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Hi all how are you guys doing?
I've finally finished the PoC phase 1 tasks and I'll start working on phase 2 soon in a few days. Also I'll drop the page 2 and 3 of The Royal Academy on 30th of this month because I'm very busy finishing the main tasks. Here are what I've done for this last 2 weeks.

-Forest System is now a game ready system, the forest will randomly drop the item everywhere but you have to look carefully, the forest will reset itself every 1 hour real world.
-Cave System is now a game ready, the cave will have a lot of loots for you but there are gonna be a lot of danger waiting for you too since now I finally added the enemy system into the cave. The cave will be reset every 1 hour real world, the items and the enemies will be back but it won't be the same for both.
-The surface now will impact the Vehicle Speed, the rock/stone surface will reduce the speed by 70%, the ground/grass will reduce by 25% and the concrete surface will not reduce at all.
-Dynamic Camera Positioning for the gameplay camera is ready, this is inspired from MHW camera system.
-Unknown Loot is ready and is added into the world, this loot will randomly give you one of its possibly items. Everytime you are looting this type of the loot, your operator will have to play searching anim. This is also heavily inspired from MH games.
-I added the Camera Animation into the gameplay camera now. The recoil camera is added into the game, this stuff is inspired from TLOU camera system.
Your operator now has ability to draw/holstered the weapon. Sprinting while the weapon is holstered will prevent your character to use SP.
-Equip/Unequip Animations will be different depending on your character, equip/unequip animations for the combat mode are faster than normal mode, etc.

User Interface
-The Character Status UI is back.

-Landscape Audio System is updated, now the world will be even more alive than before because the forest will play the leave audio, the cave will play the wind audio and the field will play the distant wildlife audio.

-I added the IK system into the character now, this stuff will apply to all the characters in the game and it will help your movement to be smoother on the complex surface such as the stone and etc.
-Start/Stop Sprinting Animations are added into the game.

I tweaked the lighting a little bit and now the lighting has more details and the world feels a little bit more wet.

The map will be called 'The Battleground' and it'll be separated into the big area instead of one big open world (Big open world like GTA is very hard to achieve). Each area will have a small transition heavily inspired from MGS PW.

Phase 2 will be focusing on the buildings and man made stuff for the world, the current map still needs a lot of work for now.

I also optimized the the forest, the cave and the graphical. Now the game is running good on my device and I truly hope it'll run good on your device too. I ran this at highest settings on GTX 1070.

I have to move this to the next post because I've been busy finishing the PoC phase 1 tasks and now those are done, maybe if possible I'll drop page 2 and 3 in the next post.

Personal Stuff
I'm starting to feel tired (not burntout), maybe I will have to take a break after dropping the next build because I've been working for 16/7 for a year now and this kind of stuff is actually very stressful, thus why I don't have any feeling for lewd and such, it's just stressful but I'm still full motivation for the project.

That's it for today and I hope you guys enjoy the progress and stuff I've done so far.
Have a great day.


OGZ Test 16



man i cant wait to pl;ay the full release its gonna be amazing:D

