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Chapter 414: A weird day.

Tuesday was… bizarre. It started innocently enough, but it was still weird considering the girls and I met in the club room like always, only this time we talked about my other girlfriend they had met the day before.

“I like her,” Noelle said, smiling brightly. “She’s a little awkward, but I think it’s endearing. We could tell she was trying very hard to fight off her nerves.”

“It’s one thing to try and another to succeed,” Sarah said. “So with that in mind, I like her, too. She’s… How do I put this? She seems the type to think very hard about literally everything, but I don’t say it as a bad thing.”

“Yeah! For example, when we were picking out underwear…”

“Shush, Mila! That’s a secret!” Alice said, stopping Mila as she laughed. “Not to mention it was YOUR idea to keep it a secret, remember?”

“Oh, crap. Right. Sorry, Oliver.”

“Well, now I’m even more curious. What the hell was in those bags?”

“Nothing wild, so don’t get too many ideas,” Grace said. “We told Diana to be comfortable around us and she ended up giving us a pretty neat idea we hope you’ll like.”

“I see… So, um… What did you talk about?”

“You, mostly,” Sarah said. “It was the easiest topic to talk about, after all.”

“We told her stories about, and answered her questions and bonded over how nice it is to share a bed with you,” Alice said nonchalantly. “It was the strangest outing I’ve had, but it was really fun.”

“But it wasn’t all about you, so don’t get too self-conscious,” Noelle clarified with a chuckle. “We walked past a hobby store and I stopped to look at the display. Then Diana stood beside me and started browsing, too. Turns out she’s into board games!”

I blinked. I didn’t know that. “Board games? Really?”

“Yeah. She said that she liked them but the people she knew got bored of them quickly, even Maria.”

“That’s what we’re going to her house for on Saturday,” Alice said. “We’re having a board game party.”

I found myself smiling. Just picturing Diana telling them about it or all of them playing games at Diana’s house warmed my heart like you wouldn’t believe.

“Oh, and just so you know,” Grace said, “we didn’t hold back on the naughty details. It actually made things less awkward. We didn’t have to pretend like we didn’t know you were sleeping with all of us and we could just share what we liked about it.”

“I mean, sex is too big a part of our relationship, right? There’s no denying that,” Mila said. “We were worried we might make Diana uncomfortable, but surprisingly she adapted really quickly.”

“She told me she had a good time with you,” I told them. “Said you had been very welcoming.”

“Really? That’s good to hear,” Sarah said, sighing in relief. “I was worried we were too pushy.”

“I will say, though… It felt strange walking around with an older woman in the group,” Mila said. “Just the way she carries herself makes her seem more mature. I felt like a kid standing next to her and I was worried she might find our talks… I don’t know, stupid or something.”

I smiled wryly and nodded. “Yeah, that worries me a bit, too. I don’t think she sees it that way, but… I guess that’s something only time will reveal.”

There were still plenty of kinks to iron out, but I still believed we started on the right foot. Maybe Alice’s theory (which I’m now dubbing the Theory of Attraction) really was right, and Diana was just naturally a good fit for our group. At least, I really wanted to believe that was the case.

Things then got a little weirder when we got to the classroom. With five minutes until classes started, Mila, Grace, Sarah and I were going to take our respective seats when Lena suddenly came up to me.

“Oliver, got a minute?” she asked me.

“Hm? Sure, what is it?”

“Nothing, just… a little thank you,” she said and gave me a large chocolate bar. A fairly expensive brand, even. 

I blinked and looked from the chocolate to Lena again. She was smiling from ear to ear and looked… radiant. Her good mood oozed off of her. And why was she thank…?



Seems Kevin was eager to try out the advice I gave him, and by the look of things, it worked.

“He told you?” I asked her with a restrained laugh.

Lena grinned. “I had to get it out of him, but yes.” She blushed. “He… tried very hard. It was very sweet of him. It was better, but now we know it can be EVEN better, so… Thank you.”

“Glad to be of service. I’m glad it helped.”

Lena chuckled, waved at me and went to her seat. Meanwhile, Mila, Grace and Sarah stared at our whole interaction with hilariously puzzled looks and went straight to Lena after we were done talking to get all the info out of her. Mark had also overheard and the two of us shared a silent, knowing grin. We were going to tease Kevin later.

During the first recess, though, Thomas came up to me and we had a chat on our own in the club room while the girls got all the details out of Lena they couldn’t before class started.

“There was something I wanted to ask you yesterday, but I didn’t think doing it in front of the other guys was a good idea,” he said.

“Hm? And that is…?”

“Remember when you talked about the refractory period?”


“You don’t have it, do you?”

I sighed. “Yeah, I don’t. It’s part of those strange powers I got. Why do you ask?”

Thomas rubbed the back of his neck and grimaced awkwardly. “I… kinda don’t have it, either. Or rather, it takes me like three shots before I get one. It didn’t use to be like this. I don’t think it’s at your level, but… Do you think we were right? Do you think I have something like what you do?”

“...” I pursed my lips and crossed my arms. Then my eyes went to the Ouija board hanging on one of the walls. “Should we find out?”


Chapter 415: A high chance encounter.

I had forgotten two things. One, Thomas hadn’t experienced what it was to use the Ouija board. And two, Thomas was fucking terrified of ghosts. His face went white as a paper sheet as when his eyes followed my gaze and set on the wooden spirit board.

