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Hi all how are you guys doing.

These last 2 weeks I was mainly working on polishing and fixing most of stuff preparing to move to PoC phase 2 tasks but I want to make sure that the game is ready, so I dropped the new test build that's called PoC Phase 1 Performance Test and I truly hope that you guys will enjoy testing this build for me. But before that I want to show you guys what I've done in this last 2 weeks (beside the performance polishing since it's just a massive amount of codes)

Equipment Item System: New equipment item is added into the game, it's chemlight equipment that will lead you to your goal among the darkness. The models aren't ready yet but it will soon.
Advanced Animation Layer System: Now this animation system is in advanced state that you can notice, the way the left arm is carrying the crate is different depending on the situation, the examples can be seen when the character is walking on the water or sliding down the slope terrain. This system is highly flexible and very easy to use now.

Weather and Lighting: I tweaked the weather a little bit, now the weather is cold, windy and the ambient light is higher. I also added wind system into the game that will react to the new physics system will introduce below very soon.
Water Materials: Now I polished the water shader and it looks like a normal lake, not oil contaminated lake.
New physics for softbody, hair and cloth: This is game changing for the future of OGZ character design work because this type of physics doesn't need bone to simulate body but instead, it's just clothing tool but it will never mess up the shape of the model (hair, bag, belt, or even the fat physics body of the monsters). It also reacts to the wind system and this will increase the life into the world even more. Now i'm very excited to design the character with bigger potentials by this new physics tool.

I did some polishing to the navigation, movements, system performance and bug clean, it's hard to list everything I've done but I've fixed and polished quite a lot.

I almost forgot that's there is another new part of The Royal Academy available on Pixiv, hope you guys will check this out along with the Performance Test Build

That's all for today, I hope you guys enjoy what I've done so far.
Have a nice day.


OGZ test 17



where is the new update the phase 1 link takes me to an old link fron jun 2022


it is correct, that post is the repository for the links, if you click on the link there it has the last build for download


Great update! I did encounter a bug however. If you pull too close to wall while riding the ATV, sometimes your character will try to dismount where the obstruction is and get stuck in place, forcing you to quit out of the demo entirely as the options menu cannot be accessed while she is stuck in the falling state.