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Chapter 408: Intermission - Diana and the girls (Part 3)

“Oliver is dangerous like that,” Grace said, smiling and taking a sip of her latte. “Spend some intimate time with him and he makes you believe he’s the perfect man.”

“Oh, so he’s not the perfect man, then,” Diana joked, crossing her arms. “And here I was getting my hopes up.”

“Yeah, he’s far from perfect,” Alice said, a big smile on her face. “He can be indecisive at times, for example.”

Milana nodded in agreement. “We kind of need to push him to do things or he’ll never do them out of fear of messing up. Most of the time he lacks assertiveness.”

“He’s easy to talk to, but sometimes he’s not easy to talk WITH,” Noelle said. “He’s a great listener, but you need to prompt him to say things or ask him questions. Otherwise he’ll be happy to stay quiet.”

“For all he’s achieved and all his talent, his self-confidence is pretty low,” Grace said with a sigh. “It can get annoying to hear him talk himself down.”

Diana was surprised to hear all that. Not that Oliver had his own issues, but that his girlfriends would voice them to her so openly. It seemed she wasn’t the only one, however, because she saw Sarah’s eyebrow twitch. The blonde scowled at her friends.

“Oh? Are the perfect girls complaining? Grace, you can be cruel and can have a total lack of empathy with people who aren’t close to you. Alice, you have a bad habit of hiding things you think will be trouble for others until they’re too big a problem to deal with. Noelle, you have a hard time talking about things that aren’t your own interests, too. Mila, you’re lazy, messy and irresponsible. And yes, I’m well aware I can have strong reactions when something bothers me.”

Alice’s and Noelle’s faces went red at their friend’s words, Milana smiled and laughed awkwardly and Grace crossed her arms and pouted.

“Okay, that’s all true, but you didn’t have to aim for the jugular…” the brunette grumbled. “Besides, we weren’t complaining.”

“You did call him annoying,” Milana pointed out.

Sarah sighed and turned to Diana. “Sorry, I went off a little hard there. Yeah, that’s all true. Oliver is a guy with plenty of weaknesses, but… Well, that only makes us love him more.”

“He works hard to overcome his weaknesses,” Alice said, smiling fondly. “Watching him is inspiring. And yes, what Sarah said about us is also true.” She giggled. “It’s part of what Oliver has to deal with on a daily basis.”

“He’s patient, caring and supportive,” Noelle said, looking down at her cup of mocha with eyes that saw past the drink and towards a memory. “I’d take double the flaws just for that alone.”

“Grace, Sarah and I were the firsts to… Well, make a move on him,” Milana said. Her smile, too, made Diana believe she was seeing a memory.

“...At the same time?” Diana asked.

“Well, yes and no,” Milana said, laughing. “These two are way more daring than I am, so they started flirting with him in front of me. I didn’t want to miss my chance, so I went and kissed him. Things… escalated from there.”

Sarah groaned and shook her head. “We kinda pushed him into a foursome with us. It was his first time.”

“Oh, we didn’t push him!” Grace argued. “I think you’re forgetting he’s the one who asked Thomas to lend us a room. He might lack assertiveness most of the time, but NEVER when it matters.”

“Yeah, that makes more sense to me. The Oliver I’ve gotten to know so far didn’t hesitate at all,” Diana told them.

Sarah chuckled. “That’s one of the many things he’s worked hard on. He used to be way more afraid of making his own moves. Then again, part of it might have been our fault.”

“How so?”

“We… didn’t make it clear what it was we wanted to have with him,” Grace said. “Three girls approaching him at the same time… Even if he didn’t have experience, no one could blame him for not understanding what was going on.”

“Hell, we weren’t sure, either,” Milana said. “We were just winging it and confusing Oliver even more. All we knew was that… we wanted to have a repeat of that night, at least. And to be fair, so did he.”

“It's a little hard to picture,” Noelle said, giggling. “Oliver actually made moves on you back then?”

