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Hi all, how are you guys doing.
I quite have something to tell you guys about the PoC build, the PoC build will be dropped in 3-4 months start from now. PoC build will be the first official look of the Operation Groundzeroes and will have a lot more contents than the previous build (especially the gameplay).
But first, here about this progress I've done in the last 2 weeks mainly polishing and fixing the bugs/issues but also adding more new stuff into the game.

This test footage is from preview in editor, the performance may be heavier than the actual build.

-Forest Generator Tool: This is the upgraded version of the previous forest generator (from the previous test video), this upgraded forest system can now spawn the items randomly inside the forest area and the grassland looks much more natural. The trees are also destructible you can bring a tree down by using vehicle or grenade.

-Vehicle System: Now the vehicle finally has status system same as character, the vehicle has Durability status (DP) and Fuel status (FP). Also the vehicle can get buff/debuff same as a character, right now there are 2 debuffs for the vehicle:
1 Drain DP: this debuff will drain DP of the vehicle
2 Disable Repair: this debuff is a critical one because you won't be able to repair the vehicle once broken. Your vehicle can get this debuff from the lake for now.

-Garage System: Now you can own a vehicle, this will work the same as the garage from GTA IV. There will be 2 types of garage:
1 is a small garage, small one will be for a quad type vehicle.
2 is a medium garage, medium one will be for a truck or an APC.

-New Notification System: Since a lot of stuff will happen in the game, this new notification system will help you know what is going on around you. It's inspired from MGSV btw.

-Dynamic Slope Terrain Movement (DST movement): This will active when you are on the slope terrain but while you are sliding down the slope floor, you can also shoot your firearm. This system will also be used to limit the map's bound or inside the cave.

I also tweaked the lighting a little bit and now it's looking cold again.

Here is the additional artwork I did, it's just a concept art for The Somber Crystal Series but I hope you guys enjoy it, The Royal Academy Part 2 will be dropped 17th this month.
Here to get to the artwork folder

About my goal for this month
I'm planning to finish both First Forest System and First Cave System with this month and I'll start working on the outpost generator system as soon as I'm satisfied with the 2 systems I mentioned previously. If all this is done, the phase 2 PoC task will be officially completed and the final phase of PoC task will start immediately.

Plan for PoC
I'm planning to add character creation system for the PoC build too if I have enough time, even if this system can't make it into PoC, but it'll get into the game sooner or later.

Anyway, everything you guys seen from the test footage is still WIP. I also hope you guys enjoy this progress report.
Have a nice day, see you next post :]
-Matto, a maniac catto.


OGZ Test 15



I hope you don't mind this idea, but I was looking forward for some Jill from RE type animations would be cool to see the operator with that style.


Ohh shitt that's good to hear :))