that was said with some leftover resentment, but the guy took it at face value.

“It’s been difficult, but I’m getting there,” rubbing the back of his neck. His lips curled into a small, shy smile. “This might sound dumb, but I started coloring books and it’s helped keep my mind at peace.”

I smiled. “Seriously? That’s amazing.”

“Coloring books? You mean children’s coloring books?” Ben asked.

“Yeah. I know it’s stupid, but…”

“I didn’t say that. Whatever helps you enter that Zen state, man. Punching the sandbag does the same for me.”

“...Thanks,” Mark said, smiling.

We were mostly done eating, though I still had a second burger. I left it untouched for the moment and addressed the guys again. “Alright, then you want to know how to satisfy a girl in bed, right?”

“Exactly,” Ben said.

Man, this was tough. Still, not as tough as it could be. Back when I lost my virginity and the weeks that followed, I was mainly acting on instinct. Instincts I now knew came from Frey, as well as the supernatural ability to please a woman simply by… doing things, I guess. But that wasn’t the case now. Doing things that way never sat well with me, and I was paranoid that if those powers ever went away I’d be left with nothing and the girls wouldn’t like me anymore. There’s… still a small fear of that happening, but at least now I don’t feel like I have nothing to call my own. I’ve learned from all my experiences and grown beyond simply relying on Frey’s powers. Nevertheless, a disclaimer.

“Very well. Just so you know, I can’t give specifics. What works for one girl may not work for another, as I’m sure you guys are aware. But there are a few general things I’ve learned. You can give them a try, but don’t blame me if it doesn’t work.”

“Hit us,” Thomas said.

Okay. Here goes nothing. If I was going to do this, I could beat around the bush. I’d just say it straight and to hell with the shame. “First off, foreplay. Do it a lot. And I mean A LOT.”

“Well, duh. Of course you do foreplay,” Kevin said.

“No, Kevin. When I say a lot, I mean for at least 30 minutes or until the girl says to go further. Don’t just do it until she’s wet.”


Seems I caught him in one of his bad habits. “Honestly, the best I can say is to fall in love with foreplay itself. If you think your girlfriend is beautiful, then show it properly. Touch her everywhere she’ll let you, show her you like every part of her. ENJOY touching every part of her. The way I think about it is I imagine her pleasure as a glass filling drop by drop, not by a flow of running water. It’s slow. Most of the time, at least. Another benefit of doing a lot of foreplay is she gets to fill that glass while you conserve strength.”

“Oh. I… never thought of it like that,” Mark admitted with a frown. “Shit. It sounds so obvious.”

Ben turned to look at Kevin. “How long can you last?”

Kevin rubbed his neck. “...Like 10 minutes at my best, but it’s usually a bit less. I can go again after 20 minutes.”

“Huh. I’m about the same,” Ben admitted. 

I think I remember Sarah saying she read some investigations that said that was about the average for men.

Ben then held his forehead with a groan. “It really does sound obvious, but…”

“When you’re horny, all you can think about is getting yourself off,” Thomas said, clicking his tongue. “Then after sex you start thinking you’re hot shit because she told you it felt good and your pride won’t let you see she was just being nice.”

“Fuck, man, stop! That’s too real, what the fuck?” Mark groaned as well, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

Kevin and Ben both nodded in solemn agreement.

I… couldn’t relate. Not because I’d only had good sex from the first time onwards, but because I was the type to either not believe it or put the blame on myself for not being good enough. Back then, three girls wanted to sleep with me so I held the firm belief that I had to be good enough for all three of them. That feeling only grew when I started dating Alice and Noelle, and it was even stronger now that I started seeing Diana. 

I guess the opposite of having too much pride is having your self-confidence by the floor and blaming yourself for everything.



Im happy to see Oliver being confident enough to give advice like this, and that he is being way more social then the last time they talked like this.