“He did,” Sarah said. “He would…”

“Excuse me. Give me one second,” Diana said, interrupting Sarah and grabbing her own phone. She quickly texted Maria, asking her if their conversation could be overheard. She quickly got a reply that, no, the folding screen was working surprisingly well and only murmurs could be heard at best. “We’re not being overheard. Continue.”

“Thanks,” Sarah said. “Imagine we WERE being overheard. What would his fangirls think if they knew he was an anxious mess before they started paying attention to him.”

Diana’s eyebrows rose and she found herself smiling. “He was an anxious mess?”

“Oh, a terrible mess!” Milana said, laughing.

“Noelle and I have been friends with his sister since way before we started dating him,” Alice said. “He used to have such a bad case of social anxiety that he literally couldn’t speak to people.”

“So I’ve heard, but I still have a hard time believing it,” Diana said. “He seemed so confident to me. I don’t think things would’ve gone well between us if it had been up to me.”

“Part of it is that he’s been slowly getting used to stepping out of his comfort zone,” Sarah said. “But another part of it is that… Well, he has good reasons to be confident when it comes to women.”

“Yes he does.” Diana sighed, half dreamily and half frustrated at the memories. “So… About the ‘other’ things you do to even the score with him… Am I allowed to know?”

“Are you kidding?” Grace asked, grinning widely. “You being here already helps with that.”


Chapter 409: Intermission - Diana and the girls (Part 4)

Diana blinked, her brain quickly processing what Grace had just said. Really, it wasn’t hard to guess, but the situation had her a bit on edge and so it took her a moment. “Ah, I see. Yes, of course he’s into multiple partners.”

“Yep,” Milana nodded and giggled. “I… guess we should try to be quieter now. I’d rather that old couple not hear what their innocent-looking waiter is doing in his leisure time.”

“Then, D-Diana,” Grace addressed her directly, yet there was a slight hesitancy when calling her name. Diana kept her smile to herself. She could imagine the young woman struggling to decide if she should be formal or not. Despite her boldness, the girl wasn’t disrespectful. “We’re willing to share some secrets about Oliver, but not for free.” Grace’s smile was… mischievous and playful. “Did you find anything out about him that we might not know yet?”

Man, these girls were not afraid to get explicit, were they? Fortunately, that suited Diana just fine. For as much as she shared with Maria, she didn’t tell her the finer details, details she was honestly eager to go into with girls who would know EXACTLY what she was talking about.

“I’d be happy to tell you, but how would I know if, well, you don’t know something about him?”

“Good point.” Alice nodded. “Then… Was there anything you two did that got a nice reaction out of him?”

Diana swallowed and looked down at her own chest. “He… liked my bust. Left him stunned for a moment.” Diana smiled. “It was cute.”

“Checks out,” Noelle said, nodding. “He’s a bit obsessed with boobs.”

“A bit?” Sarah laughed. “Mila and I have the smallest chests out of us six and we’re still pretty big. I’m starting to believe he’s not interested in women with small chests.”

“Would make sense. He’s never shown interest in Amanda,” Milana said.

“Anything else?” Alice asked.

“He asked for a titjob.” Diana felt a strange shiver. Talking about this stuff, and even saying the word ‘titjob’ in public felt very inappropriate… yet she was kind of enjoying it. “I’m no expert, but he enjoyed it.”

“Oh wow. He doesn’t ask that often,” Milana said. “And when he does, it’s normally Grace.”

“Yeah, he says it doesn’t feel as nice as it looks,” Grace confirmed. “I still like doing it, though.”

“He also said he doesn’t like to get a girl dirty,” Diana said.

“Oh, right, there’s that, too,” Grace nodded with a smile. “He’s surprisingly particular about that, huh?”

“Hmm. What else…? Oh, there was something I did on a whim, but I think he liked it a lot. I licked his crotch over his pants.”

Really, what the hell was this? Did Diana really just say that out loud? To a group of girls she didn’t know? And why did it feel so natural?