“You’re kidding, right?” he exclaimed with an awkward smile.

“It works. That’s how we know what little we do about…”

“You know, it’s fine!” Thomas said, hastily standing up from his seat with a very nervous laugh. “I’m not really that curious.”

The way he was fidgeting really said enough, even without noticing that his hands were shaking and that they’d gone white as well. I didn’t have it in me to insist. Or tease him for it. Yet.

“Alright, then we don’t use the board. It’s really awkward to use, anyway.” Especially since I sort of had a more direct line to use now if Frey chose to visit at night. And if she let me remember the dreams. That was still very inconsistent and… well, pointless. I was starting to believe Frey might be more self-conscious than she let on. “I’ll try to figure things out on my own and I’ll tell you if it’s important. Is that okay with you?”

“Y-Yes…” Thomas sighed. “Sorry, man. It’s just… This kind of stuff freaks me the fuck out. Even if it’s harmless, I’d rather not think about it.”

“But you HAVE been thinking about it.”

“Couldn’t help it, alright? What we talked about yesterday did that. And then… Bah. It’s nothing. Forget this conversation ever happened.”

“Can’t do. I don’t have much ammo to tease you with, so I’m keeping this.”

“Ugh, this was a mistake…”

As much as he whined, he was over it by second recess when we went to bother Kevin together. Still, I was curious about what he had stopped himself from telling me but I didn’t even need to ask. I found out later that day at work while talking to Maria.

“So… You gave Thomas some advice yesterday?” she asked me during a lull of customers. She was grinning widely and looked just as radiant as Lena did.

I let out a loud, unexpected snicker before I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. “Him, too? And he had the gall to make fun of Kevin for it. Also, can’t these guys keep it to themselves?”

Maria laughed. “He called me all of a sudden and said he wanted to meet. When he started trying stuff he’d never done before, I knew something was up. Didn’t take much to get it out of him.”

You know, I better keep my comments to myself. I don’t think I’d fare much better myself, and it’s always five against one when it comes to getting secrets out of me. See why I don’t even bother lying?

“And you’re just comfortable telling me you spent a good night with your boyfriend, huh?”

“What? Does it bother you? I know more about your sex life than I should, Oliver. And at this point, you’re almost like a little brother.”

“You know that only makes it weirder, right? At least, it should.” I sighed. “I’ve grown too used to sex talk and I don’t think that’s good.”

“It’s fine so long as you’re careful who you talk to. I know people far more explicit that reach vulgar levels of sex talk,” Maria said. “Just keep it reasonable, and if you’re willing to give my boyfriend more tips, even better.”

“Well, I did owe you from hooking me up with Diana.”

Our conversation was cut short by a trio of customers coming in, so we left it at that. Still, it was funny to think about it now, but there was a point in my life where hearing that other people were having good sex would’ve only made me depressed. Back then it was really difficult to feel happy for others. Unarguably petty, I’ll admit.

But yeah, that was my Tuesday. Peaceful, uneventful, but weird. Never thought girls would ever be thanking me for giving sex tips to their boyfriends, but hey, more people having good sex means more people are happy, and that’s just a net positive for the world. Wednesday, though… was even weirder, and it was all on account of one single encounter.


I had made plans to get together with Diana. To make up for being busy, I spent the whole morning before classes, every recess and all of lunch break in the club room with the girls.

Really, we might have pushed it too far that day. Doing it in the morning when no one was around was one thing. Sneaking a quickie every other moment throughout the day was already risky. But doing it at every opportunity we got? It’s a wonder we didn’t get caught, but… Yeah, we kinda got off to it. We didn’t even put the Silence runes to use because not being able to hear anything is just creepy, but we should’ve. We did use the stillness runes to temporarily make the table a firmer piece of furniture that could handle… more forceful stuff.

When school was over, I went home to get changed then took a bus to Diana’s workplace, Pleasure Lake Hotel. We weren’t going to stay there. I was just waiting for her to get off work so we could do something else, so I stood outside after texting her. Ten minutes after that, she texted me again.

-Diana: I’m so sorry! I’m a bit late. One of the staff members lost the key to a room and I have to help her find it. Give me 10 more minutes tops.

-Oliver: Don’t worry. Take your time.

And so I waited outside the hotel for a total of 20 minutes. I had no idea of knowing it then, but what happened then had a fairly high chance of occurring.

“Hm? Oh, you! You’re… Oliver, aren’t you? Oliver Brook! The young man who helped Jennifer!”

It startled me, but for some reason I remembered his voice well. Tall, slender, young-looking face, bulky blonde hair swept to the side and wearing an elegant black business suit with a green tie.

Having just stepped out of his expensive-looking car, Mr. Luke Allen was walking up to me.



As long as there arnt bits of Antagonizing from Luke im fine with him getting some friendly screen time. I would be interested in seeing more about Noelle and Alice's families, maybe having a Dinner with Oliver. I don't think Oliver has been seen interacting with any of the girl's Parents since they came out as a Harem, so it would be interesting to see the reactions of the parents even if the normality effect is in place. What has me really excited is to see what happens with His gym friend and his daughter once they get back from Vacation.


I’d kind of like to see some sort of boon for Oliver due to his Good Samaritan act for Luke’s girlfriend.