“He mentioned that!” Noelle said excitedly, yet remembered to keep her voice down. “I think you might have unlocked a new fetish for him.”

“Is that a good thing?” Diana asked with a chuckle.

“Definitely,” Sarah said. “The more things we can do for him, the closer we get to evening out the score. And speaking of which…”

“First of all, yeah, he’s into multiple partners,” Milana said. “It’s half the reason we encouraged him to ask out Alice and Noelle. And well, you, too. You really caught his eye.”

“REALLY caught his eye,” Alice emphasized.

Diana’s heart fluttered, but there was something there that drew her attention. “Half the reason?”

“The other half is that… we like seeing him have multiple partners,” Grace said. “Let’s… leave it at that for now, okay?”

Diana nodded.

“Another thing he likes: underwear,” Sarah revealed. “Lingerie, lace sets, silk, revealing, elaborate… He loves it.”

“Seriously? Dammit, I only have one set of lace…” Diana lamented.

“Then let’s go shopping after this,” Milana said. “I could use a new set myself.”

Diana smiled. “I’d love to.”

“That’s a date, then, but for now, next: Free use,” Alice said.

Diana raised a confused eyebrow. “Free use?”

“Yeah, Alice didn’t know what it was, either.” Noelle giggled. “It’s the idea of freely being allowed to ‘use’ women for sex. Anyone, anytime, anywhere.”

Diana now raised both her eyebrows.

“He doesn’t do that,” Grace said calmly. “It’s just one of those crazy, dumb ideas one might find arousing. Since we can’t do stuff like that yet, we role play it by letting him do whatever he wants with us whenever he wants. He knows well enough when to do it and when not to, so it’s not a problem.”

“It’s only a problem when I want him to do it but won’t,” Sarah grumbled.

Okay, yeah, that made more sense. And man, Diana figured it out already by the amount of times she saw them go into the hotel, but these girls also had a pretty high libido, didn’t they? Then again, after experiencing THAT, she totally got it.

Wait, ‘yet’?

“He’s also into doing it in public places while hiding,” Noelle said. “It’s risky, so we don’t do it like that much, but it’s always fun. I wasn’t sure the first time I did it, but I was too excited to care.”

“Ah, yes, I noticed that,” Diana said. “We made out in my car during our first date. But you probably knew that.”

“Yeah, he told us most of it,” Alice said. “Is that a problem for you?” she asked with genuine concern.

Diana smiled and shook her head. “Not at all. I’m the one barging in on your relationship with him. If I’m not transparent, this’ll never work out.”

“It goes for us, too,” Grace said. “We don’t want to keep things from you or limit your relationship with him in any way. We’re all taking a big risk here, and I think we should be cautious, but… Well, Oliver has a good feeling about you and we trust him on this sort of thing.”

“We’ve mostly just been talking about our boyfriend, but I think that’s fine. It’s a start. We want to know you more, though. Not ‘Oliver’s new girlfriend’, but just ‘Diana Black’, and that will take time.”

“It will, and like I told Oliver, I’m willing to give it a serious shot.”

“Then, if we’re going to continue talking, we can do that while shopping, right?” Milana said, grinning. “Come on, we’ll show you our go-to place.”

“B-Before that…” Alice spoke up again, this time with a sheepish grin. “You… came here in your car, didn’t you? C-Could I take a look at it?”

Ah, right. Oliver told her one of his girlfriends was into cars. So it was Alice.

“I don’t mind, but it’s just an old piece of junk.”

“And Alice loves old pieces of junk,” Sarah said.

“Oh, shut up.”

This. This was the start of Diana’s relationship with the five girls. It might have only been the first step, but it felt like a good, solid step. She spent the rest of the day with them, shopping, walking and talking. The topic of Oliver inevitably rose every other moment, but ever so slowly, the group was getting better acquainted with Diana, and Diana with them.



I'm glad it worked out so well and that she is also getting used to socializing more just like Oliver.


I really enjoyed reading the chapter The conversation between his girlfriends and Diana went very well